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Recent Studies indicate there are 15.5 million children, in the United States alone, who are living in partner violent homes. 15.5 million children who face a much greater risk of becoming victims of physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse from their out of control parent than children living in non-abusive homes. Imagine 15.5 million children holding their little hands over their ears, clenching their eyes tightly shut, waiting, listening, and barely remembering to breathe. Yes, 15.5 million children living in fear, unable to ask for help, perhaps even too afraid to cry.Victims of domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual assault are hurt on all levels of their lives, with some injuries being easy to recognize in hues of blue and purple, hidden yet known. Other injuries are not so obvious, yet there nonetheless, drilling holes in the heart daily as victims yearn for a real dad, for a sense of safety, and for the pain of his actions to be erased, though it can never be. The chance for the abuser to be a dad is long gone, taken away the first time he beat his wife, the first time he beat his child, and is never again to be known or realized, yet always hoped for.Victims are told by society to "just leave" while it goes unnoticed that victims of domestic violence, including wife battering, child abuse and neglect, and sexual assault, are emotionally frozen in fear. The batterer/abuser has conditioned his victims to believe that if they dare break the vow of silence, if they dare ask for help, if they dare leave the abuser, they will surely be punished. Whether by Bible or fist, the abuser convinces his prey that he is all knowing, and all powerful.In contrast, if ever the abuser is finally held accountable for his actions, he strategically convinces his victims that he 'wouldn't hurt a fly', that it has 'all been a big misunderstanding', he 'thought we were happy' and is 'still shocked to have been served with divorce papers". These words serve as music to soothe the victims' souls, if only for a moment, and the abusive masquerade of denial begins once more. "If only" becomes the excuse, with each child carrying blame on his small shoulders, or learning to blame little sister, the baby for crying, or Mom for not being brave enough to protect them from the madness, from the madman known as 'dad'. This is my story, one of struggle, pain, sadness, and fear. This is my story of courage, strength, and joy. Most importantly, this is my story of love, brought forward for my children, and for the other survivors of abuse, as well as the 15.5 million children who are still trapped in domestic violence, with an increased threat of suffering from child abuse and sexual violation, so that we, as survivors of abuse, can begin to relinquish the shame, the blame, and the isolation, which abusers have conditioned us to own. Clearly, the day has come for victims of abuse to stand united, to face the fear, and to stand firm in the truth, for it is the abuser, not the survivor, who has something to hide.
This Study Guide on Domestic Violence is designed to use in accordance with the book "Protecting Our Children ~ Defending Ourselves".
Integrating theory, research, and applications, this book examines the defense mechanisms and their role in both normal development and psychopathology. It describes how children and adults mobilize specific kinds of defenses to maintain their psychological equilibrium and preserve self-esteem, particularly in situations of trauma or stress.
The Ultimate Guide to Protecting Yourself and Your Family from a Home Invasion Dave Young has survived his fair share of violent attacks, including witnessing a home invasion first-hand as a teenager when two burglars broke into his home. Fortunately, his family was okay, but the terrifying experience motivated him to dedicate the rest of his life to helping others survive life’s dangers. Now a seasoned veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and police force, Dave has packed this book with everything he’s seen and learned about home invasions. This life-saving information will turn chilling “what-if ” scenarios into planned strategies to protect your loved ones and belongings from any threat. Dave uses practical, everyday language to help you view your home from a criminal’s perspective, identify weak spots in your defense and correct them—effectively scratching your home off their target list. He uses real-life examples to teach how to recognize a threat scouting your neighborhood or home. Plus you’ll get detailed instructions on using unconventional weapons of opportunity placed smartly throughout the home and so much more. This book is for everyone—whether you own a firearm or not— because in reality, you can’t depend on a gun to save you in every situation. What will truly keep you safe is a better sense of awareness, the ability to recognize danger and the knowledge of what to do when you can’t avoid it, all of which you’ll learn here. Don’t let another day go by when your family could be at risk—start your proactive family defense strategy today.
In "What Women Wish Pastors Knew", author Denise George cites a survey which asked 6,000 pastors how they would treat women who were being abused by their husbands. Twenty six percent of the pastors who took part in this survey admitted they would advise victims of domestic violence to be submissive to their husbands. Fifty percent of these pastors said women should be willing to "tolerate some level of violence" in their marriage, and that "domestic violence is better than divorce". In light of these research findings, while nearing completion of my book, Protecting Our Children ~ Defending Ourselves, I vowed to prepare a Bible Study in order to assist church members, clergy included, in becoming better equipped to be able to truly help victims, and survivors, of domestic violence and child abuse. Did you know that your well meaning advice to "just leave" could be fatal to the victim of domestic violence? Do you realize that when you use the word "forgiveness" with a survivor of domestic violence that you are potentially placing her in harm's way? From the "Protector Persona" to the "Safe Escape Essentials", this Bible Study will help you gain awareness specific to the dynamics of domestic violence and child abuse so that, whether you help just one person with this information, or become the one person in your church family who victims and survivors know they can trust, you will be able to effectively answer God's call to each and every one of us to help bring an end to the suffering. Clearly, women and children do not deserve to be abused physically, emotionally, and/or sexually. Please, reach out and help, so that victims and survivors can know that God wants them to be safe, that God loves them, and that you love them too. (to be read in conjunction with the book "Protecting Our Children ~ Defending Ourselves)
"Good pictures, bad pictures is a stress-free way for parents to begin an empowering conversation about the dangers of pornography and give their young kids a specific plan of action to use when they are exposed to it."--Back cover.
Jesus’ blood is more powerful than you realize. “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” — Revelation 12:11 (NIV) While many Christians believe that Jesus purchased all we need at the cross, few of us grasp the true power of His blood and its vital relevance to...
This is a life-saving book written for children that children understand! Inspired by all the tragic events shown on the news: Innocent children who get abducted and murdered by strangers. It is a fear that all parents feel, and that affects everyone. Grand Master Ho Sik Pak and Ursula Escher have come to the rescue with a life-saving book that is easy for children to understand. The writing is short, simple and direct. The pages are very colourful and children will learn by reading or by simply looking at the pictures. The book teaches children about strangers, important safety tips, martial arts techniques, practical applications and much more. More importantly, the series of Martial Arts self-defence techniques are designed specifically for children, their strengths and weaknesses, and their mentality. Self-defence tips include: How to deal with bullies, what to do when a friend needs help, how to defend against someone your own size or bigger than you, and how to use everyday objects for self-defence. This is a book no family should be without!
Realistic Self-Defense For Parents, Children, and Adolescents is a comprehensive self-defense manual that is designed to teach children and adolescents how to avoid altercations and physically defend themselves. This book will teach children how to listen and trust their intuition, become aware of their surrounds, use their words to avoid an altercation, stay safe on the internet, and control their fear. The physical self-defense techniques in this manual include how to correctly use your hands, elbows, knees, and legs to stop an attacker. Children will learn to defend against possible situations that they may encounter. This manual contains defenses against punches, chokes, bear hugs, hair pulling, shirt grabs, and wrist grabs. Additional scenarios explain how to respond and defend yourself if forced to the ground, if attacked from behind, or if facing multiple adversaries. This manual addresses parental concerns about child-specific safety threats such as how to react to an abductor approaching a child from a car, how to maintain safety while out with friends, and how parents can protect their child during a physical altercation. Over 500 computer generated images are used to assist in learning the concepts and techniques.Self-defense concepts and techniques are effective against an adult or adolescent adversary.No prior martial arts or self-defense knowledge is required to learn, understand, and perform the techniques in this manual. This manual should be read by both parents and their children to enhance the learning experience.
As a six-year-old walks the block home from school, a car pulls to the curb beside him. The man driving asks the boy if he wants a ride, and begins to get out of his car... If this happened, would your child know what to do? You may remember a time when you played outdoors until dark. In many parts of our country, many children still do. However, for those parents, schools, and teachers feeling unsure about the safety of their neighborhoods or towns, empowerment goes a long way. Teach your children how to spot dangerous behaviors and situations and use their instincts. Give them the confidence to react quickly. A simple plan is their best defense. Let your children or students sing and shout, while you teach them to be safe! What Should You Do?: Helping Children Protect Themselves in the Twenty-first Century turns fright time into flight time! Real-life stories teach hands-on safety skills to keep children and teens engaged in this life-saving education.