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We are witnessing today women being elected as presidents or prime ministers, women that have been awarded Nobel prizes, that perform exceedingly in sports winning Olympic medals, women that excel in art, that have defended the rights of the oppressed, that have gone to space, that are active in politics and are CEOs of businesses and corporations. Women today are found in the most difficult jobs such as urgency paramedics, workers in heavy machinery factories, and in the construction of skyscrapers; they are in research laboratories or as members of toxic materials management teams. This was not the scenario 175 years ago. On the contrary, women since the cave times until the dawn of the twentieth century have been oppressed by the fact they were born as women. Social, cultural, economic, and political roles defined by men in those times obliged women to stay at home raising children, without being allowed to aspire to play a significant role in the construction of human history. The explosion of women participating today in the social, political, and economic arenas of the advanced countries might give the impression that this was their situation in the past. Not true. This modern movement of women engaged in a tenacious struggle for equality with men has given them unquestionable victories and a powerful consciousness of their role in the development of the history of humanity. Their victories were not given to them by men. On the contrary, it has been a slow process that has demanded extraordinary effort from women all over the world. We are just beginning to be witnesses of the potential that women have and can foresee the brilliant future they are going to create for humanity. Appreciating, defending, and promoting this evolution is the invitation to participate in such a noble journey.
La comunidad mundial, y especialmente la de Latinoamérica, por influencia de un grupo muy pequeño de inhumanos, ha actuado por siglos inconsciente de las verdades que rigen su manera de pensar y actuar ante determinadas circunstancias ignorando el porqué de una actitud completamente inductiva. No es casualidad que abracemos con ilógico conformismo un destino que besa con labios de serpiente y acaricia con dedos de navaja los frágiles cuerpos de hombres y mujeres autómatas que inocentemente ponen en manos de sus verdugos el afilado cuchillo que traspasara sus mismas gargantas.

Los De Arriba Y Sus Armas Más Efectivas presenta, de una manera clara y responsable, las estrategias usadas en las naciones por sectores internos y externos de ilimitado poder, para dar justificación a medios de control humanos que, implementados de una manera directa, serian simplemente rechazados por sus destinatarios. Este libro lleva a reconsiderar una amplia gama de irregularidades sociales toxicas que por largo tiempo han estado impregnadas en nuestras programadas mentes lo cual ha dado como resultado un descuido de grandes proporciones, y hemos caído en el gravísimo error de percibirlas como problemas fortuitos omitiendo adjudicarles un culpable.

Mediante la recopilación de datos y eventos históricos; fabulas y experiencias verídicas, esta obra también muestra sin tapujos como los desastres naturales y sociales, contrario a lo que muchos creen, son provocados o –en gran parte-tienen que ver directamente con el opaco y poco confiable mundo de la política. Esta obra es también un homenaje a países y personas admirables que con sus firmes pisadas y decisiones irreprochables han hecho posible el rostro positivo de este libro.
Reflecting on a series of ethical and moral questions significant to contemporary Spanish culture, Cristina Sánchez-Conejero analyzes several issues related to sexuality in gender as they're portrayed Spanish film.
Prostitution is often called the oldest profession in the world. Even in the Middle Ages, people believed that there would always be women willing to use their bodies for profit. But who were these women who offered themselves up to men? In A Life of Ill Repute Maria Serena Mazzi traces and reconstructs prostitution in the early fourteenth century, describing how in medieval European society women - often extremely poor and overwhelmed by debt, or victims either of predatory men full of duplicitous intentions or simply of rape - were traded as commodities. Prostitutes, according to Mazzi, were despised and condemned but considered necessary in an ambiguous and contradictory society that tolerated their sexual exploitation to safeguard the virtue of honest women and counter the vice of homosexuality, while allowing men to vent their own impulses. The theory of the lesser evil - encouraged by both the church and the state - is the grounds on which prostitution flourished in medieval Europe. In the Middle Ages prostitution was censured and considered disgraceful, but at the same time it was deemed inevitable and even necessary. A Life of Ill Repute uncovers the hypocrisy and speciousness of ecclesiastical, political, and social arguments for the justification of the existence of public prostitution.
With fists upraised, Mujeres Libres struggled for their own emancipation and the freedom of all.