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This issue of New Directions for Evaluation focuses on evaluation in complex organizations. The themes that are examined?the mainstreaming of evaluation within organizations, the growth of evaluation capacity, and the use of evaluation to promote organizational learning?are relevant for evaluators who operate in environments marked by multiple organizational levels, varied funding streams, divergent purposes for evaluative information, and numerous stakeholders and organizational partners. The national Cooperative Extension System serves as a recurring case study that links the topics together. Cooperative Extension is a system of institutions that includes every state's land-grant universities, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local country governments. The linkages across professional communities and distinct institutions create a highly complex environment, presenting numerous challenges for evaluators working with community-based programs. Extension's experiences contribute to a rapidly evolving knowledge base about effective evaluation practice across a variety of organizational settings. This is the 120th volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterly thematic journal New Directions for Evaluation, an official publication of the American Evaluation Association. The journal publishes empirical, methodological, and theoretical works on all aspects of evaluation. Each issue is devoted to a single topic, with contributions solicited, organized, reviewed, and edited by a guest editor or editors. Issues may take any of several forms, such as a series of related chapters, a debate, or a long article followed by brief critical commentaries.
Leading and emerging scholars discuss how the US Cooperative Extension System addresses issues and opportunities relevant to children, youth, families, and communities both now and in the future. Extension must now lead the way in building sustainable partnerships across disciplines to tackle complex issues considering diminishing resources.
Designing and Implementing Effective Evaluations provides extensive real-life examples of program evaluations that illustrate the various elements and steps in conducting a successful evaluation. The detailed and diverse range of case studies show the common elements, methods, approaches, and processes of program evaluations, while also demonstrating the way that good evaluators adapt and tailor those methods to the specific characteristics and needs of a given program. The chapters explore the process of problem solving while navigating multiple stakeholders, competing agendas, and varying environments. The book introduces conversations concerning how to adapt evaluation processes and concepts with culturally different individuals and communities. It discusses the role of culture in navigating a meaningful evaluation process when significant cultural differences exist between the evaluator and individuals that make up the organization. The text is a vital resource for postgraduate students in program evaluation courses in Psychology, Education, Public Health, Social Work and related fields.
This book is an accessible, contemporary, and comprehensive guide to the concepts and practice of evaluation. Authors Gail Vallance Barrington and Beverly Triana-Tremain integrate new approaches and concerns, and classic frameworks with practical tools that readers can use to design evaluation studies. They show how evaluators measure whether the planned and implemented interventions or services are achieving their goals and objectives, while focusing on the questions most important to the community and organizations in which the evaluation takes place. The book stresses the role of critical and evaluative thinking, as well as self-reflection, and demonstrates the importance of context and equity in today’s turbulent environment, offering a new stance for evaluators to support global as well as local issues.
Societal an Organizational Performance Review is a peer-reviewed publication of the Performance Improvement Institute (PII), Phd and MBA program at the Sonora Institute of Technology (ITSON) This new journal is a reflection of the work that is being conducted at the Institute for Social and Organizational Performance in Sonora, Mexico, which illustrates how organizations can achieve social and organizational transformation using rigorous performance improvement concepts and methodologies. Now, as part of the PII and its commitment to results-based and research-based performance accomplishment, this is the first issue of Social and Organizational Performance Review (SOPR). It includes timely work by ITSON faculty, staff, and others committed to adding societal value. This first issue includes the concepts and tools of Mega thinking and planning, and proven tools and techniques for designing, delivering, and evaluation organizational and societal impact. While some of the work that appears in this and future issues might have been also published elsewhere, they are provided here with full attribution of initial source. We also will be publishing new work and the results of the applied research and development of ITSON students, their sponsors, and sponsoring organizations. We will also find useful work done throughout the world and bring it to you through the SOPR. The most important part of this Review is the reader.
Evaluation in Today’s World: Respecting Diversity, Improving Quality, and Promoting Usability covers theoretical and practical issues related to evaluation of programs with an emphasis on viewing evaluation topics through a social justice, diversity, and inclusive perspective.
The purpose of this book is to compile and publicize the best current thinking about training and professional development for youth workers. School age youth spend far more of their time outside of school than inside of school. The United States boasts a rich and vibrant ecosystem of Out?of?School Time programs and funders, ranging from grassroots neighborhood centers to national Boys and Girls Clubs. The research community, too, has produced some scientific consensus about defining features of high quality youth development settings and the importance of after?school and informal programs for youth. But we know far less about the people who provide support, guidance, and mentoring to youth in these settings. What do youth workers do? What kinds of training, certification, and job security do they have? Unlike K?12 classroom teaching, a profession with longstanding – if contested – legitimacy and recognition, “youth work” does not call forth familiar imagery or cultural narratives. Ask someone what a youth worker does and they are just as likely to think you are talking about a young person working at her first job as they are to think you mean a young adult who works with youth. This absence of shared archetypes or mental models is matched by a shortage of policies or professional associations that clearly define youth work and assume responsibility for training and preparation. This is a problem because the functions performed by youth workers outside of school are critical for positive youth development, especially in our current context governed by widening income inequality. The US has seen a decline in social mobility and an increase in income inequality and racial segregation. This places a greater premium on the role of OST programs in supporting access and equity to learning opportunities for children, particularly for those growing up in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty. Fortunately, in the past decade there has been an emergence of research and policy arguments about the importance of naming, defining, and attending to the profession of youth work. A report released in 2013 by the DC Children and Youth Investment Corporation suggests employment opportunities for youth workers are growing faster than the national average; and as the workforce increases, so will efforts to professionalize it through specialized training and credentials. Our purpose in this volume is to build on that momentum by bringing together the best scholarship and policy ideas – coming from in and outside of higher education – about conceptions of youth work and optimal types of preparation and professional development.
Context is a force in evaluation. It shapes our practice, influencing how we approach and design our studies, how we carry them out, and how we report our findings. Context also moderates and mediates the outcomes of the programs and policies we evaluate. This issue focuses squarely on the role that context plays in practice and illuminates its effect on the implementation and outcomes of programs. Exploring the ways in which attending to context may improve the quality of evaluation practice, the contributions span theory, methods, and practice in an effort to move to a more comprehensive conceptualization of context that can guide our work. It: Provides an historical and theoretical view of evaluators’ treatment of context Illustrates how context has influenced evaluation practice Presents a five-area framework for guiding a contextual analysis of evaluations Introduces “context assessment,” which provides a means of integrating context and its implications within the important stages of evaluation. This is the 135th volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterly report series New Directions for Evaluation, an official publication of the American Evaluation Association.