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Context: As athletic training education continues its transition to a professional master's degree, it is essential to understand how professional master's athletic training students' professional experiences influence their perceptions of athletic training and their career intentions after graduation. Objective: 1) To examine second-year professional master's athletic training students' perceptions of athletic training and identify the factors that influenced their perceptions. 2) To examine the career intentions of second-year professional master's athletic training students and identify the factors that influenced their intentions. Design: Convergent mixed-methods. Setting: Online surveys and individual phone interviews. Patients or Other Participants: A total of 80 second-year professional master's students who graduated in 2019 completed the online survey. Ten survey respondents elected to participate in the follow-up phone interviews. Data Collection and Analysis: We created an online survey and semi-structured interview guide to answer the research questions. We validated the instruments using a content validity index tool. The data from both methodological approaches were blended. As a result, we displayed our findings in one comprehensive results section. We established trustworthiness through triangulation, member checks, memos, and peer debriefing. Results: Five higher-order themes emerged from the data. 1) Perceptions of the athletic training profession: lack of appreciation and awareness for the profession from others, rewarding profession, and dynamic profession. 2) Perceptions of a career in athletic training: low pay, long hours and inconsistent schedules, and inability to have work-life balance. 3) Factors influencing perceptions: clinical experience, interactions with athletic trainers, interactions with the general public, and interactions with other healthcare professionals. 4) Career progression: short-term career plans, concerns over lack of experience, and long-term career plans. 5) Factors influencing career intentions: clinical experience and mentorship. Conclusions: Second-year professional master's athletic training students developed positive and negative perceptions of the athletic profession and a career in the professional during their professional education experiences. Additionally, their professional education experiences allowed them to develop career paths and career goals after graduation. The factors identified were all key socializing agents to the profession and had a profound impact on how they developed their perceptions of athletic training and career paths. The mentorship they received from their clinical preceptors and faculty members were also influential to the development of their career goals and career intentions after graduation.
Athletic training is an allied health profession in which individuals receive education in prevention, emergency care, clinical diagnoses, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation for injuries and medical conditions. Currently, the route for an individual to become a certified athletic trainer is to graduate from an institution accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education. Most commonly, entry level education for athletic trainers is gained at the 331 institutions that host a bachelors level professional program. However, there is a recent desire to change the educational requirements and to require a professional masters degree. If the degree change would occur, athletic training would have a stronger alignment with other health care professions and support the increasing knowledge base needed for certified athletic trainers. If a degree change is mandated, there is the potential for significant programmatic changes at the institutions which currently host baccalaureate athletic training programs. Program development is influenced by many factors within the institution and also external factors. The purpose of this research was to examine which of those factors have influenced the development of six current entry level masters athletic training program. Using a multiple case study design, 11 individuals were interviewed on the processes and influences that impacted the creation of the CAATE accredited entry level masters athletic training programs. Although each institution had a unique journey in the development of their professional masters program, the most common influential factors on the development of these programs were institutional support, faculty load and structure, resources, graduate work expectation, and accrediting agencies. This research helps to provide a guiding framework for a substantive degree change and can help institutions navigate through the process of changing degree requirements.
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to describe the shared clinical experiences of post Spring 2014 graduates of CAATE-accredited professional master’s degree programs. The theories guiding this qualitative study were Kolb’s (1984) experiential learning theory as it theorizes that students learn best through experiences, such as clinical education (Witt, Colbert, & Kelly, 2013), and Astin’s (1999) student involvement theory that claims that the effectiveness of any educational policy or program is directly related to the capacity of that policy or practice to increase student involvement, meaning that a clinical education program that is designed to encourage student involvement will be more successful than programs that lack efforts to increase involvement. The researcher sought to answer the question of how master’s level athletic training program graduates describe their clinical education experiences. Qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews, asynchronous online focus group discussion forums, and prompted journaling. Research participants were graduates of master’s entry-level athletic training programs post Spring 2014. Data collection occurred in-person, on the telephone, and via the Internet. Data was analyzed by the researcher using transcendental phenomenological coding methods. The phenomenon was described as an active experience that required hard work and was influenced by the preceptors and resources available during clinical education.
This mixed-methods study aims to address the existing gap of knowledge relating to persistence factors of students enrolled in Professional Master's Athletic Training Program (PM-ATP) and determine whether self-identified qualitative coping mechanisms utilized by these students are, or are not, reflective of the student's quantitatively assessed resiliency and burnout potential.
Context. An understanding of valuable as well as ineffective learning experiences from the perspective of the professional masters (PM) athletic training student and how their level of development connects to these perceptions is needed to continue to encourage growth in the adult learner, a new type of scholar in many athletic training education programs (ATP). Objective. Develop an understanding about the learning experiences that resonate positively and negatively with second year PM athletic training students, both in the classroom as well as in their clinical education. Create a theory about developmental level and perceptions of learning. Design. Exploratory, qualitative using a general inductive approach and aspects of grounded theory. Setting. Division 1 CAATE athletic training programs. Participants. 12 participants (9 female, 3 male; 24 2 years old). Data Collection and Analysis. Participants engaged in a semi-structured video conference interview. Data were analyzed using aspects of general inductive approach and grounded theory to evaluate the raw data from the interviews. Reaching data saturation, peer review, and member checks were used to establish credibility. Results. The valuable learning experience needed to prepare masters level athletic training students for educational success is the clinical experience which offers opportunities to practice autonomy and hands-on learning. Two main categories emerged from the data describing negative or ineffective aspects of learning: course design and educator effectiveness. From a developmental perspective, participants exhibited meaning making in two distinct ways: external guidance and transformative learning experiences. The developmentally effective experience that was the catalyst for deeper meaning making was the clinical experience. Conclusion. Athletic training students highly value aspects of their education best delivered in a clinical setting but do not value all aspects of their education, especially those delivered in a traditional didactic setting. Educators should seek opportunities to fine tune their course design and find ways to increase effectiveness as educators. Additionally, considerations regarding the developmental level of students should be made by instructors when creating effective learning experiences.
"This new edition of Professional Ethics in Athletic Training provides a framework for understanding and applying ethical principles across the career span of an athletic training professional. As a professional textbook, this book is intended for use in accredited, professional athletic training programs to do the following: Provide a strong theoretical and practical foundation for defining and understanding professional ethics. The professional obligation of the athletic trainer is defined with comprehensive insight regarding the definition of a profession, upholding the social contract with society as a professional, and the unique values and obligations that guide our professional behaviors while infusing ethical constructs for consideration. Through an awakening process, a rich description of integrity is provided as the underlying element of professional practice. Practicing with integrity is introduced and applied through discussion of theory and development of the constructs of character and moral courage. Define the multiple components of practicing with integrity throughout the career path of an athletic trainer through individual consideration at each level of professional development as an athletic training professional. Preprofessional students are in a unique situation as they transition into the academic and clinical athletic training programs. These students require a strong foundation in the ethical considerations of the profession as well as a comprehensive insight into the potential ethical (and legal) dilemmas associated with the practice of athletic training. By clarifying values and understanding academic and clinical practice regulations, the preprofessional student is guided to embark upon the practice of athletic training. Professional students are in the evolutionary process of practicing with integrity and lend a comprehensive approach to ethical decision making and professional responsibility. Professional ethics provide the foundation for professional students to emerge from academic programs with sound, responsible reasoning to facilitate ethical courses of action and decisions. Young professionals are faced with incredible practice challenges as they transition to independent clinical practice. Workplace influences can provide great challenges for young professionals, so a solid framework for understanding the importance of practicing with integrity and potential implications of straying from one's moral compass are addressed. Introduce and encourage ethical leadership as a fundamental element of professionalism and encourage athletic trainers to commit to a lifetime of leading with integrity throughout their professional careers. Addressing the leadership crisis in health care contextualizes the role of athletic training in the larger construct of health care while providing a comprehensive overview of athletic training leadership opportunities and impact. Character development to promote leadership with integrity is addressed through a rich discussion of leadership styles, traits, and behaviors. As athletic trainers, understanding the essence of ethical leadership in the context of the greater health care system is instrumental to making strong ethical decisions throughout one's career. Leaders are faced with challenges on a regular basis, and leading with integrity through crisis is critically important. Tests of leadership are addressed to promote self-discovery and facilitate leadership development among constituents within the organization to promote participative leadership and strong leadership involvement within the profession of athletic training. Ethical leadership needs strong foundational models upon which to anchor professional behaviors and decisions. Multiple ethical decision-making models are presented to guide athletic trainers through a lifetime of ethical leadership, to develop a strong professional leadership plan, and to establish the confidence needed in ethical decision making to ultimately practice and lead with integrity. Educational settings and scholars within the profession of athletic training face unique challenges. As athletic trainers fulfill the multiple roles in the academy, understanding the potential ethical dilemmas that could emerge, as well as the obligation to pay it forward as an ethical leader, is emphasized"--
Objective : The lack of diversity in the profession of athletic training is a concern as other healthcare professions increase. This research explores the influences and barriers that students perceive exist for choosing this profession and how race or ethnicity plays a role. Design and Setting : The study is a mixed methods research which is using a survey and interviews to provide data. The study is specifically looking at professional athletic training programs in the state of Missouri. Subjects: Undergraduate students currently enrolled in an accredited athletic training program in the State of Missouri. Measurements : Surveys were distributed and collected via Qualtrics and results were analyzed through a Kruskall-Wallis test and a Mann-Whitney U test. Interviews were transcribed and coded to determine common themes. Results : Significant differences were found between the responses of White and minority students on survey items related to college advisors, desire to help diverse patient populations, and a lack of role models in the profession. Conclusions : Policies related to the advising of potential athletic training students must be assessed to look at possible racial bias, and efforts to recruit diverse student populations should be a priority for athletic training education programs. Key Words: Athletic Training Education, Professional Socialization, Critical Race Theory.
Differences in perceptions of professional preparedness and factors influencing professional preparedness among entry-level athletic trainers between graduates of professional bachelor's (PB) and professional master's (PM) degree programs were investigated through a mixed-methods study design. A survey and the option for a follow-up interview was sent to a random sample of 1000 entry-level athletic trainers. After applying inclusion criteria, there was a final N of 56. There were no significant differences in perceptions of professional preparedness between PB and PM graduates in any domain of athletic training. In PB and PM program graduates, perceptions of preparedness were significantly lower in the domain of Healthcare Administration and Professional Responsibility compared to all other domains, the domain of Injury Prevention and Wellness Protection (p=.000), the domain of Examination, Assessment, and Diagnosis (p=.000), the domain of Immediate and Emergency Care (p=.000), and the domain of Therapeutic Intervention (p=.000). Clinical Education was ranked to be the most influential factor to professional preparation among PB and PM program graduates. Results call for increased focus on the domain of Healthcare Administration and Professional responsibility through didactic coursework and clinical experiences.
Athletic trainers often find themselves immersed in organizations that can critically influence the way in which they fulfill their professional obligations. The workplace can offer many situations that are challenging, particularly for those athletic trainers who are transitioning into clinical practice. With that in mind, Workplace Concepts for Athletic Trainers provides readers with clear and meaningful information that addresses common concepts and issues that occur in the workplace. The topics selected are a reflection of those covered in the literature as problematic yet identifiable and manageable. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and includes a discussion of the issue itself, how it manifests (sources and antecedents), and strategies and solutions to address the concern. Inside Workplace Concepts for Athletic Trainers, Drs. Stephanie M. Mazerolle and William A. Pitney have infused each chapter with case studies to help readers apply the information presented. The conclusion of each chapter contains a summary, questions for review, and suggested readings to reinforce learning. The recommendations and information presented are designed to improve the workplace culture and climate and provide readers with practical suggestions for dealing with workplace issues. Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom. Workplace Concepts for Athletic Trainers is a must-have for any athletic training student transitioning into clinical practice or a clinician seeking help for common issues that occur in the workplace.