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Islam is a living, breathing and truly eternal 'Way of Life'. A system that empowers us to live the 'highest' and 'best' version of our earthly existences on this planet in the most efficient, beneficial and timely way possible. And since the currency of time on earth is limited, Islam places a strong emphasis on how we can best utilize it. This book evaluates 15 powerful Productivity principles and lessons derived from the life of ʿUmar bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz, commonly known as ʿUmar II, the 8th Umayyad Caliph. Born in Medina in 682, he was the matrilineal great-grandson of Islam's 2nd Caliph ʿUmar bin Al-Khaṭṭāb. His immensely transformational rule as Caliph lasted from 717 until his death in 720. Despite his short reign, ʿUmar II accomplished major milestones and brought about lasting change in the entire Muslim world through his robust manner of governance. He made solid reforms in provincial administration, military strategy, education, taxation, fair dispensation of charity, and public works. His rule saw developments for construction of canals, roads, rest houses for travelers and medical dispensaries while expanding special programs for orphans and the destitute. One of his biggest accolades included ordering the first official collection of the Prophetic Hadiths in order to preserve them in a diligent and systematized manner so they do not get lost. What You'll Achieve: In this book, we dive deep into identifying, understanding and applying the Productivity gems of ʿUmar II that lead him to govern the Islamic State with great ability and progress until his passing at the young age of just 37. Penned by Shaykh Ismail Kamdar with a foreword from Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, the book is a culmination of restless research, immense hard work, and unwavering passion. Within its inspiring pages you'll find proven and timeless 'practical' lessons on Productivity that blends principles of modern Self-Development with accolades from the magnificence of Islamic history. A glorious history many of us have long forgotten in the noise of the digital contemporary world today. Through the magnifying glass of ʿUmar II's life and legacy of successful governance as Caliph, this book will empower you to achieve the most optimal, efficient and productive version of yourself. A version you can be truly proud of; benefiting those around you, while leaving a lasting legacy of your own for your family and the world - even when you're gone!
Ever wonder how successful people manage to accomplish so much in so little time? They achieve high levels of performance by understanding the primary principles of productivity. The principles passed down to us from ancient times. This book will help you become more productive and professional starting today and for the rest of your life. Boosting your overall productivity will help you get more done in your business or any job regardless of which career you choose.
Analyzes Muslim countries' contemporary problems, particularly violence, authoritarianism, and underdevelopment, comparing their historical levels of development with Western Europe.
What kind of economic policy package do Islamic teachings imply? This book seeks to answer this and other related questions.
In the backdrop of the then prevailing ideologies of communism and capitalist democracy, the second successor of the Ahmadiyya Movement, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, addressed this lecture to the Ahmadiyya Annual Gathering on December 28, 1942. The address answers the question, 'How does Ahmadiyyat, the True Islam, propose to deal with the grave problem of socio-economic inequality in the world?' The Ahmadiyya solution is the solution of Islam shaped under divine guidance for present needs by the Holy Founder (a.s.) of the Ahmadiyya movement. The speaker examines and analyses the role played by different movements to alleviate poverty and sufferings, such as, Socialism, International Socialism, Marxism, Bolshevism, Nazism and Fascism and so on. The speaker also, explores the major religions of the world regarding the basic question "social inequality a serious problem." Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at, laid down the foundations of the New World Order, by initiating the scheme of Wasiyyat based on Islamic teachings and under the Divine guidance in his book 'Al-Wassiyat' written in 1905. Later in 1934 Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (r.a.) inaugurated Tahrik-e-Jadid to prepare the ground for the full implementation of the New World Order of the institution of Wasiyyat. In the present lecture he elaborates the aims and objectives of Tahrik-e-Jadid and claims that the New World Order in all its aspects, economic, social and religious, as introduced by Nizam-e-Wassiyat, will at the end prevail and a new and genuine revolution will take place.
This handbook examines agricultural and rural development in Africa from theoretical, empirical and policy stand points. It discusses the challenges of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and assesses how poverty and other development concerns can be addressed in rural communities through agricultural transformation. Additionally, the handbook extends the Post-2015 Development Agenda and it emphasizes the importance of the agricultural sector as it is closely related to the issues of food sustainability, poverty reduction, and employment creation. The contributors suggest multiple evidence-based policies to develop the rural areas through the transformation of the agricultural sector which can significantly benefit the African continent.
This comprehensive survey of Islamic economic thought covers the development of ideas from the early Muslim jurists to the period of the Umayyads and Abbasids. The economic concerns of the Ottomans, Safawids and Moghuls are examined, as is the profusion of more recent writing.
Social media and digital technologies have changed our lives and there is no indication that things will slow down. As Muslims, we believe that Islam contains the most perfect guidance for all of mankind to follow. How do we implement that timeless advice in our unprecedented times? That is the focus of the Fiqh of Social Media. "I am grateful and appreciative of my friend, Omar Usman, for exhausting available resources; Islamic, psychological, secular, and business, to develop the work you see before you. We have had long discussions pertaining to many of the topics covered in this book. I am confident that you will find this book to be beneficial, and I pray that it inspires more contributions on this topic." -Shaykh AbdulNasir Jangda, Qalam Institute "With the time we spend on social media, being mindful of how we use it is crucial. This is a wonderful resource based in prophetic guidance on how to practically use social media in wise and beneficial ways." -Dr. Omar Suleiman, Yaqeen Institute "Reading Fiqh of Social Media is like sitting with your best friend from Sunday school and having an intellectual & spiritual conversation about the impact of social media on your life. Omar distills years of research, experience, and thought leadership in an easily digestible book that you can enjoy with a good cup of coffee (and your phone off!)" -Mohammed Faris, The Productive Muslim Company "The Prophet (s) said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should say something good or keep silent." The ability to control our tongues, how we communicate with others, is an expression of our faith. Communication has evolved and changed so much that one of the primary ways many of us communicate with others is through social media; hashtags and 280 characters. This is a long-awaited work from my good friend and Hajj companion Omar Usman who has been writing, tweeting, speaking, and teaching about the Fiqh of Social Media for years. This is a valuable work providing guidance on how to use and benefit from social media in a way that conforms to our principles and values." -Shaykh Furhan Zubairi, Institute of Knowledge "Ulama of the past have written on the adaab of speech and social interaction. Connecting those guidelines with the modern world of social media has been the need of our time. May Allah reward Omar for taking this task on!" -Mufti Hussain Kamani, Qalam Institute "This is a must-read for Muslims around the globe. I can't thank Omar enough for this work which forces Muslims to look in the mirror and answer tough questions about how social media has impacted our lives. It questions why we desire to share the most intimate aspects of our lives with strangers from around the world and provides action items to implement. These discussions need to be had within the Muslim community. We have to question how our quality of life has been impacted by the age of hyper-connectivity. Due to the fact that Social Media is the tool for creating social capital, we need to realize that speaking about the harms of constant connectivity takes a lot of courage. Thank you, Omar, for this work." -Shaykh Mikaeel Smith, Qalam Institute
To be able to compete successfully both at national and international levels, production systems and equipment must perform at levels not even thinkable a decade ago. Requirements for increased product quality, reduced throughput time and enhanced operating effectiveness within a rapidly changing customer demand environment continue to demand a high maintenance performance. In some cases, maintenance is required to increase operational effectiveness and revenues and customer satisfaction while reducing capital, operating and support costs. This may be the largest challenge facing production enterprises these days. For this, maintenance strategy is required to be aligned with the production logistics and also to keep updated with the current best practices. Maintenance has become a multidisciplinary activity and one may come across situations in which maintenance is the responsibility of people whose training is not engineering. This handbook aims to assist at different levels of understanding whether the manager is an engineer, a production manager, an experienced maintenance practitioner or a beginner. Topics selected to be included in this handbook cover a wide range of issues in the area of maintenance management and engineering to cater for all those interested in maintenance whether practitioners or researchers. This handbook is divided into 6 parts and contains 26 chapters covering a wide range of topics related to maintenance management and engineering.