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In der Optoelektronik werden neue Forschungsergebnisse in rasantem Tempo in technische Entwicklungen und Anwendungen umgesetzt. Die seit 1973 alle zwei Jahre veranstaltete Kongre€messe Laser Opto-Elektronik ermöglicht einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand. Das Programm von Laser 87 Opto-Elektronik umfa€te - wie seine Vorgänger - wieder ein breites Spektrum der Bereiche Technik und Medizin. In Basis-Seminaren wurden physikalische Grundlagen erläutert, Plenarvorträge vermittelten eine Übersicht über wichtige Fachgebiete, in Einzelvorträgen wurden neue Ergebnisse mitgeteilt. Der vorliegende Band "Laser/Optoelektronik in der Medizin 1987" enthält die Vorträge des 7. Internationalen Kongresses mit medizinischen Themenschwerpunkten.
The use oflasers in clinical practice is increasing rapidly, both in the definitive treatment of disease and in the palliation of symp toms. Consequently, this sixth contribution to the Bloomsbury Series in Clinical Science is particularly timely. It opens with an introduction to the basic physics of lasers and then focuses on the current use of lasers in urological practice, and concludes by reflecting on their potential for the future. Edited, and with several contributions by Tom McNicholas, the book also contains contributions from a number of workers at the National Medical Laser Centre in University College Hos pital. London. Given their ever widening application, there can be little doubt that lasers will be a subject the series will return to again. To date, the series has been concerned with a wide range of topics of fundamental importance in clinical science. It has now gained momentum and future titles continue to reflect its wide sphere of interest. As Series Editor, I would welcome suggestions from readers of topics and issues that could usefully be addressed in the series.
The introduction of lasers into operative medicine and advances in fiberoptic technology have made a significant contribution to minimally invasive surgery. This book was written to raise awareness of the capabilities and advant ages of lasers in urological surgery and to make this tech nology more widely accessible. The book reflects the cumulative experience of 25 years of laser research and clinical application, starting in 1972 with studies on laser tissue interactions, endoscopic studies with fiberoptic "sutures;' and the first clinical use of lasers in 1975 and 1976. These early efforts were followed by the develop ment oflaser lithotripsy in the early 1980 s and a Lubeck based research program leading to the development of a "smart" laser lithotriptor (Lithognost) in the late 1980s. There have been recent advances in the field of photo dynamic diagnosis based on the use of locally adminis tered photo sensitizers, a development that will redefine the role of the Nd:YAG laser in the treatment of bladder cancer. Perhaps the most interesting concept is the inter stitiallaser therapy of prostatic hyperplasia and, perhaps one day, certain forms of prostatic cancer. We have also developed a technique, first described in 1986, for the laser treatment of schistosomal bladder lesions. I dedicate this book to the many pioneers oflaser medi cine and to all the colleagues and research assistants who accompanied me on this journey. I cannot name them all; their names can be found in more than 300 publications.