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Of all precursors, Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869) claims the closer attention of psychology because his presentation of the unconscious shows him to be mainly a psychologist ... In distinction to the thought surrounding him and out of which he emerged, Carus describes psychological processes in detail and yet holds to a holistic view, placing the unconscious and the psyche within a meaningful universe whose main focus for him is "life." In the human, life manifests as psyche, the first level of which is the unconscious. He sees man primarily as a psychological being, through whose unconscious he is connected with all life both as nature and as that spiritual principle which inheres in and transcends nature. His position thus stands counter to the Western tradition's long identification of psyche with the conscious mind only and the human being with the spirit. By insisting upon the unconscious level to the psyche and the psyche as the fundament of man, he introduced into the nineteenth-century's warring camps called "science" and "religion" a holistic perspective. Without leaving the actualities of the psyche and its unconscious, he maintains an idealistic vision. We might call his position "psychological idealism." It refuses the traps both of psychology as empirical science and idealism as philosophical metaphysics.-James Hillman
The unconscious, cornerstone of psychoanalysis, was a key twentieth-century concept and retains an enormous influence on psychological and cultural theory. Yet there is a surprising lack of investigation into its roots in the critical philosophy and Romantic psychology of the early nineteenth century, long before Freud. Why did the unconscious emerge as such a powerful idea? And why at that point? This interdisciplinary study traces the emergence of the unconscious through the work of philosopher Friedrich Schelling, examining his association with Romantic psychologists, anthropologists and theorists of nature. It sets out the beginnings of a neglected tradition of the unconscious psyche and proposes a compelling new argument: that the unconscious develops from the modern need to theorise individual independence. The book assesses the impact of this tradition on psychoanalysis itself, re-reading Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams in the light of broader post-Enlightenment attempts to theorise individuality.
An excellent summary of Jung's basic theoretical position, On the Nature of the Psyche .
On the Psychology of the Unconscious (Über die Psychologie des Unbewußten) is a critical work documenting Jung's divergence from Freud. Published in 1912 in German, this translation brings his earliest thoughts on the nature of the Unconscious to the modern reader. In this treatise Jung introduced the concept of the personal and collective unconscious, the latter being a reservoir of universal memories, patterns and symbols shared by all human beings. He also began to explore the role of symbols in mediating between the conscious and unconscious realms, and shifted the understanding of libido from Freud's primarily sexual energy perspective to a broader life force. Although the fully developed concept of archetypes would come later, Jung touched on these primordial, universally recognized symbols that reside in the collective unconscious. This essay, with its emphasis on both individual and shared unconscious content, marked a significant departure from Freud's theories and heralded the basic concepts that would later become central to Jung's analytical psychology. This edition is a new 2023 translation with an Afterword by the Translator, a philosophic index of Jung's terminology and a timeline of his life and works.
Psychotherapy is profoundly indebted to Carl Jung, who among others, discovered the mappings of soul psychology. Carl Jung and Soul Psychology is a fascinating exploration of the identity and unifying work of soul psychology. The editors have met a monumental challenge in enlisting the scope of wisdom represented in this unique book.
Essays which state the fundamentals of Jung's psychological system: "On the Psychology of the Unconscious" and "The Relations Between the Ego and the Unconscious," with their original versions in an appendix.
By considering the thought and personalities of two popular icons of twentieth century philosophical and psychological thought, Nietzsche and Jung demonstrates how analytical psychology can be enriched by investigating its philosophical roots.