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Space was at the center of America's imagination in the 1960s. President John F. Kennedy's visionary statement captured the mood of the day: "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." The Apollo mission's success in July 1969 made almost anything seem possible, but the Cold War made space flight the province of governmental agencies in the United States. When the Apollo program ended in 1972, space lost its hold on the public interest, as the great achievements wound down. Entrepreneurs are beginning to pick up the slack-looking for safer, more reliable, and more cost effective ways of exploring space. Entrepreneurial activity may make create a renaissance in human spaceflight. The private sector can energize the quest for space exploration and shape the race for the final frontier. Space entrepreneurs and private sector firms are making significant innovations in space travel. They have plans for future tourism in space and safer shuttles. Solomon details current US and international laws dealing with space use, settlement, and exploration, and offers policy recommendations to facilitate privatization. As private enterprise takes hold, it threatens to change the space landscape forever. Individuals are designing spacecraft, start-up companies are testing prototypes, and reservations are being taken for suborbital space flights. With for-profit enterprises carving out a new realm, it is entirely possible that space will one day be a sea of hotels and/or a repository of resources for big business. It is important that regulations are in place for this eventuality. These new developments have great importance, huge implications, and urgency for everyone.
This book provides a broad set of information and data on the rise of private actors in the space sector, organized into different topics covering the various trends that have shaped the space sector during the last decade. The book, written in a descriptive fashion, concludes with recommendations for future analytical research on the topic.
The contributions in this book reflect on the growing diversification of space law and is divided in two parts. The first part provides a look at the current developments in international space law and regulation and the second part investigates future perspectives of this process. It is only recently that international space law entered its third phase of development. While the first phase, between the 1960s and 1970s, was characterized by the elaboration of international conventions in the framework of the United Nations, the second phase saw the adoption of special legal regimes in the form of UN General Assembly Resolutions which were dealing with issues like direct broadcasting by satellites (DBS), remote sensing (RS) and the use of nuclear power sources (NPS) in outer space. The third and current phase received its impetus from the growing commercialization of space activities and their emerging privatization. Therefore the main characteristics of this period relate to the efforts of adapting international space law to these recent changes and of finding ways and means to reconcile State interests with commercial perspectives. This book forms a welcome addition to any collection in the field of space law and is a refreshing contribution to the discussion in the field.
Disaster management is generally understood to consist of four phases: mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. While these phases are all important and interrelated, response and recovery are often considered to be the most critical in terms of saving lives. Response is the acute phase occurring after the event, and includes all arrangemen
This book explores how Europe is seeking to enlarge its launching capacities by building additional spaceports on the European continent. Various national initiatives are envisaged resulting in a “space race” in the field of constructing spaceports and building micro launchers. However, right from the beginning when choosing the launch site (land or sea based-rocket launches) there are various factors relating to international space law, European regulations and national rules that must be considered, as spaceports are rarely explicitly addressed in current legal and policy frameworks. While launching sites used to be operated by governments, private commercial initiatives are increasingly entering the field. This paradigm shift must be reflected within regulations relating to various aspects of space liability by enlarging the long-established terms of the United Nations space treaties to accommodate commercial space flights. Questions of permission, supervision and control require special liability regulations to avoid detrimental consequences stemming from the concept of “launching states” in view of the rise of private driven commercial space activities on a global level. Furthermore, not only do environmental aspects need to be thoroughly examined but also the concept of critical infrastructure requires special attention from a security perspective to anticipate, inter alia, cyber-attacks. For these reasons, several European and national regulations may need to be enlarged to apply to the entire space sector, using a harmonized approach that has direct implications for the regulations, programmes, and missions of the European Union and the European Space Agency, bearing in mind that the upcoming spaceports in Europe are an essential asset to substantially boost the European New Space.
The 'Cologne Commentary on Space Law' is a three-volume annotation on the written norms of space law as enunciated through the Treaties of the United Nations and its General Assembly Resolutions. Volume I focuses on the 1967 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, popularly known as the ?Outer Space Treaty?. A broad international authorship of twenty experts addresses the historical overview and provides a provision by-provision interpretation of the Outer Space Treaty. This Volume also includes insights into the subsequent State practice, present-day applicability and future perspectives of the Treaty. The other four UN Treaties, the 1968 Rescue Agreement, the 1972 Liability Convention, the 1975 Registration Convention and the 1979 Moon Agreement, are addressed in Volume II, which was published in 2013. Volume III (published in 2015) delves into the eight most relevant United Nations General Assembly Resolutions/Principles on space activities. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty, Volume I of the 'Cologne Commentary on Space Law' has been translated into Russian.
The tremendous flow of air traffic traversing the airspace of the European Union demands extraordinary vigilance on the part of air navigation service providers. Although the first requirement of air navigation services is obviously the enhancement of safety, providers must also attend to the efficiency and optimisation of airspace capacity and the minimisation of air traffic delays. As technological and operational improvements proceed in these areas, jurisdictional issues of responsibility and liability—particularly in cases of mid-air collisions—become ever sharper and more in need of precise definition. This detailed and insightful exposition focuses on these issues from three overlapping perspectives: the international and European legal framework dealing with air navigation services, the question of state responsibility, and the question of liability for damage inflicted by air navigation service providers. The author’s in-depth analysis includes examination of many elements, among them the following: • the interrelated roles of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL), the European Community’s European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and other international bodies; • the Single European Sky initiative, its establishment of Functional Airspace Blocks (FUAs), and its ongoing research program (SESAR); • establishment of transparent lines of state responsibility in the context of cross-border provision of air navigation services; and prospects for the imposition of a transparent liability regime on corporatized air navigation service providers. In conclusion, the author enumerates the essential elements required for cross-border provision of air navigation services and offers well-thought-out final recommendations and conclusions on the most preferable way to pursue such cross-border provision within and outside the European Community. A model agreement for the delegation of air navigation service provision appears as an appendix. All professionals concerned with air navigation, in Europe and elsewhere, will appreciate the depth of knowledge and commitment apparent in this book. The deeply informed insights manifest in its pages will be of enormous value to aviation agency officials and air law practitioners everywhere.
Outer space is subject to a legal framework; there is a set of rules specifically dedicated to outer space and to the activities carried out there. These rules have developed since 1957, the year the first artificial satellite was launched. Major changes have also affected the technology used and the actors involved, as well as the domains concerned by the exploration and use of outer space. Space Law will lay out the progressive densification of the legal framework that is applicable to outer space and the activities that are carried out there. Without claiming to be exhaustive, the aim of this book is to present the main primary sources of space law, its main principles, the diversity of its fields of application and the challenges and issues that the development of space activities inevitably raises.
Frans von der Dunk, a leading authority on space law, presents a nuanced introduction to the topic, explaining the legal rules, rights and obligations applicable to activities in outer space and activities that precede operations in space. He analyzes the interaction of these elements as well as how international organizations relate to the core tenets of space legislation.