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School security is one of the most pressing public concerns today. Yet in most schools, there is little security expertise or detailed knowledge about how to implement and manage a security program. The Handbook for School Safety and Security rectifies this problem by providing the salient information school administrators and security professionals need to address the most important security issues schools face. Made up of contributions from leading experts in school security, The Handbook for School Safety and Security provides a wealth of practical information for securing any K-12 school. It discusses key approaches and best practices for school crime prevention, including such topics as crisis management and mass notification. It also covers the physical measure needed for protecting a school, including detailed discussions of access control, lighting, alarms, and locks. While there is no single fix for the myriad of security challenges facing today’s school security professionals, the best practices found in The Handbook for School Safety and Security will help increase the safety and security of any school. Brings together the collective experience of industry-leading subject matter specialists into one resource. Covers all the key areas needed for developing and implementing a school security program. Includes a list of 100 things to know when developing a school security program.
Quality education starts and ends with competent and knowledgeable instruction. Today’s students demand that educational programs be informative and challenging. With accreditation of EMS programs on the horizon—and the mandate that instructors develop their own teaching materials, not simply use “canned” materials off the shelf—EMS instructors need clear, detailed direction on course design and tools to enhance their courses. Instructional Methods for Public Safety offers a broad-spectrum view of the latest educational trends and cutting-edge information on emergency services instruction. Based on the current National Guidelines for Educating EMS Instructors by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and encompassing the recommendations of the EMS Education Standards, this resource offers new and experienced instructors concise guidance on the development of high-quality, interactive educational and assessment tools.
Violence among youth in public schools is one of America’s most pressing concerns. Once thought to be something only inner-city schools faced, it has spread to suburban and rural schools. There are no easy solutions to the problem, but this book explores what administrators and other school officials can do to structure school safety programs to curb student violence. An introduction provides information and statistics about the causes of school violence. Chapter One considers government legislation and resulting initiatives to reduce youth violence and improve classroom discipline. Chapter Two covers strategies for building a school safety program, and offers recommended and tested approaches for creating safety initiatives. Chapter Three provides additional information about school-wide strategies and presents model programs that can be implemented at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Chapter Four examines character-building educational programs and discusses training for teachers and parents. Chapter Five is a directory of organizations, alliances, centers, professional development groups, publications, and websites dealing with school safety.
The day after the deadly shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School the rallying cry heard across the country was “no-more school shootings!” It was clearly evident that school shootings are increasing and reactive measures are not going to change this. Images from Parkland, Sandy Hook, and Columbine made it ever so clear that whereas the atrocities caught our attention, schools are still soft targets. There are no manuals from the United States Department of Education to turn to for guidance to secure schools. No guidance on how to train administration and staff, as they truly are the first responders in such an event. Rather than wait for the heads of the federal and state education departments to step up and take-action, the time has come for all school leaders and administrators to take the step to protect their school communities. This book will help school leaders and administrators proactively take action to protect their school communities and yet still maintain a warm and nurturing learning environment.
This book examines theories and statistics on school safety, dispels common misunderstandings, and provides school leaders with the specific information they need to prepare for and effectively respond to natural disasters, accidents, or violent events.
This book was written as a guide to practitioners, with input and strategies from police authorities, mental health professional and educators. School safety is an issue for school communities across the country. Collaboration with all stakeholders provide comprehensive strategies that can be applied to all schools and districts.
In schools across the country, students routinely encounter a range of safety issues--from overt acts of violence and bullying to subtle intimidation and disrespect. Though extreme incidents such as school shootings tend to attract the most attention, day-to-day incidents such as gossip, hallway fights, and yelling matches between teachers and students contribute to students' overall sense of safety and shape the learning climate in the school. Not surprisingly, schools serving students from high-crime, high-poverty areas find it particularly challenging to create safe, supportive learning environments. Chicago Public Schools (cps), the subject of this report, is no exception. In many cps schools, teachers, and students report feeling unsafe in hallways, classrooms, and the area just outside the school building. Yet, in many other Chicago schools--even some schools serving large populations of students from high-poverty, high-crime areas--students and teachers do feel safe. What distinguishes these schools? Two years ago, cps leadership suggested an innovative method of addressing safety concerns in schools--creating and implementing a "culture of calm" initiative predicated on developing positive and engaging relationships between adults and children. Though not an evaluation of culture of calm, this report provides initial evidence about the potential promise of such a strategy. The report examines the internal and external conditions that matter for students' and teachers' feelings of safety. It shows how the external conditions around the school, and in students' backgrounds and home communities, strongly define the level of safety in schools. It then examines the extent to which factors under the control of schools--their social and organizational structure, and particularly the relationships among adults and students--mediate those external influences. Appendices include: (1) Student and Teacher Survey Responses; (2) Survey Measures Used in This Report; (3) Methodological Details on Statistical Models; and (4) Models of Safety by Neighborhood and School Context. (Contains 13 tables, 17 figures and 55 endnotes.).
The Digest of Education Statistics provides a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. It includes a selection of data from many sources and draws especially on the results and activities carried out by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).