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Only twenty-one years old, she has been widowed three times, most recently by the death of Phillips McCandless whose last words to her-incoherent ramblings about an illegal arms shipment-have left her terrified as well as grief-striken.
Michael Dunnagan was never supposed to sail on the Titanic, nor would he have survived if not for the courage of Owen Allen. Determined to carry out his promise to care for Owen’s relatives in America and his younger sister, Annie, in England, Michael works hard to strengthen the family’s New Jersey garden and landscaping business. Annie Allen doesn’t care what Michael promised Owen. She only knows that her brother is gone—like their mother and father—and the grief is enough to swallow her whole. As Annie struggles to navigate life without Owen, Michael reaches out to her through letters. In time, as Annie begins to lay aside her anger that Michael lived when Owen did not, a tentative friendship takes root and blossoms into something neither expected. Just as Michael saves enough money to bring Annie to America, WWI erupts in Europe. When Annie’s letters mysteriously stop, Michael risks everything to fulfill his promise—and find the woman he’s grown to love—before she’s lost forever.
The bestselling author and creator of the hit Netflix drama The Stranger reveals the deadly consequences that can be born of the best intentions in this Myron Bolitar thriller. As the school year winds down, Myron Bolitar is determined to help keep his friends’ children safe from the dangers of drinking and driving. So he makes two neighborhood girls promise him that if they are ever in a bind but are afraid to call their parents, they must call him. Several nights later, the call comes at two a.m. The next day, a girl is missing and Myron is the last person who saw her. Racing to find her before she’s gone forever, Myron must outrun his own troubled past and decide once and for all who he is and what he will stand up for...
Discovering that she was expecting her first baby, Poppy Fraser decided that it was time to learn how to cook. Having no idea where to begin, she wrote to all the people she could think of, asking them to provide her with their favourite (and most foolproof) recipes. The response was staggering, and prompted her to collect the replies together for those of her friends who found themselves in a similar predicament. Fantastic Recipes from my Favourite People is the result. From breakfast to lunch, tea-time to dinner, with an extensive section on puddings, the book provides pretty much every recipe one could ever need. There is no pretence at helping you lose weight or being trendy; the food described is simple, fattening, and delicious. With introductions to the various characters who supplied the recipes, and charming illustrations by Leonora Grosvenor, Fantastic Recipes could well become the only cookbook you will ever need!
Allie Richards has always dreamed of having her own landscaping business and her Pinky Promise girlfriends convince her to enter Shady Grove's Beautiful Town Landscaping Competition. Daniel Montgomery, the man behind the camera who is filming the competition, is after more than just a story. Will he be satisfied with anything less than Allie's heart?
Sabrina Chandler has had a rough go at love: just before her high school graduation, she found her boyfriend in the arms of her so-called best friend. Tyler Anderson, the town's sexy bad boy, stepped out of the shadows then to save her pride. Drawing strength from him, she left everything behind and sought a new life for herself, far away from the pain and shame. Fast forward ten years: Sabrina is settled in Miami, happy at last--until her best friend urges her to attend her high school reunion and face her painful past once and for all. And...maybe meet the mysterious Tyler once again. Can Sabrina find the courage to face the demons in her past, let go of the pain, and move forward into happiness? Or will insecurity and self-doubt ruin her one chance to get the love she's not sure she even deserves?
""Promise me, Dad," Beau had told his father. "Give me your word that no matter what happens, you're going to be all right." Joe Biden gave him his word. Promise Me, Dad chronicles the year that followed, which would be the most momentous and challenging in Joe Biden's extraordinary life and career. Vice President Biden traveled more than a hundred thousand miles that year, across the world, dealing with crises in Ukraine, Central America, and Iraq. When a call came from New York, or Capitol Hill, or Kyiv, or Baghdad--"Joe, I need your help"--he responded. For twelve months, while Beau fought for and then lost his life, the vice president balanced the twin imperatives of living up to his responsibilities to his countryand his responsibilities to his family. And never far away was the insistent and urgent question of whether he should seek the presidency in 2016. The year brought real triumph and accomplishment, and wrenching pain. But even in the worst times, Biden was able to lean on the strength of his long, deep bonds with his family, on his faith, and on his deepening friendship with the man in the Oval Office, Barack Obama. Writing with poignancy and immediacy, Joe Biden allows readers to feel the urgency of each moment, to experience the days when he felt unable to move forward as well as the days when he felt like he could not afford to stop. This is a book written not just by the vice president, but by a father, grandfather, friend, and husband. Promise Me, Dad is a story of how family and friendships sustain us and how hope, purpose, and action can guide us through the pain of personal loss into the light of a new future."--Provided by publisher.
This is a book of original poetry written along my journey into and through the ups and downs of love. I began this journey when I was a senior in high school, and I have wandered along the paths of hope, joy, laughter, learning, and yearning through all the years thereafter. There have been starry nights, rainy days, and summer breezes where I have looked up, stretched out my arms, and just let love embrace me. These are the lessons of love that I have tried to share in this poetry book. I have always been in love with love, even on the rainy days. The one thing that I have learned of love is that love really is all.