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A solar storm has just hit the world causing a EMP event. A emergency manager visiting Atlanta GA must find his way back home after this electromagnetic pulse has stranded him away from his vehicle and his beloved "bug out bag." With 180 miles to go to his destination, David must let his street smarts and survival skills kick in as food and water becomes scarce and societal breakdown proceeds at an unrelenting pace. An interesting and often funny cast of characters from the Deep South helps the displaced Prepper on his way, as he shares his knowledge of how to make do with common items in order to live another day. Ultimately, he acquires an old tractor and heads for home on a car-littered interstate. This is book one of the Prepper Trilogy.
Set in a post apocalyptic America just after a solar storm destroyed the grid and most technology finds the hero David, of the original book Preppers Road March, trying to create a sustainable life at his bug out location. I was contacted by a number of readers who wanted to inquire about what had happened to their favorite characters who first appeared in the Prepper Trilogies. I undertook the task of answering this, as a thank you to my dedicated readers, by beginning a series of Prepper Novelettes so that the characters could give voice to their own experiences from their differing personal perspectives. These are short little updating features that give my readers 'the rest of the story' that popular demand has requested. This is the third book in the series. David and his fellow refugees who bugged out to the lake continue the struggle for everyday existence as they must range farther abroad on their "borrowing" trips for supplies. Boudreaux and Bernie have gotten the Trading Post up and running and are finding innovative ways to keep it stocked as well as guarded against a populace growing more desperate everyday. The novelletes are written utilizing southern style language and grammer.
Provides instructions and guidelines for creating security strategies to protect against a potential failure of civilization, and includes tips on perimeter security, house fortifications, firearms and weaponry, and security animals.--
An easy-to-understand primer on time-tested navigation techniques that work when your GPS failsWhen disaster strikes and your GPS is useless, ancient navigation techniques will ensure your survival. With this book, you can easily travel through even the farthest, remotest places. Utilizing tips from US Army manuals and lifelong wilderness experts, you’ll learn lifesaving navigation techniques, including how to:• Orient yourself using a topographical map• Find north using a compass, shadows and stars• Calculate distance using landmarks and pace count• Navigate unfamiliar terrain using dead reckoning• Travel in low visibility with a navigator and point person• Use landscape features to pinpoint locationThis definitive guide to terrain navigation also teaches you essential survival skills like fire craft, water procurement and shelter making.
BE PREPARED FOR LONG-TERM SURVIVALThe big question for a lot of preppers is simply, “Where do we go?” There are a variety of options available, so how do you know what’s best for you and your family? In this book, you’ll learn how to break down the task of strategic relocation into a manageable plan of action, including:• Picking a Geographical Location• Area Reconnaissance and Intel Gathering• Home/Land Buying Basics• Off-Grid Options• Home Fortifications• Building a Retreat for Your Group/Community
Knowledge and correct information are the first steps to survival. There are generic preparations that are appropriate for every emergency situation. However, concrete and careful planning is needed for you and your family to survive during emergency situations. For instance, you prepared a basic prep kit that includes a first aid kit, matches, bottled water, and no-cook food items. This kit can be easily packed in your car for emergency cases while on the road. This is a life saver. However, this kit will do only a little help if you are facing complex situations such as freezing water. You do not have enough proper supplies to meet the exacting needs of the situation because you as the prepper did not anticipate the additional gear you will need.
The word ‘prepper’ seems to have burst onto the scene within the last 10 years, and has increasingly become associated with “fringe” extremists. They have been labeled by some as “domestic terrorists.” But is prepping a new phenomenon? Or is it a manifestation of a growing collective psyche that has learned, from traumatic events throughout our history, that preparedness is critical to human survival? For new preppers who think the worst is yet to come, this book offers a walk through history that shows the worst has been here before. For those who wonder why so many people are concerned about being prepared, this book will show that when the worst has made an appearance, those who weathered it best were those who were prepared. For those already familiar with history’s worst who think, “THAT will never happen again!”—this book offers a reminder of the Wall Street adage: “Past performance is no guarantee of future results.” For those who wonder what a prepper is, this book offers a look at what they used to be—and what they are today.
Plan . Prepare . Survive! A practical low-cost prepping blueprint that will teach you how to survive the end of the world, as we know it, with easy to follow step-by-step instructions to guide you every step of the way. It should be common knowledge, to anyone with a brain and common sense that the world that we live in can be thrown into chaos at any moment by natural disaster, economic collapse, electromagnetic pulse, viral pandemic, or any number of other disasters... Even the federal government suggests everyone have a "survival kit" on hand at all times, however, they only recommend a three-day to a one-week supply of essential items, which is not sufficient to protect you and your family after an end of the world as we know it event strikes. But, where do you start? You start With The Prepper's Guide to Surviving the End of the World as We Know It - this must read 176-page paperback prepper book teaches you how to survive even if things never return to normal.
A complete guide to disaster preparedness from Scott Hunt, CEO of Practical Preppers and a nationally recognized preparedness expert The world we live in is an unstable one. From natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods of biblical proportions to concerns about the economic downturn and government shutdown, the hits just keep on coming. At the same time, the power grid is incredibly fragile. Our dependency on widely distributed long distance systems for power, medicine, and food makes our society susceptible to attack, whether by foreign or domestic enemies, or the weather. No matter the concern, the solutions are the same. Scott Hunt, the owner of Practical Preppers, and an experienced engineer, homesteader, and pastor, offers readers a complete and detailed guide to sustainable living. With The Practical Preppers Complete Guide to Disaster Preparedness, anyone can learn how to: - Secure a water source-even in an urban area - Grow and preserve food - Set up an alternative energy supply - Maintain a comfortable shelter -including alternative cooking and sanitation methods during a long power outage - Bug out-what to include in your bug out bag and how to leave - Prepare for medical issues - Deal with security concerns Preparing for disruption of services in an emergency is a noble venture which gives peace of mind. This book will empower readers of all skill levels and resources to survive and achieve an independent, sustainable lifestyle.
Defend what’s yours when catastrophe strikes with expert tips that go beyond food and water storage. Should a national disaster occur, how will you respond? What will occur when critical societal services cease to function? As a prepper, you will likely be ready to hole up and live off of your stored supplies, at least for a while. But what do you do during that time? What are your next steps? And how do you defend yourself against others who have not prepared for such a disaster? After the Crash covers all the situations that you may face when the lack of governmental infrastructure leads to social upheaval and chaos. Since most of the population is unprepared for a disaster of any kind, this book gives both the trained and untrained prepper valuable information needed to have any chance of survival in a world where organized government assistance may not be available. Importantly, he details the crucial steps you need to take in addition to doing everything other survival manuals advise. These critical tips go beyond stockpiling food, water, and weapons. Offering battle-proven advice, Steve Mattoon explores what it takes to survive alone versus in groups, each approach presenting its own advantages and challenges. Discover how best to defend yourself, what to use, and how to most effectively use the tools you have at your disposal. Whether you find yourself in a rural area or an urban jungle, Steve Mattoon’s After the Crash will prove an essential addition to any prepper’s bug-out bag.