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Against the backdrop of a world increasingly concerned with the health of the planet, the promotion of sustainable culinary tourism takes on heightened importance. It provides a unique opportunity to engage tourists and locals in a collaborative effort to preserve and celebrate the diverse gastronomic heritage of the world. Food has transcended its role as mere sustenance to become a universal language, effortlessly bridging national divides, linguistic complexities, and cultural distinctions. Promoting Sustainable Gastronomy Tourism and Community Development is an exploration of the dynamic relationship between gastronomy, tourism, and community growth. In a world where cultural intersections are increasingly common, this book unveils the pivotal role of regional culinary traditions in shaping sustainable tourism and fostering local development. The book delves into cuisine, tourism, and community development. Beyond being a palate-pleasing indulgence, gastronomy tourism emerges as a formidable force for positive change. By embracing regional cuisines, individuals contribute to local economies, safeguard cultural legacies, and advance environmental sustainability, all while relishing delectable dishes.
In the rapidly changing landscape of global tourism and community dynamics, a pressing challenge emerges — the delicate balance between gastronomy tourism, community development, and social impact. As communities grapple with the consequences of unchecked tourism, the need for a sustainable approach becomes vital. Gastronomic Sustainability Solutions for Community and Tourism Resilience is a groundbreaking exploration illuminating the intricate interplay between food, culture, and socio-economic aspects. This comprehensive work identifies the challenges and presents innovative solutions that transcend traditional paradigms, ensuring the long-term well-being of both host communities and the ever-evolving world of travel. Gastronomic Sustainability Solutions for Community and Tourism Resilience is a transformative narrative revealing sustainable gastronomy practices' power. As communities seek avenues for economic growth and cultural preservation, this book charts a course toward genuine, mutually beneficial travel experiences. Through compelling case studies and theoretical insights, readers are guided through a journey showcasing how gastronomy tourism's convergence can revitalize local economies, celebrate cultural heritage, and foster cross-cultural understanding. The book proposes a paradigm shift in how we approach travel and provides tangible strategies for community leaders, businesses, and individuals to embrace a more sustainable and responsible future.
As the tourist industry becomes increasingly important to communities around the world, the need to develop tourism sustainably has also become a primary concern. This collection of international case-studies addresses this crucial issue by asking what local communities can contribute to sustainable tourism, and what sustainability can offer local communities. Individually these investigations present a wealth of original research and source material. Collectively the book illuminates the term 'community', the meaning of which, it is argued, is vital to understanding how sustainable tourism development can be implemented in practice.
Food, Gastronomy, Sustainability, and Social and Cultural Development analyzes the relationship between gastronomy and sustainability from a sociocultural perspective. It uses practical case studies to reveal the connection between food, society, culture, and the impact they have with each other. Beginning with the introduction of the relationship among gastronomy, sustainability, culture, and contemporary controversies, this book expands topics from binomial gastronomy at local level, impact of sustainability on gastronomic experiences, an evaluation of production systems to the role of gastronomy, and sustainability in tourism. The role of technology in food and sustainability, health, ideologies, and social movements surrounding gastronomy are also widely discussed. This book is a valuable reference for food scientists, undergraduate and graduate students, and industrial professionals working in the food processing field. Considers gastronomy as a tool for sustainability Includes practical use cases as applied examples of content coverage Supports industry progress toward increased sustainable processes
There is increasing public and academic interest in local and sustainable foods and food tourism. These interests have been reflected in such diverse elements as the growth of farmers markets, green restaurants, food miles, crabon and sustainability labelling, concerns over food supply and security, Slow Food, Fair Trade, and a desire to buy and 'eat locally'. Food related hospitality and tourism is integral to this process because of the way in which it simultaneously acts to globalise and localise food consumption and create new foodways and commodity chains. This book therefore aims to provide an integrated understanding of the contemporary interest in food and food tourism through the use of an international collection of illustrative case study chapters as well as the provision of a novel integrative framework for the book, a sustainable culinary system. This is the first volume to examine the concept of sustainable culinary systems, particularly with specific reference to tourism and hospitality. Divided into two parts, firstly the notion of the local is explored, reflecting the increased interest in the championing of local food production and consumption. Secondly treatment of sustainability in food and food tourism and hospitality in settings that reach beyond the local in a business and socio-economic sense is reviewed. The book therefore, reflects much of the contemporary public interest in the conscious or ethical consumption and production food, as well as revealing the inherent tensions between local and broader goals in both defining and achieving sustainable culinary systems and the environmental, social and economic implications of food production and consumption. This book provides the reader with an integrated approach to understanding the subject of how culinary systems may be made more sustainable and will be valuable reading to all those interested in sustainable food and food tourism.
Food has become an essential component in community development practice. Whether in reference to building a local or regional food system or addressing food insecurity, food has become a focus in community development approaches in many localities. Farmers markets, community gardens, farm-to-school programs, and other food-centered initiatives have been used to foster community development processes across a spectrum of desired outcomes. The surging interest in food for fostering community development draws attention to numerous applications, ranging from grassroots efforts to formal programs sponsored by the public or nonprofit sectors. These efforts are often in conjunction with local private businesses, helping create micro-businesses and supporting the small farm movement. Some regions are even considering economic development strategies of "food clusters" to promote speciality food businesses and supporting programs. This volume explores the relationships between food and community, and the various approaches for development through a selection of chapters illustrating a wide range of applications. This book is a compilation of articles published in the journal Community Development.
In recent years, a growing emphasis has been placed on tourism experiences and attractions related to food. In many cases eating out while on holiday includes the 'consumption' of a local heritage, comparable to what is experienced when visiting historical sites and museums. Despite this increasing attention, however, systematic research on the subject has been nearly absent. Tourism and Gastronomy addresses this by drawing together a group of international experts in order to develop a better understanding of the role, development and future of gastronomy and culinary heritage in tourism. Students and researchers in the areas of tourism, heritage, hospitality, hotel management and catering will find this book an extremely valuable source of information.
Exploring the importance of destination branding and destination marketing as well as their implications on sustainability in tourism, this book approaches the topic through the lens of destination image, taking into account the large influence of appearance on tourist attraction. With consideration to various stakeholders in sustainable tourism development, this book incorporates ideas for new techniques in destination branding and marketing in order to maximize economic impact. The book also discusses the rising influence of social media on tourists’ interest. Emphasizing sustainability in tourism development, the chapters address a number of important issues, such as post-disaster tourism marketing, culture and heritage tourism, eco-tourism, community-based nature tourism, community involvement in destination development, benchmarking for destination performance evaluation, sustainable food practices in tourism, and more. Each chapter of this book incorporates a quantifiable trend in tourism development, including various paradigms and studies that relay different statistics about certain areas of tourism. The book makes use of case studies for specific destinations and integrates strategies, evidence, and analyses to offer a holistic understanding of the myriad factors involved in sustainable tourism development.
Food tourism is a topic of increasing importance for many destinations. Seen as a means to potentially attract tourists and differentiate destinations and attractions by means of the association with particular products and cuisines, food is also regarded as an opportunity to generate added value from tourism through local agricultural systems and supply chains and the local food system. From a regional development perspective this book goes beyond culinary tourism to also look at some of the ways in which the interrelationships between food and tourism contribute to the economic, environmental and social wellbeing of destinations, communities and producers. It examines the way in which tourism and food can mutually add value for each other from the fork to the plate and beyond. Looking at products, e.g. cheese, craft beer, noodles, wine; attractions, restaurants and events; and diverse regional examples, e.g. Champagne, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Margaret River, southern Sweden, and Tuscany; the title highlights how clustering, networking and the cultural economy of food and tourism and foodscapes adds value for regions. Despite the attention given to food, wine and culinary tourism no book has previously directly focused on the contribution of food and tourism in regional development. This international collection has contributors and examples from almost every continent and provides a comprehensive account of the various intersections between food tourism and regional development. This timely and significant volume will inform future food and tourism development as well as regional development more widely and will be valuable reading for a range of disciplines including tourism, development studies, food and culinary studies, regional studies, geography and environmental studies.
The event tourism business has become more and more essential to community development in countries around the world, helping to increase the appeal of specific destinations and generating huge economic benefits for the communities of the destinations, impacting local economies. With examples from India, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Portugal, Argentina, and Zimbabwe, this volume provides a valuable examination of sustainable community development in conjunction with event tourism along with helpful tools for promoting, organizing, and hosting successful events. This book looks at a wide range of festivals and other events around the world and examines their impact on tourism, sustainability, local culture and community, and community development. It highlights rural as well as urban event tourism, event tourism during and after COVID–19, how event tourism impacts women’s empowerment, promoting event tourism and community development, new opportunities and challenges in event tourism education, and more.