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This book examines the interaction between art, design, technology and the social sciences. It features 56 papers that were presented at the International Symposium on Research of Arts, Design and Humanities, ISRADH 2014, held at Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Complete with helpful diagrams and tables, the papers cover such topics as artificial reef development, racial discourse in the social media, stoneware as a replacement material for modern ventilation walls, and factors contributing to internet abuse in the workplace. Overall, the coverage focuses on global design trends and demands with an emphasis on people, business and technology. Inside, readers will find information on art and science in industrial applications; art management and entrepreneurship; cognitive, psychological and behavioral science; design technology and sustainable development; humanities and social applications in quality of life; social implications of technology; and visual communication and technologies. Taking a multi-disciplinary approach, the book features insightful discussions among academicians and industrial practitioners on the evolution of design that will appeal to researchers, designers and students.
Kegiatan seminar yang berlangsung selama dua hari (28-29 November 2012) tersebut, menghadirkan 10 orang narasumber, terutama para akademisi yang concern dalam pengkajian Melayu baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri, seperti Prof. Margaret Kartomi (Monash University), Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, M.A. (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta), Henri Chambert-Loir (Peneliti Manuskrip Melayu dari Perancis), Prof. Datuk Wira Dr. Abdul Latiff bin Abu Bakar (University Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia), Suryadi, M.A (Leiden University Institute for Area Studies), Prof. Dr. Abdul Hadi, WM (Universitas Paramadina Jakarta), Prof. Dr. Yusmar Yusuf (Universitas Riau) Prof. Dr. H. Mahdi Bahar, S.Kar., M.Hum (ISI Padangpanjang), Prof. Dr. Sri Hastanto, S.Kar (ISI Surakarta), dan Prof. Dr. I Wayan Rai S, M.A (ISI Denpasar). Selain narasumber tersebut, prosiding seminar ini juga memuat makalah-makalah partisipan (call pappers) yang berasal dari berbagai disiplin ilmu. Seminar yang dihadiri oleh 350 orang peserta ini, dimaksudkan sebagai upaya untuk menggali, memetakan dan mendefinisikan kembali Melayu dalam ruang lingkup yang sesungguhnya, yakni sebagai sebuah dunia Melayu dengan keberagaman etnis, budaya dan geografis, yang dirajut oleh latar belakang nilai-nilai humanistik yang sama. Wacana mengenai kemelayuan justru seringkali mengecilkan peran dan arti penting peradaban Melayu. Sejumlah pihak malah menyatakan klaim sebagai pemilik sah kebudayaan Melayu, yang nyatanya menjadi milik komunal rumpun bangsa Melayu itu sendiri, yang tersebar di kawasan Asia Tenggara dan Nusantara khususnya sejak zaman Melayu Tua (proto Melayu) sampai Melayu Muda (deutro Melayu). Persepsi mengenai Melayu pun kemudian menjadi sangat lokal dan spesifik. Hal ini tentunya sangat merugikan dan memecah-belah masyarakat dan peradaban Melayu itu sendiri Prosiding Seminar Internasional ini disusun sebagai dokumentasi dari sebuah diskursus keilmuan, yang pada akhirnya dapat menjadi salah satu sumber pemikiran dan informasi mengenai dunia Melayu dalam perspektif seni dan budaya. Oleh karena itu, panitia memberikan apresiasi dan ucapan terima kasih kepada seluruh narasumber yang telah menyumbangkan ide, gagasan dan pemikirannya. Ucapan terima kasih juga disampaikan kepada seluruh pihak yang telah berperan aktif dalam menyukseskan kegiatan seminar ini.
Traditional literature, or 'the deed of the reed pen' as it was called by its creators, is not only the most valuable part of the cultural heritage of the Malay people, but also a shared legacy of Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei. Malay culture during its heyday saw the entire Universe as a piece of literature written by the Creator with the Sublime Pen on the Guarded Tablet. Literature was not just the creation of a scribe, but a scribe himself, imprinting words on the 'sheet of memory' and thus shaping human personality. This book, the first comprehensive survey of traditional Malay literature in English since 1939, embraces more than a millennium of Malay letters from the vague data of the seventh century up to the early beginnings of the modern literatures in the late nineteenth century. The long path trodden by traditional Malay literature is viewed in historical and theoretical perspectives as a development of integral system, caused by cultural and religious changes, primarily by gradual Islamization. This changing system considered in the entirety of its genres and works, is seen both externally and internally: from the point of view of modern scholarship and through the examination of indigenous concepts of literary creativity, poetics and aesthetics. The book not only repesents an original study based on a specific historico-theoretical approach, but it is also a complete reference-work and an indispensable manual for students.