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Xia Chuyue came back to life after dying and returned back to his prime. This year was the first year she had stepped into the Entertainment Circle. All of her schemes and tricks had yet to begin and she was still that pure and clean Xia Chuyue! A vicious stepmother, a cold and merciless father, a vicious and cruel sister, and a husband with the face of a beast with a human's heart. She would return the pain that they brought upon her a hundredfold! Lu Yuchen gently embraced the woman in her arms, but her tone was extremely tyrannical: "Leave all of this to me! "Woman, you just need to obediently stay by my side and be pampered by me!"
Xia Chuyue came back to life after dying and returned back to his prime. This year was the first year she had stepped into the Entertainment Circle. All of her schemes and tricks had yet to begin and she was still that pure and clean Xia Chuyue! A vicious stepmother, a cold and merciless father, a vicious and cruel sister, and a husband with the face of a beast with a human's heart. She would return the pain that they brought upon her a hundredfold! Lu Yuchen gently embraced the woman in her arms, but her tone was extremely tyrannical: "Leave all of this to me! "Woman, you just need to obediently stay by my side and be pampered by me!"
Xia Chuyue came back to life after dying and returned back to his prime. This year was the first year she had stepped into the Entertainment Circle. All of her schemes and tricks had yet to begin and she was still that pure and clean Xia Chuyue! A vicious stepmother, a cold and merciless father, a vicious and cruel sister, and a husband with the face of a beast with a human's heart. She would return the pain that they brought upon her a hundredfold! Lu Yuchen gently embraced the woman in her arms, but her tone was extremely tyrannical: "Leave all of this to me! "Woman, you just need to obediently stay by my side and be pampered by me!"
Xia Chuyue came back to life after dying and returned back to his prime. This year was the first year she had stepped into the Entertainment Circle. All of her schemes and tricks had yet to begin and she was still that pure and clean Xia Chuyue! A vicious stepmother, a cold and merciless father, a vicious and cruel sister, and a husband with the face of a beast with a human's heart. She would return the pain that they brought upon her a hundredfold! Lu Yuchen gently embraced the woman in her arms, but her tone was extremely tyrannical: "Leave all of this to me! "Woman, you just need to obediently stay by my side and be pampered by me!"
The Prince Charming Collection from Mills & Boon
The Cinderella and Prince Charming Collection from Mills & Boon
Glory Sandrin is looking for her perfect Prince Charming. She’s in love with Edoardo Pisani, her fellow lawyer and boss, but Edoardo is definitely not the man for her. He changes women as often as he changes his shirt. So when Edoardo asks her to be his 'pretend' girlfriend, Glory’s first instinct is to run for the hills. But her friend’s job relies on her helping Edoardo out. Can she be his girlfriend for a few short weeks and remain sane? Edoardo Pisani has been burnt badly by marriage; it’s now off his list of things to do. He likes his life the way it is, and no sassy blonde will convince him otherwise. He wants to be Lord Mayor of Melbourne and needs a 'nice' girl for a few short weeks. Trouble is, Glory has a way of getting under his skin. Sensuality Level: Behind Closed Doors
Have you ever wondered what happened to your Prince Charming and your "happily ever after"? Regardless of where you are in your marriage journey, this book is about finding and keeping your Prince Charming and it can guide you towards your "happily ever after". Prince Charming hasn't disappeared. This book will help you re-identify the man you fell in love with and, if applied, can lead you to the marriage you desire. Misty Stanczyk is married to her hero and Prince Charming and has spent the last 15 years figuring out how to be an uplifting and encouraging wife. She has been a mentor and friend to countless women in the areas of marriage, personal growth and helping them work through life's struggles. She is the founder of G4G ( and describes its purpose this way: "We are all screwed up in our own special way. I don't care which "side of the tracks" we come from. We all have issues from our past or things we are currently going through. Often times, we think there is no one who can relate...or if they can, the subject may be taboo. These issues can include divorce, abuse, infidelity, abortion, abandonment, addictions and loss, just to name a few. The list could go on and on. The goal with G4G is to find women who have dealt with these issues, have been through the healing and redemptive process, and are willing to take the hand of others going through the same struggles." 50% of all profits from this book will go towards funding Acacia Village, which ministers to the needs of orphans and families in Ethiopia. Please view the information located at the end of this book for more information.
Wicked Prince CharmingSix fairytales reimagined by four talented authors. Enjoy Blue Saffire and the rest of the Perceptive Illusions Publishing authors as they breathe new life into some old favorites. Four perceptions and six illusions of stories that will tug the heart. It's going to get hot and interesting as Cinderella, The Ugly Duckling, Little Red Riding Hood, Aladdin, Sleeping Beauty, and Beauty and The Beast are all told by Blue Saffire, Tiya Rayne, KT Adler, and Ivy Harper. Three contemporary and three paranormal retellings that will have you on the edge of your seat. Are you ready? This journey will be nothing nice, but it promises a happy ending.