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This is the first book to teach the basic methods of proof and problem solving in General Equilibrium Theory at graduate level. The problems cover the entire spectrum of difficulty: some are routine, while others require a good grasp of the material involved, and some are even challenging. In searching for the basic required techniques, students will discover a wealth of new material, and are encouraged to arrive at solutions different from the ones presented in the book. Complete solutions to two hundred problems are provided.
Equilibrium Problems and Applications develops a unified variational approach to deal with single-valued, set-valued and quasi-equilibrium problems. The authors promote original results in relationship with classical contributions to the field of equilibrium problems. The content evolved in the general setting of topological vector spaces and it lies at the interplay between pure and applied nonlinear analysis, mathematical economics, and mathematical physics. This abstract approach is based on tools from various fields, including set-valued analysis, variational and hemivariational inequalities, fixed point theory, and optimization. Applications include models from mathematical economics, Nash equilibrium of non-cooperative games, and Browder variational inclusions. The content is self-contained and the book is mainly addressed to researchers in mathematics, economics and mathematical physics as well as to graduate students in applied nonlinear analysis. A rigorous mathematical analysis of Nash equilibrium type problems, which play a central role to describe network traffic models, competition games or problems arising in experimental economics Develops generic models relevant to mathematical economics and quantitative modeling of game theory, aiding economists to understand vital material without having to wade through complex proofs Reveals a number of surprising interactions among various equilibria topics, enabling readers to identify a common and unified approach to analysing problem sets Illustrates the deep features shared by several types of nonlinear problems, encouraging readers to develop further this unifying approach from other viewpoints into economic models in turn
General Equilibrium Theory studies the properties and operation of free market economies. The field is a response to a series of questions originally outlined by Leon Walras about the operation of markets and posed by Frank Hahn in the following way: ‘Does the pursuit of private interest, through a system of interconnected deregulated markets, lead not to chaos but to coherence — and if so, how is that achieved?’ This is always an apt question, but particularly so given the ‘Global Financial Crisis’ that emerged from the operation of market economies in the Americas and Europe in mid to late 2008.The answer that General Equilibrium Theory provides to the Walras-Hahn question is that, under certain conditions coherence is possible, while under certain other conditions chaos, in various forms, is likely to prevail. The conditionality of either outcome is not always well understood — neither by proponents of, or antagonists to, the ‘free market position’. Consequently, this book attempts to show something of what General Equilibrium Theory has to say about the wisdom or otherwise of always relying on ‘market forces’ to manage complex socio-economic systems.
In the early fifties, applied mathematicians, engineers and economists started to pay c10se attention to the optimization problems in which another (lower-Ievel) optimization problem arises as a side constraint. One of the motivating factors was the concept of the Stackelberg solution in game theory, together with its economic applications. Other problems have been encountered in the seventies in natural sciences and engineering. Many of them are of practical importance and have been extensively studied, mainly from the theoretical point of view. Later, applications to mechanics and network design have lead to an extension of the problem formulation: Constraints in form of variation al inequalities and complementarity problems were also admitted. The term "generalized bi level programming problems" was used at first but later, probably in Harker and Pang, 1988, a different terminology was introduced: Mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, or simply, MPECs. In this book we adhere to MPEC terminology. A large number of papers deals with MPECs but, to our knowledge, there is only one monograph (Luo et al. , 1997). This monograph concentrates on optimality conditions and numerical methods. Our book is oriented similarly, but we focus on those MPECs which can be treated by the implicit programming approach: the equilibrium constraint locally defines a certain implicit function and allows to convert the problem into a mathematical program with a nonsmooth objective.
This volume brings forth a set of papers presented at the conference on "Varia tional Inequalities and network equilibrium problems", held in Erice at the "G. Stam pacchia" School of the "E. Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture in the period 19~25 June 1994. The meeting was conceived to contribute to the exchange between Variational Analysis and equilibrium problems, especially those related to network design. Most of the approaches and viewpoints of these fields are present in the volume, both as concerns the theory and the applications of equilibrium problems to transportation, computer and electric networks, to market behavior, and to bi~level programming. Being convinced of the great importance of equilibrium problems as well as of their complexity, the organizers hope that the merging of points of view coming from differ ent fields will stimulate theoretical research and applications. In this context Variational and Quasi~Variational Inequalities have shown them selves to be very important models for equilibrium problems. As a consequence in the last two decades they have received a lot of attention both as to mathematical inves tigation and applications. The proof that the above mentioned equilibrium problems can be expressed, in terms of Variational or Quasi~Variational Inequalities also in the non~standard and non~symmetric cases, has been a crucial improvement.
This volume is the result of a conference held at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna. There is still a gap reflected both in fundamental meth odological differences and in the style of analysis between the Walrasian (and Edgeworthian) tradition of general equilibrium theory and the theo retical and policy problems raised in the framework of Keynesian and post-Keynesian macroeconomics. The conference succeeded in bringing together economic theorists working in fields ranging from abstract prob lems of mathematical equilibrium analysis to applied macroeconomic theory, and it is hoped that the present volume will contribute to bridging the above-mentioned hiatus. As organizer of the meeting and editor of its proceedings I want to thank the Institute for Advanced Studies for providing facilities and funds. I am also sincerely grateful to all my colleagues from the Institute for their generous help, in particular to Mrs Monika Herkner without whose assistance and organizational talent the conference would certainly not have been the success it in fact - in the opinion of all participants - turned out to have been. Furthermore, I wish to express my gratitude towards all participants in the meeting and contributors to the volume whose patient support of the whole enterprise proved indispensable. To Mrs Elfriede Auracher I am deeply indebted for her skillful and effective general management of the editorial work and her invaluable assistance in compiling the indexes.
The development of general equilibrium theory represents one of the greatest advances in economic analysis in the latter half of the twentieth century. This book, intended for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, provides a broad introduction to competitive equilibrium analysis with an emphasis on concrete applications. The first three chapters are introductory in nature, paving the way for the more advanced second half of the book. Relative to the competition, it is much more 'user friendly' while offering exceptionally broad coverage of topics. Well-designed and interesting applications help to make potentially abstract material more accessible. The book includes 92 illustrations and nearly 200 exercises.
General Equilibrium Theory: An Introduction treats the classic Arrow-Debreu general equilibrium model in a form accessible to graduate students and advanced undergraduates in economics and mathematics. Topics covered include mathematical preliminaries, households and firms, existence of general equilibrium, Pareto efficiency of general equilibrium, the First and Second Fundamental Theorems of Welfare Economics, the core and core convergences, future markets over time and contingent commodity markets under uncertainty. Demand, supply, and excess demand appear first as (point-valued) functions, then optionally as (set-valued) correspondences. The mathematics presented (with elementary proofs of the theorems) includes a real analysis, the Brouwer fixed point theorem, and separating and supporting hyperplane theorems. Optional chapters introduce the existence of equilibrium with set-valued supply and demand, the mathematics of upper and lower hemicontinuous correspondences, and the Kakutani fixed point theorem. The treatment emphasizes clarity and accessibility to the student through use of examples and intuition.