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"Designed for use with Reading for Christian schools 6 and for the reading enjoyment of children of comparable ages."
"Phoebe Palmer's Promise of the Father (1859) is a massive defense of women's right to preach. She attributes the long-standing prohibitions against women taking an active role in the leadership of the church to two things: bad exegesis and a distorted and un-Christian view most men had of the opposite sex. She concludes that women, acting in their legitimate sphere, were more likely than men to exhibit true piety. Based on the promise of Joel 2:28, restated by Peter at Pentecost in Acts 2:17-18, Phoebe takes God at his Word. In the 'latter days' the Holy Spirit will be given to women as well as to men, and both will be expected to pray, prophesy, and preach. No one can study the holiness movement in the middle of the last century without dealing with this important book, so long out of print " --Kenneth E. Rowe, Drew University, Madison, NJ Phoebe Palmer (1807-74) was an evangelist and writer who promoted the doctrine of Christian perfection. She is considered one of the founders of the Holiness movement in the United States and the Higher Life movement in the United Kingdom.
When Alice Ozma was in 4th grade, she and her father decided to see if he could read aloud to her for 100 consecutive nights. On the hundreth night, they shared pancakes to celebrate, but it soon became evident that neither wanted to let go of their storytelling ritual. So they decided to continue what they called "The Streak." Alice's father read aloud to her every night without fail until the day she left for college. Alice approaches her book as a series of vignettes about her relationship with her father and the life lessons learned from the books he read to her. Books included in the Streak were: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, the Oz books by L. Frank Baum, Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, and Shakespeare's plays.
"It is not our aim in this work to suggest, in behalf of woman, a change in the social or domestic relation. We are not disposed to feel that she is burdened with wrong in this direction. But we feel that there is a wrong, a serious wrong, affectingly cruel in its influences, which has long been depressing the hearts of the most devotedly pious women. And this wrong is inflicted by pious men, many of whom, we presume, imagine that they are doing God service in putting a seal upon lips which God has commanded to speak. It is not our intention to chide those who have thus kept the Christian female in bondage, as we believe in ignorance they have done it. But we feel that the time has now come when ignorance will involve guilt; and the Head of the church imperatively demands a consideration of the question proposed in the follwing pages."--Chapter I, page 13
Dive into the experience of the Holy Spirit's person and presence! Have you characterized a relationship with the Holy Spirit as mysterious, distant, fearful, unfamiliar or awkward? Do not allow 'religion' to stand in your way of an amazing intimacy with the Spirit of God! This book invites you to a practical and tangible relationship with the Spirit that will inevitably produce a supernatural lifestyle of miracles. Take an adventure in knowing the precious Promise the Father has given you!
The Complete Promise Topical Bible lists every single promise in the Bible, in topical format for easy reference. Each promise is recorded from various Bible translations and includes a personalized, Scripture-based declaration of faith. By studying these promises and speaking them back to the Father God, you will establish your faith for those promises to be a part of your life. Let God's Word become so rooted in your spirit that you will not be able to turn from the truth or give up, no matter how difficult your situation. God has made a way for you to overcome! Over 1,800 Scriptures are listed in this topical reference Bible.
The most solemn, majestic, and beautiful gifts that Jesus Christ gave to the world are His sacraments. He endowed them with unprecedented and unparalleled power—power to change lives, save souls, and share God’s very life. The sacraments are the ordinary means by which God directs the course of each human life and all of world history. The Church celebrates seven sacraments: baptism, Eucharist, confirmation, matrimony, holy orders, confession, and anointing of the sick. Each was established by Jesus for the sake of salvation. When Jesus spoke of the sacraments, He made clear that they were essential: Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (Jn 3:5) . . . unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no life in you (Jn 6: 53). In Swear to God, Dr. Scott Hahn explores the richness of Christ’s sacraments—their doctrine, history, symbols, and rituals. Drawing upon the Bible and the Church’s tradition, he shows how God’s covenants—with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David—became the driving forces in history. When Jesus came to fulfill all these covenants, He established a new covenant, with greater power than ever before. Christians are God’s children now. Joined to Christ by baptism, we can already share in the eternal life of the Trinity, a life we hope to know fully in heaven. But heaven is with us, even now, in the sacraments.
Some of the last words Messiah spoke to His disciples were of something He called the promise of the Father. He declared that they would receive power when the promise came upon them. He commanded them not to leave the city until they received it and He indicated that only then would they be his witnesses in Yerushalayim, Judea, Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. What is the promise of the Father? Is it for today and is it for you? In this book, Jim Brown tells how he went from resentful skeptic to enthusiastic recipient of the promise of the Father. He then demonstrates how his experience lines up with Scripture. You will want to have your Bible open as you read this book so that your decision as to whether the promise of the Father is for you is based on Scripture, and not influenced by the opinions or doctrines of men. You may need to put aside things you have been taught and set your heart on discovering what Scripture says about the promise of the Father. You also may need to put aside any bad experiences you may have had with Charismatics or Pentecostals. If the promise of the Father is meant for you, then you need to receive it. This book addresses how to do that and what you should expect to happen when you do. Jim Brown is a retired law enforcement officer and recipient of the Attorney General's Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement. He attends the Lighthouse, an independent, non-denominational church and has a ministry of teaching about the Jewish roots of Christianity and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Join Jim as he investigates what Scripture says about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.