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This report was initially prepared to place special emphasis on the relative importance of the Indian land and people resources in the Northern Great Plains and to show some of the impacts on these Indian resources associated with coal development. This report draws heavily on studies developed for the Crow Reservation because it is the only one on which substantive coal activity is taking place and the coal resource on the reservation is reasonably well inventoried. This study of anticipated socio-economic effects can be conceptually applied to other reservations anticipating large-scale mineral development. Situations will no doubt be different but the socio-economic impacts are likely to be remarkably similar.
Project description: Background; The Westmoreland proposal -- Environmental setting: General setting; Human environment; Physical environment -- Environmental aspects: Human environment; Physical environment; Impact at the market area -- Mitigating measures included in proposed action: Human environment; Physical environment; Environmental controls and legislation -- Unavoidable adverse environmental effects: Human impacts; Physical impacts -- Alternatives to proposed action: Approval of the mining plan; Require modification of the mining plan; Rejection of the mining plan -- Relationship of short-term use to maintenance of long-term environmental productivity -- Irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources -- Consultation and coordination with others for preparation of draft -- Appendices: Soil survey and evaluation criteria; Topsoil availability; Plants found in the ceded area; Timber acreage and volume area; Wildlife species inventory; Geologic formations and their hydrologic properties; Well and spring records; Dust cloud kinetics; Effect of coal on SO2 emissions; Trace elements in coal; Chemical analyses of overburden; Estimated jobs and payroll -- Public hearings and responses; Written comments and responses.