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As part of its mission, CEMI builds partnerships around strategic priorities to increase U.S. clean energy manufacturing competitiveness. This requires an "all-hands-on-deck" approach that involves the nation's private and public sectors, universities, think tanks, and labor leaders working together.
Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure and Business Funding is ideal for scholars and practitioners who work in the field of public policy design and implementation, finance and banking, and economic development.
Investment in infrastructure can be a driving force of the economic recovery in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of shrinking fiscal space. Public-private partnerships (PPP) bring a promise of efficiency when carefully designed and managed, to avoid creating unnecessary fiscal risks. But fiscal illusions prevent an understanding the sources of fiscal risks, which arise in all infrastructure projects, and that in PPPs present specific characteristics that need to be addressed. PPP contracts are also affected by implicit fiscal risks when they are poorly designed, particularly when a government signs a PPP contract for a project with no financial sustainability. This paper reviews the advantages and inconveniences of PPPs, discusses the fiscal illusions affecting them, identifies a diversity of fiscal risks, and presents the essentials of PPP fiscal risk management.
Voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) and other private governance instruments (e.g., Fair Trade, Forest Stewardship Council, Fair Wear Foundation, GLOBALGAP) are increasingly regulating global production processes and economic activities. VSS verify the compliance of products or production processes with sustainability standards. The importance of voluntary sustainability standards is now widely recognized. After being operational for more than two decades, they have established themselves as private governance instruments. This recognition is also exemplified by their integration in public regulatory approaches. Governments and international organizations are partnering with voluntary sustainability standards to pursue sustainable development policies. We witness the integration of VSS in the regulatory approaches of local and national governments in countries around the world, the integration of VSS in trade policies, the emergence of public–private initiatives to govern global supply chains, and the inclusion of private initiatives in experimentalist governance regimes. This Special Issue seeks to bring together research on the interface between private and public governance. We welcome contributions which analyze specific case studies on the emergence and development of these private–public interactions, the design of public–private governance, the effectiveness of these governance arrangements, and critical perspectives on the possibilities and limitations of such public–private forms of governance. We welcome multi-disciplinary perspectives including contributions from economics, political science, law, sociology, geography, and anthropology. Papers selected for this Special Issue are subject to a peer review procedure with the aim of rapid and wide dissemination of research results, developments, and applications.
The detrimental effects of climate change are growing, yet investments in clean technologies are still grossly insufficient, making it necessary to re-think how these projects should be evaluated, structured and financed in order to render them viable and attractive opportunities to polluting alternatives. Existing approaches lack key features in order to adequately address the key financing challenges of these investments, and do not utilize public support to its maximum effectiveness. The international community is essential in resolving this financing challenge, and host governments need to create an environment that levels the playing field for green investments vis-à-vis their conventional alternatives. The Green Infrastructure Finance Framework places clean investments in a commonly understood framework of structured finance with public finance components, as in many hybrid PPPs. The framework includes four main elements: (i) a viability gap methodology for evaluating, structuring and equitably allocating financing responsibilities to different private and public parties; (ii) linkage to a country’s PPP’s procurement and regulatory framework along with an MRV component for ensuring the service obligations of projects; (iii) measures for addressing the adequacy of the climate for these investments; and (iv) a financing and advisory interface for allocating a wide variety of public sources of financing in a coherent fashion.
This collection examines public-private partnerships (PPPs) in transitional nations from the governance perspective. It explores the structures, legal frameworks and collaborative arrangements that underpin partnerships in Europe, Asia and Africa, and highlights government decisions that facilitate the transformation of societal challenges into developmental opportunities. By sharing the experience of nine nations, including China, Indonesia, Russia and Nigeria, it helps to better understand the commonalities in PPP deployment, avoid mistakes and pitfalls, and learn from other economies. The book raises the critical questions that concern many governments, including: What are the common and frequent mistakes that governments make when they deploy partnerships and deal with governance issues? How can countries increase PPPs’ benefits? Can PPPs be instrumental in accomplishing certain less traditional government tasks, such as disaster risk management of built infrastructure and promotion of clean energy? Can PPPs serve as a backbone of entrepreneurial networks and contribute to sustainable development? The groundwork is laid out for contrasting and comparing successful and unsuccessful government actions, institutional, legal and financing initiatives and procedures, allowing one to make cross-country and cross-sectoral comparisons. Policy-makers, consultants, managers and others working in the PPP field will find this volume useful, as well as academics, as they can learn from the international comparisons and the experience of others.
"The European Green Cars Initiative (EGCI) is a Public- Private Partnership (PPP) part of the European Economic Recovery Plan launched in November 2008. The objective of the EGCI is to support Research and Development (R&D) on technologies and systems that are able to bring breakthroughs in the goal of Europe to achieve a greener road transport system, safe and reliable and using renewable energy sources. The PPP EGCI makes available during the period 2010-13 a total of EUR 1 billion through R&D projects set up jointly by the European Commission, industry and research partners and the EU Member States. The strategic multi-annual roadmap that is presented in this document defines the R&D objectives to be achieved by the EGCI. It has been prepared by the Adhoc Industrial Advisory Group, which gathers experts from the industries involved and represents four European Technology Platforms: ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory Council), EPoSS (European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration), SmartGrids (European Technology Platform for the Electricity Networks of the Future) and EIRAC (European Intermodal Research Advisory Council). Since accelerated innovation will be based on agreements of the sectors involved and the public authorities on short, medium and long-term goals, this multi-annual roadmap provides the EGCI PPP with prioritised R&D needs, jointly with recommendations on production, market uptake and regulatory framework conditions. It is structured in three pillars: electrification of road transport, long-distance transport and logistics and co-modality."--Editor.
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