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This report demonstrates the relationship between sexual health, human rights and the law. Drawing from a review of public health evidence and extensive research into human rights law at international, regional and national levels, the report shows how states in different parts of the world can and do support sexual health through legal and other mechanisms that are consistent with human rights standards and their own human rights obligations.
This book offers a conceptual model for understanding the nature of legal competencies. The model is interpreted to assist mental health professionals in designing and performing assessments for legal competencies defined in criminal and civil law, and to guide research that will improve the practice of evaluations for legal competencies. A special feature is the book's evaluative review of specialized forensic assessment instruments for each of several legal competencies. Three-fourths of the 37 instruments reviewed in this second edition are new.
Background: Internet use is an integral part of everyday life in contemporary society, especially among young people. It is used to perform activities in everyday life by an increasing proportion of the population. However, knowledge about access to and use of the internet by adolescents and young adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) is scarce. More knowledge is needed about digital competencies and digital participation in their everyday lives. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to explore and describe internet access and use, and digital participation in everyday life among adolescents and young adults with intellectual disabilities. Designs and Methods: The thesis is based on results from three studies. In study I, the focus was on access to and use of the internet in the everyday settings of school/work, at home or during free time. Data was collected through observations, conversations, and follow-up interviews with 15 participants with ID, aged 13–24 years. The data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. In studies II and III, the design was cross-sectional and comparative, using national surveys on media and internet use from the Swedish Media Council, from which comparative data from reference groups could be gained. In study II, the national survey of adolescents on internet access and use was cognitively adapted for adolescents with intellectual disabilities, aged 13–20 years, in several steps. This made it accessible to a total selection of pupils from all the special schools in four diverse municipalities in two different regions of Sweden. In study III, the national survey of parents about opportunities and risks of internet use by their adolescents was used. The surveys were sent to a sample of n=318 adolescents with ID and their caregivers/parents. The responses were higher for the adolescents (n=114) than for the parents (n=99), and the response rate of the adolescents with ID was equivalent as that of the reference group, at 36% and 38% respectively. In study II, chi-square tests were used and, when necessary, Fisher’s exact test to analyse the data. In study III, analyses were carried out using Fisher’s exact test and logistic regression to control for confounding factors. Results: This thesis show that access to internet-enabled devices is lower for adolescents with ID than for the general population, except for tablets (study II). All internet activities, except playing games, are performed by fewer adolescents with ID compared to the reference group (study II) and the time spent on the internet activities is less (study III). Both environmental challenges and personal abilities present difficulties in internet access and use (study I) and affect digital participation for adolescents and young adults with ID. Furthermore, a significantly higher proportion of parents of adolescents with ID perceive opportunities associated with internet use and playing games, and a lower proportion perceive risks with negative consequences, or have concerns about online risks, compared with the reference group (study III). Significantly more parents of adolescents with ID state that their adolescent never uses smartphones or social media compared with the reference group. Strategies used to handle the digital environment and take part in internet activities were found and described, such as getting support from others, reducing the number of internet-enabled devices used and personalising them. Gaining access to internet content and performing internet activities was facilitated by picture-, word- and voice-based strategies, which were used by adolescents and young adults with both mild and moderate ID (study I). Conclusions: The conclusions are that the results show a lag in internet access and use and in digital participation by adolescents and young adults with ID. Adolescents and young adults with ID were accessing and using the internet in similar ways to the reference group, but to a lesser extent. The impact of the participants’ environment, together with their lack of certain abilities, make the development of digital competencies difficult for them. The result that parents of adolescents with ID perceive more opportunities and fewer risks associated with the internet provides new knowledge to support positive risk-taking in internet use and enable digital participation by adolescents and young adults with ID. Support can be developed in collaboration between the adolescent/young adult, their parents and teachers, and staff in community-based services and should involve physical, social and digital environmental adaptations. These can enable the development of digital competencies and minimise the lag in digital participation in everyday life, which is needed for participation in today’s digitalised society. Bakgrund till avhandlingen: Internetanvändning är en integrerad del av vardagen i dagens samhälle, särskilt bland ungdomar. Internet används för att utföra en mängd aktiviteter i vardagen av alltfler personer. Dock är kunskapen om tillgång till, samt användning av internet i vardagliga aktiviteter för ungdomar med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning (IF) bristfällig. Ökad kunskap behövs om digitala kompetenser och digital delaktighet i vardagen för ungdomar och unga vuxna med IF. Syftet med avhandlingen: Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling var att utforska och beskriva tillgång till och användning av internet och digital delaktighet i vardagen bland ungdomar och unga vuxna med IF. Hur studierna genomfördes: Avhandlingen bygger på resultat från tre delstudier. I studie I samlades data in via observationer av och uppföljande intervjuer med 15 deltagare med IF, i åldern 13–24 år. Fokus låg på tillgång till och användning av internet i deras vardagliga miljöer: skola/arbete, hemma eller på fritiden. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I studie II och III var designen jämförande tvärsnittsstudier. Nationella enkäter från Statens Medieråd om medie- och internetanvändning användes där jämförande data från referensgrupper kunde erhållas. I studie II gjordes kognitiva anpassningar av den nationella enkäten om medie- och internetanvändning i flera steg för målgruppen ungdomar med IF i åldern 13–20 år. Anpassningen till en lättläst version av enkäten, med bildstöd för de som behövde det, gjorde den möjlig att skicka till ett totalurval av elever från alla särskolor i fyra olika kommuner i två olika regioner i Sverige. I studie III användes den nationella enkäten till föräldrar om möjligheter och risker med internet- och medieanvändning för deras ungdomar. Enkäterna skickades till ett urval av n = 318 ungdomar med IF och deras vårdgivare/förälder. Antalet svar var fler från ungdomarna (n = 114) jämfört med föräldrarna (n = 99), och svarsfrekvensen för ungdomar med IF var i paritet med referensgruppens, med 36% för ungdomar med IF, jämfört med 38% i referensgruppen. I studie II användes chi-två tester och vid behov Fisher’s exakta test, för analys av data. I studie III genomfördes analyser med Fisher’s exakta test och logistisk regression för att kontrollera för confounding faktorer dvs övriga faktorer som kan påverka. Resultaten som framkom i studierna: Resultaten av studierna visar att tillgången till enheter för internetanvändning är lägre för ungdomar med IF än för ungdomar generellt, med undantag för surfplattor (studie II). Alla internet-aktiviteter, utom att spela spel, utförs av en lägre andel ungdomar med IF jämfört med referensgruppen (studie II) och tiden som spenderas på internet-aktiviteterna är lägre för ungdomar med IF (studie III). Utmaningar i den omgivande miljön, såväl som personliga förmågor leder till svårigheter med internetuppkoppling och internetanvändning (studie I), och påverkar digital delaktighet för ungdomarna och de unga vuxna med IF. Möjligheter och risker med att använda internet visade att en signifikant högre andel föräldrar till ungdomar med IF uppfattar möjligheter förknippade med internetanvändning och att spela spel, och en lägre andel upplever risker med negativa konsekvenser, eller oroar sig för risker med internet jämfört med referensgruppen (studie III). Signifikant fler föräldrar till ungdomar med IF uppfattar dock att deras ungdomar aldrig använder smartphones och sociala medier jämfört med referensgruppen. Strategier, som ungdomar och unga vuxna med både lindrig och måttlig IF använder för att hantera den digitala miljön och delta i internet aktiviteter identifierades (studie I). Strategierna innebär; att få stöd från andra; att minska andelen enheter som används för internetanvändning och att främsta använda enheter som är utformade för/av person; samt att använda stödstrategier som är baserade på ord- bild- och röststöd för att kunna utföra internet-aktiviteter. Kunskapen som avhandlingen har bidragit med: Sammantaget visar resultaten en eftersläpning i tillgång till och användning av internet, liksom i digital delaktighet för ungdomar och unga vuxna med IF. Även om deltagarna har tillgång till och använder internet, är det i lägre utsträckning än referensgruppen. Faktorer i miljön tillsammans med deltagarnas personliga förmågor gör utvecklingen av digital kompetens svår för deltagarna. Resultatet att fler föräldrar till ungdomar med IF uppfattar möjligheter och färre uppfattar risker med internet är ny kunskap som kan stödja positivt risktagande i internetanvändning och möjliggöra digital delaktighet för ungdomar med IF. Stöd kan utvecklas i samarbete mellan ungdomar, deras föräldrar och personal, i både skola och kommunal omsorgsverksamhet, och involvera anpassningar av såväl fysisk, som social och digital miljö för utveckling av digitala kompetenser. Genom detta kan eftersläpningen i digital delaktighet i vardagen minimeras, vilket krävs för delaktighet i dagens digitaliserade samhälle
Sexuality and Women with Learning Disabilities makes a significant contribution to both feminist and disability literature, because it challenges common assumptions about the sexuality of people with learning disabilities, forces a reconsideration of how this group of people are viewed by those around them and links gender and disability in its analysis.' -Tizard Learning Disability Review 'By tackling issues that have received little meaningful attention, McCarthy both makes a valuable contribution to the literature and provides a useful practical guide to those wishing to support their clients more effectively.' - Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Care 'The thoroughness and attention to detail with which McCarthy has investigated and written about the sexual lives of a small number of women with mild to moderate learning difficulties is to be commended. Drawing upon interviews with the women who participated in this study, there is explicit detail about the reality of their sexual lives that overall comes across as sad, poignant and often shocking, with a high level of sexual abuse revealed... however, McCarthy has a strong code of ethics and sensitivity and a reflexive honesty about her role and stance as a feminist researcher that removes any possibility or suggestion of prurient voyeurism or exploitation being a part of this research. McCarthy writes as a woman with and about women, allowing their voices about their sexual experiences to be heard through the medium of in-depth interviews. Within the book, the sexual experiences of women with learning disabilities are set in a wider policy and practice framework and discussed in relation to ideologies surrounding learning disability, gender and sexuality in a cultural context. The book ends with a chapter discussing and listing policy and practice recommendations, including suggestions about changes to the law... Overall, this was a convincing and compelling book that deserves serious attention and I would strongly recommend it to anyone with an interest in learning disability issues, including practitioners, carers, relatives, advocates and counsellors.' - CSPRD Newsletter In this study of women with mild and moderate learning disabilities, Michelle McCarthy investigates how these women experience their sexual lives, basing her research on interviews with the women themselves. She argues the importance of informing the work of those responsible at research, practice and policy levels with the voices of people with learning disabilities. In the interviews, women talk openly about what form their sexual activity takes and what it means for them, the circumstances in which it occurs, and the pleasures (or lack thereof) associated with it. These interviews directly shape the policy and practice recommendations the author makes. Michelle McCarthy's findings suggest that women with learning disabilities commonly find themselves engaged in sexual activity which is not to their liking and not of their choosing. A high level of sexual abuse was also reported. The author discusses this in relation to the cultural forces which have influenced Western perceptions of sexuality, feminism and theories and prejudices about learning disabilities. She also studied the impact of institutional and community settings on the sexuality of women with learning disabilities. In Sexuality and Women with Learning Disabilities, McCarthy makes recommendations for policy and practice which will protect this vulnerable group, and advises on education, support and seeking justice for abused women.
This handbook offers a comprehensive review of intellectual disabilities (ID). It examines historical perspectives and foundational principles in the field. The handbook addresses philosophy of care for individuals with ID, as well as parent and professional issues and organizations, staffing, and working on multidisciplinary teams. Chapters explore issues of client protection, risk factors of ID, basic research issues, and legal concerns. In addition, chapters include information on evidence-based assessments and innovative treatments to address a variety of behaviors associated with ID. The handbook provides an in-depth analysis of comorbid physical disorders, such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy and seizures, and developmental coordination disorders (DCD), in relation to ID. Topics featured in this handbook include: Informed consent and the enablement of persons with ID. The responsible use of restraint and seclusion as a protective measure. Vocational training and job preparation programs that assist individuals with ID. Psychological and educational approaches to the treatment of aggression and tantrums. Emerging technologies that support learning for students with ID. Key sexuality and relationship issues that are faced by individuals with ID. Effective approaches to weight management for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Handbook of Intellectual Disabilities is an essential reference for researchers, graduate students, clinicians and related therapists and professionals in clinical child and school psychology, pediatrics, social work, developmental psychology, behavioral therapy/rehabilitation, child and adolescent psychiatry, and special education.
Evidence-Based Practice and Intellectual Disabilities responds to the recent increased focus on, and need for, the use of evidence-based practice (EBP) in treating intellectual disabilities. The first book wholly dedicated to addressing EBP specifically in relation to intellectual disabilities Provides clinical guidelines based on the strength of evidence of treatments for a given problematic behavioral topography or disorder Highly relevant to a wide-ranging audience, including professionals working in community services, clinicians and parents and carers
This warm and sympathetic book is designed to help parents build their children's self-esteem (whether their children are prepubescent or already adults) and educate them about sexuality and safety. It explains what to teach, when to teach and how to teach. It addresses issues such as self-acceptance, values, parallel talk, privacy, appopriate behaviour, abuse, physical and emotional development in the teen years, relationships, marriage and parenting. The authors introduce guides - individuals with disabilities and their parents - whose experiences serve as examples throughout the book. These guides, as well as the authors' anecdotes and conversational tone, make information that is often presented awkwardly (or not at all) easily accessible to parents. The information and the stories that show how much is possible for young people, regardless of their disabilities, will help parents to accept their children's sexual development and to interact with their children in ways that will allow them to develop into confident, aware adults.
Optimal Data Analysis: A Guidebook With Software for Windows offers the only statistical analysis paradigm that maximizes (weighted) predictive accuracy. This unique book fully explains this paradigm and includes simple-to-use software that empowers a universe of associated analyses. For any specific sample and exploratory or confirmatory hypothesis, optimal data analysis (ODA) identifies the statistical model that yields maximum predictive accuracy, assesses the exact Type I error rate, and evaluates potential cross-generalizability.
'Let's Talk About Sex' is a much-needed resource for providing information to groups and individuals with intellectual disabilities in order that they are aware of the risks and intricacies of sexual health, sexual relationships and all that goes with this. This need may arise during adolescence, following a period away from the community (e.g. hospitalisation, incarceration) or later in life. The manual provides a sexual health education programme that can be used with adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities. Its detailed guidance and resources can be used to run a group programme delivered as individual stand-alone sessions, in a pick and mix style, or as a 16-week programme, according to the needs of those attending. It can also be used as a basis for working with individuals on sexual health matters. The programme covers topics including physiology, puberty, personal hygiene, health screening, sexual orientation and gender identity, dignity and respect, sexual education, consent, relationships, and exploitation, delivered in a non-judgemental, informative, supportive approach. Each session incorporates different methods of learning, including facilitator-led discussion, active participation and visual aids to enhance learning and can be adapted to meet the learning needs of participants. Online, printable resources are included to reinforce learning. Guidance is provided to facilitators on supporting individuals during and after sessions.