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In Eastern Europe privatization is now a mass phenomenon. The authors propose a model of it by means of an illustration from the example of Poland, which envisages the free provision of shares in formerly public undertakings to employees and consumers, and the provision of corporate finance from foreign intermediaries. One danger that emerges is that of bureaucratization. On the broader canvas, mass privatization implies the reform of the whole system, the creation of a suitable economic infrastructure for a market economy and the institutions of corporate governance. The authors point out the need for a delicate balance between evolution - which may be too slow - and design - which brings the risk of more government involvement than it is able to manage. A chapter originating as a European Bank working paper explores the banking implications of setting up a totally new financial sector with interlocking classes of assets. The economic effects merge into politics as the role of the state is investigated. Teachers and graduate students of public/private sector economies, East European affairs; advisers to bankers or commercial companies with Eastern European interests.
At the end of the century, privatization has become a worldwide phenomenon. It is taking place in what was once called the first, the second, and the third world. The volume mirrors this expansion of privatization. In Part I on the economics of privatization, historical, theoretical, and politico-economic issues are covered. In Part II country studies are presented for China, the Czech Republic, Eastern Germany, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Russia and the United Kingdom. In Part III a broader view on privatization is taken by including deregulation and the private provision of public goods and services.The book contains contributions by D.BAs, T.Eggertsson, R.P.Heinrich, P. Jasinski, H.Klodt, B.Krug, D.Lal, S.C.Littlechild, M. Mejstrik, P.Mihalyi, P.Plane, J.-J.Rosa, K.M.Schmidt and M.Schnitzer, and U.Siegmund.
Privatisation and Structural Change in Transition Economies brings together specialists from different areas (governance, regulation, macro-econometrics, micro-econometrics, enterprise culture, foreign direct investment, technology transfer) to focus on the many different aspects of the privatization process in transition economies. The book does not dwell on the administrative or procedural aspects of privatisation. Instead it attempts to understand the bigger picture in terms of underlying policy environment and supporting legal and economic measures which helped to a large extent to determine the eventual success or failure of privatization programmes.
This book analyzes the political-economic implications of system transformation as experienced now in Central and Eastern Europe and in China. The whole societal organization being in motion and economic activitybeing in a deep recession, political leaders will find it extremely difficult to secure consensus and support for redesigning institutions, and stabilizing and restructuring activity. The ensuing process is certainly not one of optimal control, but has rather evolutionary characteristics leading constantly to paradoxes and dilemmas. The first part of the book discusses different paradigms within which the complex process of transformation could fruitfully be analyzed. Democratic theory, bargaining theory, efficiency theory, institutionalism - all contribute to the understanding of the complex phenomena. Keytopics of the second part are among others: policy aspects of privatization, adjustment of fiscal system and policy, industrialrestructuring, the different case of China. The book illustrates that the first euphoria of planning the transition to markets was rather naive, analytically and politically. Transformation is not only an economic puzzle, not even in the first place. It is very much of a sociopolitical problem andhas to be treated as such. The book can be used as a reader or as background literature in corresponding course.
The transition to market economies in Eastern Europe, considered in the light of Western experiences of seeking a middle way between classical liberalism and state socialism.
IFC Discussion Paper No. 38.QUOTEIt is now universally acknowledged that ownership matters; that private ownership in and of itself is a major determinant of good performance in firms... Decent economic policy and well-functioning legal and administrative institutions... matter greatly as well.QUOTEThis paper looks at what happens when the shift to private ownership gets far out in front of the effort to build the institutional underpinnings of a capitalist economy. The emphasis is on what went wrong and why and what, if anything, can be done to be correct it. Proposals include renationalization and/or postponement of further privatization, both to be accompanied by measures to strengthen the managerial capacities of the state. Neither approach seems likely to produce short-term improvements. The regrettable fact is that governments that botch privatization are equally likely to botch the management of state-owned firms. In a number of Central European transition countries, privatization is living up to expectations; and there is no need for such measures. For institutionally-weak countries, the less dramatic but reasonable short-term course of action is to push ahead more slowly with case- by-case and tender privatization in cooperation with the international assistance community in hopes of producing some success stories that will lead by example.