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Monte Carlo calculations of 26Al and 53Mn production due to spallation induced by cosmogenic protons in model meteorite composition similar to L Chondrite has yielded predictions which are consistent with the observed decay rates in L Chondrite stony meteorites. The calculated 26Al production rate (54 dpm/kg) in a 1 m diameter meteorite is within 1/2 S.D. of the mean (49 +- 11 dpm/kg) taken from 100 bulk determinations in L Chondrite samples compiled in Nishiizumi (1987). Similarly calculated average value for 53Mn (223 dpm/kg) is consistent with one S.D. off the mean in the widely scattered 53Mn data (362 +- 113 dpm/kg) compiled by Nishiizumi (1987). 9 refs.
A model is presented for the differential fluxes of galactic-cosmic-ray (GCR) particles with energies above 1 MeV inside any spherical stony meteorite as a function of the meteorite's radius and the sample's depth. This model is based on the Reedy-Arnold equations for the energy-dependent fluxes of GCR particles in the moon and is an extension of flux parameters that were derived for several meteorites of various sizes. This flux is used to calculate the production rates of many cosmogenic nuclides as a function of radius and depth. The peak production rates for most nuclides made by the reactions of energetic GCR particles occur near the centers of meteorites with radii of 40 to 70 g cm−2. Although the model has some limitations, it reproduces well the basic trends for the depth-dependent production of cosmogenic nuclides in stony meteorites of various radii. These production profiles agree fairly well with measurements of cosmogenic nuclides in meteorites. Some of these production profiles are different than those calculated by others. The chemical dependence of the production rates for several nuclides varies with size and depth. 25 references, 8 figures.
The distribution of neutrons with energies below 15 MeV in spherical stony meteoroids is calculated using the ANISN neutron-transport code. The source distributions and intensities of neutrons are calculated using cross sections for the production of tritium. The meteoroid's radius and chemical composition strongly influence the total neutron flux and the neutron energy spectrum, while the location within a meteoroid only affects the relative neutron intensities. Meteoroids need to have radii of more than 50 g/cm2 before they have appreciable fluxes of neutrons near thermal energies. Meteoroids with high hydrogen or low iron contents can thermalize neutrons better than chondrites. Rates for the production of 6°Co, 59Ni, and 36Cl are calculated with evaluated neutron-capture cross sections and neutron fluxes determined for carbonaceous chondrites with high hydrogen contents, L-chondrites, and aubrites. For most meteoroids with radii
This is the first book to provide a comprehensive and state-of-the-art introduction to the novel and fast-evolving topic of in-situ produced cosmogenic nuclides. It presents an accessible introduction to the theoretical foundations, with explanations of relevant concepts starting at a basic level and building in sophistication. It incorporates, and draws on, methodological discussions and advances achieved within the international CRONUS (Cosmic-Ray Produced Nuclide Systematics) networks. Practical aspects such as sampling, analytical methods and data-interpretation are discussed in detail and an essential sampling checklist is provided. The full range of cosmogenic isotopes is covered and a wide spectrum of in-situ applications are described and illustrated with specific and generic examples of exposure dating, burial dating, erosion and uplift rates, and process model verification. Graduate students and experienced practitioners will find this book a vital source of information on the background concepts and practical applications in geomorphology, geography, soil-science, and geology.
Activity-versus-depth profiles of cosmic-ray-produced 36Cl were measured in metal from two cores each in the St. Severin and Jilin chondrites and in lunar core 15008. Production of 36Cl in these samples range from high-energy reactions with Fe and Ni to low-energy reactions with Ca and K and possibly neutron-capture reactions with 35Cl. The cross sections used in the Reedy-Arnold model for neutron-induced reactions were adjusted to get production rates that fit the measured 36Cl activities in St. Severin metal and in the lunar soil of core 15008. The 36Cl in metal from St. Severin has a fairly flat activity-versus-depth profile, unlike most other cosmogenic nuclides in bulk samples from St. Severin, which increase in concentration with depth. In metal from Jilin, a decrease in 36Cl was observed near its center. The length of Jilin's most recent cosmic-ray exposure was (approximately)0.5 My. Lunar core 15008 has an excess in 36Cl of about 4 dpm/kg near its surface that was produced by solar-proton-induced reactions. The calculated production rates are consistent with these measured trends in 15008. 39 refs., 4 figs., 3 tabs.
The production rates of nuclides made by the galactic and solar cosmic rays are important in the interpretations of measurements made with lunar samples, meteorites, and cosmic spherules. Production rates of cosmogenic nuclides have been predicted by a variety of methods that are reviewed in this paper, ranging from systematic studies of one or a group of meteorites to purely theoretical calculations. Production rates can vary with the chemical composition and the preatmospheric depth of the sample and with the size and shape of the object. While the production systematics for cosmogenic nuclides are fairly well known, our ability to predict their production rates can be improved, with a corresponding increase in the scientific return. Additional detailed studies of cosmogenic nuclides in extraterrestrial objects are needed, especially for fairly small and very large objects. Nuclides made in simulation experiments and cross sections for many major nuclear reactions should be measured. Such studies are especially needed for the long-lived radionuclides that have only recently become readily measurable by accelerator mass spectrometry. 34 refs., 5 figs.
Cosmogenic radionuclides are radioactive isotopes which are produced by natural processes and distributed within the Earth system. With a holistic view of the environment the authors show in this book how cosmogenic radionuclides can be used to trace and to reconstruct the history of a large variety of processes. They discuss the way in which cosmogenic radionuclides can assist in the quantification of complex processes in the present-day environment. The book aims to demonstrate to the reader the strength of analytic tools based on cosmogenic radionuclides, their contribution to almost any field of modern science, and how these tools may assist in the solution of many present and future problems that we face here on Earth. The book provides a comprehensive discussion of the basic principles behind the applications of cosmogenic (and other) radionuclides as environmental tracers and dating tools. The second section of the book discusses in some detail the production of radionuclides by cosmic radiation, their transport and distribution in the atmosphere and the hydrosphere, their storage in natural archives, and how they are measured. The third section of the book presents a number of examples selected to illustrate typical tracer and dating applications in a number of different spheres (atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere, solar physics and astronomy). At the same time the authors have outlined the limitations of the use of cosmogenic radionuclides. Written on a level understandable by graduate students without specialist skills in physics or mathematics, the book addresses a wide audience, ranging from archaeology, biophysics, and geophysics, to atmospheric physics, hydrology, astrophysics and space science.