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His amazing adventure to discover the psychic children of Bulgaria was the subject of bestselling author and musician James Twyman’s book Emissary of Love. Nearly ten years later, this new edition revisits that extraordinary journey to discover a timeless message that would transform the world. In 2000, while giving a talk in a private home, Twyman encountered an extraordinary ten-year-old boy named Marco. He touched Twyman’s finger, and suddenly Twyman could bend spoons with the power of his mind, read thoughts, and transmit thoughts to others. Marco said that there were other special children like him--in a monastery in the mountains of Bulgaria--which led Twyman to southern Europe and further adventures. In the process, he learned that the children had a message for all the world and that he was to be the one to deliver that message. The message? Love creates miracles.
Take in this wonderful, enchanting, mystical story, and nourish your spirit. You will be enriched, enlarged, and enlivened. --Neale Donald Walsch
In 2001, James Twyman travelled to Bulgaria to meet a group of psychic children living at a very special monastery. His book "Emissary of Love: The Psychic Children Speak to the World" recounts this adventure. In this follow-up volume, Thomas, one of the children he met, shares his insights on how to raise a child that exhibits psychic abilities. Over 40,000 people receive regular messages from Thomas through a special Web newsletter, but this is the first time he has provided such detailed information. Other well known authors and teachers have contributed to this special book, adding their insights on how to help our children change the world.
The increasingly common phenomena of pychic children—how does a parent know if their child has the gift, and what should they do when they find out? While there have always been a handful of children who have premonitions, can see those who have passed over, or have "imaginary" friends, more of these children exist now than they did in the past. Life can be hard for these children, unless they have adults who will listen and who understand these things. This book looks at highly gifted psychic children who talk with deceased grandparents and play with children in the spirit world, who have past life recall, see angels and auras, have a healing gift, or can pick up on what has happened in places years before they were born. This rich collection of real-life stories explores these topics and more, giving the reader fascinating insights into what is really going on with these children. It also offers good advice on what to do as an adult, if you have one of these remarkable children in your life.
Internationally recognized psychic and star of A&E’s hit show Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal, Chip Coffey shares his personal story of discovering his gift at a young age and offers valuable advice for nurturing and embracing psychic ability. No one knows more about psychic kids than Chip Coffey, and no expert on psychic kids is better known throughout the world. These kids are widely misunderstood, misjudged, and misdiagnosed. In Growing Up Psychic, Chip Coffey offers indispensable information for anyone who interacts with these extraordinary youngsters—parents, educators, medical professionals, mental health clinicians, members of the clergy, paranormal investigators—and adults who faced the challenges of growing up psychic. In Growing Up Psychic, drawing on his firsthand experience and the true stories of kids he has worked with and helped, Chip Coffey shows you how to: • Determine if a child is really psychic—as opposed to simply imaginative or seeking attention • Identify the different kinds of psychic abilities kids (and adults) might have • Gain control over when and how psychic information is received • Safely connect with others in the psychic community • Deal with skeptics and disbelievers “Read Chip Coffey’s book to learn about an astonishing, inspiring, unexplained propensity of the human mind.” —from the foreword written by Dr. Raymond Moody, author of Life After Life
Psychic Children is a very helpful and informative book on understanding children's psychic gifts and also includes amazing real life stories of psychic children from around the world. Read about children's past lives, intuitive children and stories of startling contact with deceased family members from beyond the grave. There is a great chapter on Children and Angels that also introduces some of the angelic realm and the ways in which they can assist both parent and child. Children are very intuitive and use their psychic senses daily without any effort on their part. Psychic Children also offers great advice for parents on the development, protection and healing of their little ones and ways in which to strengthen the intuition for both parent and child.
The #1 New York Times bestselling author now explores the provocative world of young seers. The world-renowned #1 New York Times bestselling psychic takes on an intriguing new subject in this profound investigation into the youngest-and most naturally intuitive-channels to the Other Side. A child's world is comprised of extraordinary things-vivid imaginations, imaginary friends, Zen-like naïveté, and a heightened sense of good and evil. What psychic Sylvia Browne recognizes is that every child also has unusual psychic abilities. And she writes from personal experience. Her own psychic abilities were revealed at age three, and Browne's son exhibited the same gift as a toddler a special blessing from God that Browne has learned is present at an incredibly tender age, a gift often stifled by a society that refuses to accept it. Here she illuminates the phenomenon, urging a better understanding, recognition, and encouragement of these remarkable children.
Who Do You Think You Are? Have you ever wondered who you really are and what you are doing here? Believe it or not, the simple truth is that everything you want to know is already inside you. Renowned psychic and bestselling author James Van Praagh has learned a lot through his amazing ability to communicate with the spiritual realms, and in Looking Beyond he shares with teens what the spirits have taught him, including The real deal about soulmates (hint: you have more than one!) Why you have the parents you do What the heck spirit guides are and how to use them How dreams can increase your creativity Ways to develop your sixth sense The lessons you were born to learn Looking Beyond gives you the tools you need to uncover the power, strength, and talent to fulfill your unique destiny. If you would like to begin the journey to discover the real you the person you are meant to be just turn to page one and let Van Praagh show you the way.
Traveling in 1995 around war-torn Bosnia and Croatia, where he had gone to stage a peace concert, this author encountered The Emissaries: a small group of mystics who meditated 12 hours a day. He went on to detail their message—that humanity was now ready to create a new world—in a book that was translated into more than a dozen languages. This new edition provides behind-the-scenes information about the people met on that trip and offers additional commentary on the monks' compelling mystic vision.
A Welsh child dies in the Aberfan landslide that she has predicted . . . A Mexican girl receives visitors from all over the world who go away cured of their ailments . . . A little girl describes trips that only her dead sister has taken . . . Marvelous visions, amazing memories of past times, eerie poltergeist energies: bordering on the miraculous, these are true stories. Here is a fascinating book full of incidents, most recently investigated, in which children demonstrated striking powers of clairvoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis. "Why a book exclusively about the psychic experiences of children?" asks author Samuel Young. "Very simply, I feel their need is the greatest. They stand to suffer the most damage from those who do not comprehend their particular sensitivity. They can also make the greatest gains through understanding and the proper encouragement." While offering stunning glimpses into a magical world that is less remote than most of us think, Psychic Children also provides practical (and heretofore hard-to-find) advice to parents on how to handle a child who displays psychic abilities.