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When I prepared the first German edition of this book in 1955, it was my intention to acquaint biologists in my country with the new and exciting results being obtained on the other side of theAtlantic Ocean (incl. the English Channel). In the meantime, especially after publication of the second German edition in 1968, Dr. Konrad F. Springer and many colleagues, too, suggested that I should prepare an English version. Though this was the exact opposite of my original intention, I finally agreed despite the risks involved. Since 1968 our knowledge in Protozoology increased considerably. Though I tried to concentrate the text as much as possible, an enlargement of up to pages 554 was unavoidable. Many figures have been changed, replaced and added. Altogether their number increased from 422 to 437. In my opinion, it is only a matter of time before the "true" protozoologists dis appear. There will be cell biologists, biochemists, geneticists and others working with certain Protozoa, but very few who are interested in the group as a whole, their morphological and physiological diversity, their various types of reproduction and their relationships to other groups of organisms. Even at the present time, the Society of Protozoologists, comprising more than thousand members, consists for the most part of specialists who concentrate their efforts specifically upon Chlamy domonas, Amoeba, Plasmodium, Tetrahymena or some other protozoans.
distances between groups of ciliates were as vast as significant hurdles to obtain copyright permissions the genetic distances between plants and animals for the over 1,000 required illustrations, and I put – THE major eukaryotic kingdoms at that time! the publication schedule ahead of this element. I continued to collaborate with Mitch, and in There are a number of significant illustrated guides 1991 my first “molecular” Magisterial student, to genera and species that have recently been pub- Spencer Greenwood, published an article estab- lished. References are made to these throughout lishing 1990 or thereabouts as the beginning of the book as sources that readers can consult for this the “Age of Refinement” – the period when gene aspect of ciliate diversity. A future project that I am sequencing techniques would deepen our under- contemplating is an illustrated guide to all the valid standing of the major lines of evolution within ciliate genera.
Updated and much expanded, the Second Edition of Parasitic Protozoa is designed to be useful to physicians, veterinarians, and research scientists concerned with diseases caused by protozoa in man, and in domestic and wild animals including fish, mollusks and insects, as well as the more commonly considered vertebrate animals. Each section contains information on disease pathogens, treatment, diagnosis, and epidemiology of the diseases caused by the various protozoans. The book is not limited to these medically-oriented subjects, but treats taxonomy, morphology, and metabolism of the organisms in such a way as to be of interest to scientists and graduate students working in the field of protozoology. The entire edition, published in ten volumes, is arranged so that subjects of common interest occupy individual volumes.
Updated and much expanded, the Second Edition of Parasitic Protozoa is designed to be useful to physicians, veterinarians, and research scientists concerned with diseases caused by protozoa in man, and in domestic and wild animals including fish, mollusks and insects, as well as the more commonly considered vertebrate animals. Each section contains information on disease pathogens, treatment, diagnosis, and epidemiology of the diseases caused by the various protozoans. The book is not limited to these medically-oriented subjects, but treats taxonomy, morphology, and metabolism of the organisms in such a way as to be of interest to scientists and graduate students working in the field of protozoology. The entire edition, published in ten volumes, is arranged so that subjects of common interest occupy individual volumes.
Research in Protozoology is the fourth volume of a series that covers the progress being made in protozoology. This book is comprised of four chapters and begins with a discussion of synchronized cell division in protozoa, including the species Tetrahymena pyriformes, Astasia longa, Plasmodium lophurae, Amoeba proteus and Acanthamoeba sp., and Physarum polycephalum. The following chapters discuss nuclear phenomena during conjugation and the relationship between protozoa and other animals, with emphasis on parasitism, relations between parasite and host groups, and host specificity. The final chapter focuses on chromosomes and nucleoli in some opalinid protozoa. The book is highly recommended for biologists, microbiologists, zoologists, and parasitologists who want to be updated about the developments in the field of protozoology.
From the Preface:Over a dozen years have passed since the first edition of this textbook was published. As is to be expected, tremendous progress has been made in the study of zooparasites and the nature of parasitism. This is especially true in the case of the protozoans and helminths of medical and economic importance. Continuing the original intent, this book is meant to be a teaching tool rather than a reference volume for seasoned investigators. It is meant to supplement formal lectures, but at the same time to provide students with sufficient information as to where more detailed review articles and primary research reports can be located.