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The highest net baryon density possible in the laboratory--up to ten times normal nuclear density--is expected in the central region of collisions of heavy nuclei (A ≈ 200) at energies near 10 GeV per nucleon. The transverse energy (E{sub T}) distribution, as well as yields of identified particles (?, K+ and protons), from 197Au + 197Au at 11.64A GeV/c are presented. Two key observations are a large degree of proton s̀̀topping, ̀̀indicating multiple scatterings of the incident nucleons, and a proportional relationship of the pion production to the number of participating nucleons. Strangeness enhancement, a proposed signature of the quark-gluon plasma, is studied via the K+/?+ ratio, which achieves the value of 21% without a strong centrality dependence. Comparisons to similar data taken with a 14.6A GeV/c beam of 28Si are made.
Transverse momentum (PT) distributions for pions, kaons, protons and antiprotons have been measured near mid-rapidity for Au+Au collisions at sNN = 62.4 GeV using the PHOBOS detector at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) in Brookhaven National Laboratory. Particle identification is performed using the PHOBOS Time-of-Flight plastic scintillator walls and specific energy loss in the multi-layer silicon Spectrometer, which is also used for track reconstruction and momentum-determination. The spectra are corrected for all detector-dependent effects, including feed-down from weak decays. At PT 3 GeV/c, protons are measured to be the dominant species of charged hadrons and scale much faster with respect to collision centrality than mesons. This behaviour at 62.4 GeV is found to be remarkably similar to that observed in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV, an interesting observation which should serve as an important constraint on the various mechanisms which have been proposed to describe particle production over this PT range. Baryon stopping, the transport of baryon number from intial beam rapidity, is explored through the net proton (p - p) yields at mid-rapidity. These results fill a large gap between the SPS and higher RHIC energies and as such form an important set of data for comparing to models of baryon transport mechanisms.
Preliminary results of measurements of distributions of transverse energy, protons and charged mesons from Au+Au at 11.6A GeV/c are presented and compared to corresponding results from Si+A.
Transverse mass and rapidity distributions for charged pions, charged kaons, protons and antiprotons are reported for √sNN = 200 GeV pp and Au+Au collisions at RHIC. The transverse mass distributions are rapidity independent within.
In the last few years, studies of heavy-ion collisions at high energy have produced new insight into the production of nuclear matter at high baryon density and temperature. While heavy-ion reactions at AGS energy are now well characterized, to clarify and test our understanding of the reaction mechanism of these collisions it is important to study the underlying processes involved. The study of p-A collisions should be particularly useful to understand in which way A-A collisions differ from the simple superposition of nucleon-nucleon collisions and it may be a specially severe test of the validity of the models in describing the transition from a single collision problem to a thermodynamic problem mainly defined by a few observables. In particular, p-A collisions should be sensitive to the way nucleons propagate in the nuclear medium and thus provide more insight on: the importance of rescattering, the stopping power of normal nuclear matter, and possibly on the influence of the nuclear matter density and temperature on the hadronic cross sections. In this paper we present the transverse energy and charged particle multiplicity distributions in proton induced collisions on Al, and Pb targets at 14.6GeV/c. These data have been obtained as part of the E814 collaboration and are thus immediately comparable to similar data obtained for 28Si and Au induced reactions at the same energy.
In this article, we present recent results on particle production from Au+Au collisions at 11 A GeV/c obtained by the E866 experiment. The experiment studies the particle production in high baryon density matter created in central Au + Au collisions. Preliminary results of proton and pion production have been reported in previous Quark Matter conferences. Two particle correlation data for Au + Au collisions in this experiment are presented in another paper in this conference.