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Price Waterhouse is one of the oldest established accountancy practices in the world. It is also one of the largest. This history is the story of commercial success: of how a Victorian city partnership of three men grew, in less than 150 years, to employ more than 40,000 people in 143 countries.
“Shows how humans have brought us to the brink and how humanity can find solutions. I urge people to read with humility and the daring to act.” —Harpal Singh, former Chair, Save the Children, India, and former Vice Chair, Save the Children International In conversations with people all over the world, from government officials and business leaders to taxi drivers and schoolteachers, Blair Sheppard, global leader for strategy and leadership at PwC, discovered they all had surprisingly similar concerns. In this prescient and pragmatic book, he and his team sum up these concerns in what they call the ADAPT framework: Asymmetry of wealth; Disruption wrought by the unexpected and often problematic consequences of technology; Age disparities--stresses caused by very young or very old populations in developed and emerging countries; Polarization as a symptom of the breakdown in global and national consensus; and loss of Trust in the institutions that underpin and stabilize society. These concerns are in turn precipitating four crises: a crisis of prosperity, a crisis of technology, a crisis of institutional legitimacy, and a crisis of leadership. Sheppard and his team analyze the complex roots of these crises--but they also offer solutions, albeit often seemingly counterintuitive ones. For example, in an era of globalization, we need to place a much greater emphasis on developing self-sustaining local economies. And as technology permeates our lives, we need computer scientists and engineers conversant with sociology and psychology and poets who can code. The authors argue persuasively that we have only a decade to make headway on these problems. But if we tackle them now, thoughtfully, imaginatively, creatively, and energetically, in ten years we could be looking at a dawn instead of darkness.
In a recent survey of Fortune 500 companies by Price Waterhouse, nearly 80 percent indicated that they are undergoing some kind of large-scale change. Based on the Price Waterhouse Change Integration Team's experiences with hundreds of clients, Better Change involves managers in the real texture and "feel" of change projects.
Traces the history of the accounting firm of Price Waterhouse, discussing its role as auditor to America's largest corporations
An illuminating history of Mr. Waterhouse Hawkins artist and lecturer.
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit einem topaktuellen und gleichzeitig umstrittenen Thema: die Praktiken von Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften und der Ruf nach umfassenden Reformen. Die ganze Brisanz dieses Themas wird am Beispiel des Prozesses gegen Arthur Anderson im Fall Enron nur zu deutlich, und die Situation für Wirtschaftsprüfer und ihre Klienten wird zunehmend brenzliger. Anhand von Interviews mit über 100 Hauptakteuren der Prüfungsbranche geht Autor Mike Brewster auf wichtige Gesprächsrunden und Ereignisse ein, die die Weiterentwicklung der Rolle des Wirtschaftsprüfers - weg von der reinen Prüfungspraxis und hin zu Consulting- und Researchaktivitäten bis zu Anlagetipps - deutlich belegen. "Unaccountable" zeichnet die faszinierende Verwandlung des Wirtschaftsprüfers nach, der einst als unabhängige Stimme im Auftrag der Aktionäre handelte und sich mittlerweile in einen Finanzberater für seine Unternehmensklientel verwandelt hat. Mike Brewster hat Kontakt zu einigen der stärksten Befürworter von Reformen sowie zu Brancheninsidern, wie z.B. Arthur Levitt, Harvey Pitt, Sandy Weill und den Vertretern der Großen 5 Wirtschaftsprüfungsunternehmen in den USA. Er stellt unbequeme Fragen und enthüllt dabei den großen Einflussbereich von Prüfern in Vorstandsetage, Wirtschaft und Politik. Denn Prüfer gehen heute lieber ihren Consultingaktivitäten nach als der Rechnungsprüfung; und die Großen 5 sind mehr damit beschäftigt, Prozesse zu führen als an der Verbesserung ihrer Prüfungen zu arbeiten. "Unaccountable" - Dieses Buch diskutiert die wirklich wichtigen Themen, beschreibt Möglichkeiten der Reform und erläutert die Auswirkungen, die diese auf Investoren und die Öffentlichkeit haben werden.
Virginia Valian uses concepts and data from psychology, sociology, economics, and biology to explain the disparity in the professional advancement of men and women. Why do so few women occupy positions of power and prestige? Virginia Valian uses concepts and data from psychology, sociology, economics, and biology to explain the disparity in the professional advancement of men and women. According to Valian, men and women alike have implicit hypotheses about gender differences—gender schemas—that create small sex differences in characteristics, behaviors, perceptions, and evaluations of men and women. Those small imbalances accumulate to advantage men and disadvantage women. The most important consequence of gender schemas for professional life is that men tend to be overrated and women underrated. Valian's goal is to make the invisible factors that retard women's progress visible, so that fair treatment of men and women will be possible. The book makes its case with experimental and observational data from laboratory and field studies of children and adults, and with statistical documentation on men and women in the professions. The many anecdotal examples throughout provide a lively counterpoint.
face. As myoid boss when I joined the discout market - who had worked as a "bond-salesman" on Wall Street during the "Great Crash" of 1929, through the Credit Anstalt crash, and served in British military intelligence during the Second World War - always used to say: "Remember! The telephone is not a secure instrument. " During the 1960s, foreign banks had flooded into London in pursuit of Eurodollar deposits. Arabs were spending their new found oil wealth in West End casinos. Ex change Control regulations were tight. In 1971, when our story begins, new "banks" on the fringe took advantage of the property boom, fuelled by Tory Chancellor Barber's first Budget. The discount houses (whose functions and special privileges at the Bank were soon arcane) became active traders in US dollar and foreign currency paper, and took stakes in the new money brokers (or "barrow boys," as the snobs called them, since the sharpest brokers were mainly Cockney Eastenders). While the "gentleman's club" was quickly being replaced by the fast growing "interbank swaps" market (now LIFFE), the discount houses had found a new role to pla- opening representative offices overseas (Gillett Brothers, where I was then chairman, in Southern Africa, UAE, Australia and Singapore, with brokering subsidiaries in Europe, Far East, and North America) - gathering market intelligence around the world, as the invisible "eyes and ears" of the Bank of England.