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Asymptotically optimal planners, such as PRM*, guarantee that solutions approach optimal as iterations increase. Roadmaps with this property, however, may grow too large. If optimality is relaxed, asymptotically near-optimal solutions produce sparser graphs by not including all edges. The idea stems from graph spanner algorithms, which produce sparse subgraphs that guarantee near-optimal paths. Existing asymptotically optimal and near-optimal planners, however, include all sampled configurations as roadmap nodes. Consequently, only infinite graphs have the desired properties. This work proposes an approach that provides the following asymptotic properties: (a) completeness, (b) near-optimality and (c) the probability of adding nodes to the spanner roadmap converges to zero as iterations increase. Thus, the method suggests that finite-size data structures might have near-optimality properties. The method brings together ideas from various planners but deviates from existing integrations of PRM* with graph spanners. Simulations for rigid bodies show that the method indeed provides small roadmaps and results in faster query resolution. The rate of node addition is shown to decrease over time and the quality of solutions satisfies the theoretical bounds. Smoothing provides a more favorable comparison against alternatives with regards to path length.
This carefully edited volume is the outcome of the eleventh edition of the Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), which is the premier venue showcasing cutting edge research in algorithmic robotics. The eleventh WAFR, which was held August 3-5, 2014 at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey continued this tradition. This volume contains extended versions of the 42 papers presented at WAFR. These contributions highlight the cutting edge research in classical robotics problems (e.g. manipulation, motion, path, multi-robot and kinodynamic planning), geometric and topological computation in robotics as well novel applications such as informative path planning, active sensing and surgical planning. This book - rich by topics and authoritative contributors - is a unique reference on the current developments and new directions in the field of algorithmic foundations.
The Complexity of Robot Motion Planning makes original contributions both to roboticsand to the analysis of algorithms. In this groundbreaking monograph John Canny resolveslong-standing problems concerning the complexity of motion planning and, for the central problem offinding a collision free path for a jointed robot in the presence of obstacles, obtains exponentialspeedups over existing algorithms by applying high-powered new mathematical techniques.Canny's newalgorithm for this "generalized movers' problem," the most-studied and basic robot motion planningproblem, has a single exponential running time, and is polynomial for any given robot. The algorithmhas an optimal running time exponent and is based on the notion of roadmaps - one-dimensionalsubsets of the robot's configuration space. In deriving the single exponential bound, Cannyintroduces and reveals the power of two tools that have not been previously used in geometricalgorithms: the generalized (multivariable) resultant for a system of polynomials and Whitney'snotion of stratified sets. He has also developed a novel representation of object orientation basedon unnormalized quaternions which reduces the complexity of the algorithms and enhances theirpractical applicability.After dealing with the movers' problem, the book next attacks and derivesseveral lower bounds on extensions of the problem: finding the shortest path among polyhedralobstacles, planning with velocity limits, and compliant motion planning with uncertainty. Itintroduces a clever technique, "path encoding," that allows a proof of NP-hardness for the first twoproblems and then shows that the general form of compliant motion planning, a problem that is thefocus of a great deal of recent work in robotics, is non-deterministic exponential time hard. Cannyproves this result using a highly original construction.John Canny received his doctorate from MITAnd is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Division at the University of California,Berkeley. The Complexity of Robot Motion Planning is the winner of the 1987 ACM DoctoralDissertation Award.
A comprehensive and rigorous introduction for graduate students and researchers, with applications in sequential decision-making problems.
Algorithms are at the heart of every nontrivial computer application, and algorithmics is a modern and active area of computer science. Every computer scientist and every professional programmer should know about the basic algorithmic toolbox: structures that allow efficient organization and retrieval of data, frequently used algorithms, and basic techniques for modeling, understanding and solving algorithmic problems. This book is a concise introduction addressed to students and professionals familiar with programming and basic mathematical language. Individual chapters cover arrays and linked lists, hash tables and associative arrays, sorting and selection, priority queues, sorted sequences, graph representation, graph traversal, shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, and optimization. The algorithms are presented in a modern way, with explicitly formulated invariants, and comment on recent trends such as algorithm engineering, memory hierarchies, algorithm libraries and certifying algorithms. The authors use pictures, words and high-level pseudocode to explain the algorithms, and then they present more detail on efficient implementations using real programming languages like C++ and Java. The authors have extensive experience teaching these subjects to undergraduates and graduates, and they offer a clear presentation, with examples, pictures, informal explanations, exercises, and some linkage to the real world. Most chapters have the same basic structure: a motivation for the problem, comments on the most important applications, and then simple solutions presented as informally as possible and as formally as necessary. For the more advanced issues, this approach leads to a more mathematical treatment, including some theorems and proofs. Finally, each chapter concludes with a section on further findings, providing views on the state of research, generalizations and advanced solutions.
This newly expanded and updated second edition of the best-selling classic continues to take the "mystery" out of designing algorithms, and analyzing their efficacy and efficiency. Expanding on the first edition, the book now serves as the primary textbook of choice for algorithm design courses while maintaining its status as the premier practical reference guide to algorithms for programmers, researchers, and students. The reader-friendly Algorithm Design Manual provides straightforward access to combinatorial algorithms technology, stressing design over analysis. The first part, Techniques, provides accessible instruction on methods for designing and analyzing computer algorithms. The second part, Resources, is intended for browsing and reference, and comprises the catalog of algorithmic resources, implementations and an extensive bibliography. NEW to the second edition: • Doubles the tutorial material and exercises over the first edition • Provides full online support for lecturers, and a completely updated and improved website component with lecture slides, audio and video • Contains a unique catalog identifying the 75 algorithmic problems that arise most often in practice, leading the reader down the right path to solve them • Includes several NEW "war stories" relating experiences from real-world applications • Provides up-to-date links leading to the very best algorithm implementations available in C, C++, and Java
This book provides an introduction to the mathematical and algorithmic foundations of data science, including machine learning, high-dimensional geometry, and analysis of large networks. Topics include the counterintuitive nature of data in high dimensions, important linear algebraic techniques such as singular value decomposition, the theory of random walks and Markov chains, the fundamentals of and important algorithms for machine learning, algorithms and analysis for clustering, probabilistic models for large networks, representation learning including topic modelling and non-negative matrix factorization, wavelets and compressed sensing. Important probabilistic techniques are developed including the law of large numbers, tail inequalities, analysis of random projections, generalization guarantees in machine learning, and moment methods for analysis of phase transitions in large random graphs. Additionally, important structural and complexity measures are discussed such as matrix norms and VC-dimension. This book is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate courses in the design and analysis of algorithms for data.
The latest edition of the essential text and professional reference, with substantial new material on such topics as vEB trees, multithreaded algorithms, dynamic programming, and edge-based flow. Some books on algorithms are rigorous but incomplete; others cover masses of material but lack rigor. Introduction to Algorithms uniquely combines rigor and comprehensiveness. The book covers a broad range of algorithms in depth, yet makes their design and analysis accessible to all levels of readers. Each chapter is relatively self-contained and can be used as a unit of study. The algorithms are described in English and in a pseudocode designed to be readable by anyone who has done a little programming. The explanations have been kept elementary without sacrificing depth of coverage or mathematical rigor. The first edition became a widely used text in universities worldwide as well as the standard reference for professionals. The second edition featured new chapters on the role of algorithms, probabilistic analysis and randomized algorithms, and linear programming. The third edition has been revised and updated throughout. It includes two completely new chapters, on van Emde Boas trees and multithreaded algorithms, substantial additions to the chapter on recurrence (now called “Divide-and-Conquer”), and an appendix on matrices. It features improved treatment of dynamic programming and greedy algorithms and a new notion of edge-based flow in the material on flow networks. Many exercises and problems have been added for this edition. The international paperback edition is no longer available; the hardcover is available worldwide.
Nonlinear Assignment Problems (NAPs) are natural extensions of the classic Linear Assignment Problem, and despite the efforts of many researchers over the past three decades, they still remain some of the hardest combinatorial optimization problems to solve exactly. The purpose of this book is to provide in a single volume, major algorithmic aspects and applications of NAPs as contributed by leading international experts. The chapters included in this book are concerned with major applications and the latest algorithmic solution approaches for NAPs. Approximation algorithms, polyhedral methods, semidefinite programming approaches and heuristic procedures for NAPs are included, while applications of this problem class in the areas of multiple-target tracking in the context of military surveillance systems, of experimental high energy physics, and of parallel processing are presented. Audience: Researchers and graduate students in the areas of combinatorial optimization, mathematical programming, operations research, physics, and computer science.
An introduction to the techniques and algorithms of the newest field in robotics. Probabilistic robotics is a new and growing area in robotics, concerned with perception and control in the face of uncertainty. Building on the field of mathematical statistics, probabilistic robotics endows robots with a new level of robustness in real-world situations. This book introduces the reader to a wealth of techniques and algorithms in the field. All algorithms are based on a single overarching mathematical foundation. Each chapter provides example implementations in pseudo code, detailed mathematical derivations, discussions from a practitioner's perspective, and extensive lists of exercises and class projects. The book's Web site,, has additional material. The book is relevant for anyone involved in robotic software development and scientific research. It will also be of interest to applied statisticians and engineers dealing with real-world sensor data.