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This is the third in a set of four collections of articles by Michel Huglo to be published in the Variorum series. It brings together the studies of Gregorian chant and of later monophonic and polyphonic additions to the earlier repertory that occupied Huglo in the second phase of his research. Represented here are articles on the Kyrie, the introit tropes of St-Gall, an elegy for William the Conqueror (d. 1087), the versus by Venantius Fortunatus for the cathedral of Paris, the liturgical dramas of Fleury, early organum, the Mass of Tournai, and, finally, the Requiem by Eustache Du Caurroy. Ce volume des articles de Michel Huglo est le troisième de la série de quatre dans la collection Variorum. Il réunit des études sur le chant grégorien et sur les additions de pièces monodiques ou polyphoniques faites au répertoire primitif, sujets qui ont occupé Michel Huglo dans la seconde phase de sa carrière de chercheur. Dans ce volume, le lecteur trouvera des articles sur le Kyrie, les tropes d'introït de St-Gall, l'élégie pour Guillaume le Conquérant (d. 1087), les versus de Venance Fortunat pour la cathédrale de Paris, les drames liturgiques de Fleury, les débuts de l'organum, la Messe de Tournai, et finalement le Requiem d'Eustache Du Caurroy.
Taking an interdisciplinary approach and based on yet-unexplored sources, this book offers a new synthesis of the theory and works of the Dutch monk and architect Dom Hans van der Laan from the perspective of the interrelationship between liturgy and architecture.
Although the song is often the subject of monographs, one of its forms remains insufficiently researched: the vocalised song, communicated to the spectator through performance. The study of the song takes one back to the study of vocal practices, from aesthetic objects to forms and to plural styles. To conceive a song means approaching it in its different instances of creation as well as its linguistic diversity. Jean Nicolas De Surmont proposes ways of research and analysis useful to musicians, musicologists, and literary critics alike. In his book he takes up the issue of vocal poetry in addition to examining the theoretic aspects of song objects. Rather than offering an autonomous model of analysis, De Surmont extends the research fields and suggests responses to debates that have involved everyone interested in vocal poetic forms.
The differences between Old-Roman, Ambrosian, Aquileian, Gallican, and Hispanic chant, and their interconnections with each other and the Gregorian chant occupied Michel Huglo in his early career, although he returned to these questions in the 1980s and 1990s. The present volume, the second in the set of four to be published in the Variorum series, brings all this work together. Huglo's 1954 article, the first to describe the sources for Old Roman chant, recognized as distinct from Gregorian chant, is of primary significance for the historiography of Western plainchant, because it opened the debate on the relationship between Old Roman and Gregorian chant. The final section presents articles on the Latin version of the Akathistos hymn and on Byzantine chants translated into Latin that became part of the Western plainchant repertory. Les différences entre les répertoires Vieux-romain, Ambrosien, Aquiléien, Gallican et Hispanique, leurs influences réciproques et leurs relations avec le chant grégorien ont occupé Michel Huglo au début de sa carrière: il revint sur ces questions dans les années 1980 et 1990. Ce volume, le deuxième d'une série de quatre dans la collection Variorum, réunit toutes ces études. L'article de 1954 de Michel Huglo sur les sources du chant Vieux-romain, considéré comme distinct du grégorien, est de première importance pour l'historiographie du plain-chant occidental, car il a ouvert les débats sur le rapport entre Vieux-romain et grégorien. Les articles sur la version latine de l'Hymne Acathiste et sur les pièces de chant byzantin traduites en latin dans les répertoires occidentaux du plain-chant achèvent ce volume.
The origin and development of Western plainchant, and of the genres of liturgical book in which it is recorded, have occupied Michel Huglo throughout his long career, which has taken him to libraries in every corner of Europe and the United States. This volume, the first in a set of four to appear in the Variorum series, brings together analyses of manuscripts dating from the 9th to the 13th century, including Huglo's pathbreaking studies of the antiphoner of Compiègne, the first troper-prosers, and of alleluia lists as clues to place of origin. The consequences of the Treaty of Verdun (843) for the diffusion of the plainchant repertory, research in medieval musicology in the 20th century, the utility of codicology for musicological manuscript studies, and the critical edition of the Gregorian antiphoner are addressed in other studies included here. Les origines et le développement du plain-chant en Occident et l'étude des genres de livres liturgiques qui le contiennent ont occupé Michel Huglo durant sa longue carrière et l'ont conduit à visiter des bibliothèques partout en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. Ce volume, le premier d'une série de quatre dans la collection Variorum, comprend des analyses de manuscrits du neuvième au treizième siècle, notamment des études novatrices relançant les recherches sur l'antiphonaire de Compiègne, les premiers tropaires-prosaires et les listes d'alleluias comme moyen d'identification des manuscrits de chant. Les conséquences du traité de Verdun (843) pour la diffusion du répertoire de plain-chant, les recherches en musicologie médiévale au XXe siècle, l'application des méthodes de la codicologie à l'étude des manuscrits notés, et l'édition critique de l'Antiphonaire grégorien forment les sujets d'autres études réunies dans ce volume.