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La violencia que tiene lugar en las primeras relaciones de noviazgo constituye un preámbulo de la violencia en las relaciones de pareja adultas, configurándose en un problema social de especial relevancia. La presente obra tiene un doble objetivo. En primer lugar, ofrecer información técnica actualizada sobre las características de este fenómeno, los factores de riesgo y protección asociados, así como aquellas teorías y modelos que explican tanto su origen como mantenimiento, enmarcando su comprensión en un difícil momento evolutivo: la adolescencia. En segundo lugar, la obra se centra en la prevención aportando principios de actuación generales y de utilidad para cualquier propuesta de intervención en esta área. Además, desde un modelo de prevención multicomponente, se aporta información práctica y herramientas para la detección y reconocimiento de situaciones de riesgo, así como indicaciones para la actuación preventiva específica y coordinada de todos los sectores implicados: jóvenes, familia y escuela.
La adolescencia, llena de experiencias emocionantes y memorables para la mayoría de las personas, incluye las primeras relaciones románticas que, desde ya, pueden presentar situaciones de maltrato y violencia por parte de la pareja. Las relaciones afectivas que se presentan en esta etapa marcan la pauta para las relaciones posteriores y, en ese proceso, es fundamental el modelo que tuvo el adolescente en su familia y las experiencias e influencia de sus pares. Estudios que revelan elevadas cifras de violencia en el noviazgo, indican la necesidad de contar con estrategias de evaluación, prevención e intervención en las relaciones en donde se presentan malos tratos. En Violencia en el noviazgo. Evaluación, prevención e intervención en los malos tratos en parejas jóvenes se realiza una conceptualización de los malos tratos en el noviazgo; se revisan y analizan diferentes estrategias y técnicas de evaluación del maltrato en parejas jóvenes; se analizan varios programas de prevención de los malos tratos en el noviazgo y se presenta el programa para el mejoramiento de las relaciones de noviazgo “Querámonos bien”, desarrollado por parte de los autores de este libro en el marco de un proyecto de investigación institucional a cargo del Grupo de Investigación en Psicología Clínica y de la Salud (GIPCS) de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Violencia en el noviazgo. Evaluación, prevención e intervención en los malos tratos en parejas jóvenes se convertirá en elemento de consulta indispensable para estudiantes, académicos y profesionales interesados en el tema.
El interés de este manual se centra en las primeras relaciones de pareja. Comienza con la descripción de la naturaleza, las causas y las consecuencias de la violencia en el noviazgo, y la presentación de las principales características evolutivas de la adolescencia y de las primeras relaciones sentimentales establecidas durante esta etapa del desarrollo. A continuación, y una vez delimitado el fenómeno, el contenido de la obra se centra en la prevención realizando una revisión de los programas de prevención para finalmente estudiar las estrategias que pueden ser llevadas a cabo desde sus diferentes contextos de actuación: adolescentes, familia y escuela.
From Child Sexual Abuse to Adult Sexual Risk examines the relation between child sexual abuse (CSA) and adult sexual health outcomes in men and women. An emerging body of literature suggests that children who experience sexual violence are more likely to engage in sexual risk behavior and, consequently, may be vulnerable to many negative reproductive and sexual health problems as adults. These problems include unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV infection, and adult sexual violence. In this singular volume, leading researchers and clinicians integrate research from a variety of disciplines, including epidemiology, traumatology, and prevention science, to bridge the current scientific literatures on CSA, basic trauma research, and clinical practice. Chapters identify the theory and research-based cognitive, affective, social, and behavioral consequences of trauma that influence both sexual health and sexual risk behaviors in adulthood. The volume also highlights new approaches that begin to translate these findings into interventions for people who have experienced CSA. This comprehensive resource delineates an emerging field of research that will help set a new c
This report documents the dynamics of violence against women in South Asia across the life cycle, from early childhood to old age. It explores the different types of violence that women may face throughout their lives, as well as the associated perpetrators (male and female), risk and protective factors for both victims and perpetrators, and interventions to address violence across all life cycle stages. The report also analyzes the societal factors that drive the primarily male — but also female — perpetrators to commit violence against women in the region. For each stage and type of violence, the report critically reviews existing research from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, supplemented by original analysis and select literature from outside the region. Policies and programs that address violence against women and girls are analyzed in order to highlight key actors and promising interventions. Finally, the report identifies critical gaps in research, program evaluations, and interventions in order to provide strategic recommendations for policy makers, civil society, and other stakeholders working to mitigate violence against women in South Asia.
Full of practical advice, this bestselling book by Nicky and Sila Lee is easy to read and designed to prepare, build, and even mend marriages. The Marriage Book is essential reading for any married or engaged couple. This resource addresses questions like: How can we be happily married to one person for our entire life? How do we resolve conflict? How can we discover and rediscover sexual intimacy? The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. It serves as a bridge between the church and local community by recognizing the need to go beyond the social, as well as physical, walls of the church to help couples with their relationships. Marriage Course is easy to run; the talks are available on DVD (sold separately) and each guest and leader receives a manual. If you enjoy hosting people and have a passion for strengthening family life, you could run a course!
Rethinking Domestic Violence is the third in a series of books by Donald Dutton critically reviewing research in the area of intimate partner violence (IPV). The research crosses disciplinary lines, including social and clinical psychology, sociology, psychiatry, affective neuropsychology, criminology, and criminal justice research. Since the area of IPV is so heavily politicized, Dutton tries to steer through conflicting claims by assessing the best research methodology. As a result, he comes to some very new conclusions. These conclusions include the finding that IPV is better predicted by psychological rather than social-structural factors, particularly in cultures where there is relative gender equality. Dutton argues that personality disorders in either gender account for better data on IPV. His findings also contradict earlier views among researchers and policy makers that IPV is essentially perpetrated by males in all societies. Numerous studies are reviewed in arriving at these conclusions, many of which employ new and superior methodologies than were available previously. After twenty years of viewing IPV as generated by gender and focusing on a punitive "law and order" approach, Dutton argues that this approach must be more varied and flexible. Treatment providers, criminal justice system personnel, lawyers, and researchers have indicated the need for a new view of the problem -- one less invested in gender politics and more open to collaborative views and interdisciplinary insights. Dutton’s rethinking of the fundamentals of IPV is essential reading for psychologists, policy makers, and those dealing with the sociology of social science, the relationship of psychology to law, and explanations of adverse behaviour.
An internationally acclaimed psychiatrist and author challenges the fears that prevent men and women from experiencing healthy, joyful and fulfilling relationships. Alexander Lowen, M.D., world famous psychiatrist and creator of Bioenergetic Analysis shows you how to resolve your fears and allow yourself to: surrender to love, let go rather than control, be rather than do, flow rather than push. Bioenergetic Analysis helps you: love in anew way, discover sexuality as authenticity, find the courage to truly be, harmonize the mind and the body, use bioenergetic exercises to heal emotional conflicts.
How incidentally activated social representations affect subsequent thoughts and behaviors has long interested social psychologists. Recently, such priming effects have provoked debate and skepticism. Originally a special issue ofSocial Cognition, this book examines the theoretical challenges researchers must overcome to further advance priming studies and considers how these challenges can be met. The volume aims to reduce the confusion surrounding current discussions by more thoroughly considering the many phenomena in social psychology that the term ?priming? encompasses, and closely examining the psychological processes that explain when and how different types of priming effects occur.