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This book provides the ultimate goal of economic studies to predict how the economy develops—and what will happen if we implement different policies. To be able to do that, we need to have a good understanding of what causes what in economics. Prediction and causality in economics are the main topics of this book's chapters; they use both more traditional and more innovative techniques—including quantum ideas -- to make predictions about the world economy (international trade, exchange rates), about a country's economy (gross domestic product, stock index, inflation rate), and about individual enterprises, banks, and micro-finance institutions: their future performance (including the risk of bankruptcy), their stock prices, and their liquidity. Several papers study how COVID-19 has influenced the world economy. This book helps practitioners and researchers to learn more about prediction and causality in economics -- and to further develop this important research direction.
This book is a collection of articles that present the most recent cutting edge results on specification and estimation of economic models written by a number of the world’s foremost leaders in the fields of theoretical and methodological econometrics. Recent advances in asymptotic approximation theory, including the use of higher order asymptotics for things like estimator bias correction, and the use of various expansion and other theoretical tools for the development of bootstrap techniques designed for implementation when carrying out inference are at the forefront of theoretical development in the field of econometrics. One important feature of these advances in the theory of econometrics is that they are being seamlessly and almost immediately incorporated into the “empirical toolbox” that applied practitioners use when actually constructing models using data, for the purposes of both prediction and policy analysis and the more theoretically targeted chapters in the book will discuss these developments. Turning now to empirical methodology, chapters on prediction methodology will focus on macroeconomic and financial applications, such as the construction of diffusion index models for forecasting with very large numbers of variables, and the construction of data samples that result in optimal predictive accuracy tests when comparing alternative prediction models. Chapters carefully outline how applied practitioners can correctly implement the latest theoretical refinements in model specification in order to “build” the best models using large-scale and traditional datasets, making the book of interest to a broad readership of economists from theoretical econometricians to applied economic practitioners.
This book overviews latest ideas and developments in financial econometrics, with an emphasis on how to best use prior knowledge (e.g., Bayesian way) and how to best use successful data processing techniques from other application areas (e.g., from quantum physics). The book also covers applications to economy-related phenomena ranging from traditionally analyzed phenomena such as manufacturing, food industry, and taxes, to newer-to-analyze phenomena such as cryptocurrencies, influencer marketing, COVID-19 pandemic, financial fraud detection, corruption, and shadow economy. This book will inspire practitioners to learn how to apply state-of-the-art Bayesian, quantum, and related techniques to economic and financial problems and inspire researchers to further improve the existing techniques and come up with new techniques for studying economic and financial phenomena. The book will also be of interest to students interested in latest ideas and results.
A concise and self-contained introduction to causal inference, increasingly important in data science and machine learning. The mathematization of causality is a relatively recent development, and has become increasingly important in data science and machine learning. This book offers a self-contained and concise introduction to causal models and how to learn them from data. After explaining the need for causal models and discussing some of the principles underlying causal inference, the book teaches readers how to use causal models: how to compute intervention distributions, how to infer causal models from observational and interventional data, and how causal ideas could be exploited for classical machine learning problems. All of these topics are discussed first in terms of two variables and then in the more general multivariate case. The bivariate case turns out to be a particularly hard problem for causal learning because there are no conditional independences as used by classical methods for solving multivariate cases. The authors consider analyzing statistical asymmetries between cause and effect to be highly instructive, and they report on their decade of intensive research into this problem. The book is accessible to readers with a background in machine learning or statistics, and can be used in graduate courses or as a reference for researchers. The text includes code snippets that can be copied and pasted, exercises, and an appendix with a summary of the most important technical concepts.
This book is intended for anyone, regardless of discipline, who is interested in the use of statistical methods to help obtain scientific explanations or to predict the outcomes of actions, experiments or policies. Much of G. Udny Yule's work illustrates a vision of statistics whose goal is to investigate when and how causal influences may be reliably inferred, and their comparative strengths estimated, from statistical samples. Yule's enterprise has been largely replaced by Ronald Fisher's conception, in which there is a fundamental cleavage between experimental and non experimental inquiry, and statistics is largely unable to aid in causal inference without randomized experimental trials. Every now and then members of the statistical community express misgivings about this turn of events, and, in our view, rightly so. Our work represents a return to something like Yule's conception of the enterprise of theoretical statistics and its potential practical benefits. If intellectual history in the 20th century had gone otherwise, there might have been a discipline to which our work belongs. As it happens, there is not. We develop material that belongs to statistics, to computer science, and to philosophy; the combination may not be entirely satisfactory for specialists in any of these subjects. We hope it is nonetheless satisfactory for its purpose.
Methodological Issues in Psychology is a comprehensive text that challenges current practice in the discipline and provides solutions that are more useful in contemporary research, both basic and applied. This book begins by equipping the readers with the underlying foundation pertaining to basic philosophical issues addressing theory verification or falsification, distinguishing different levels of theorizing, or hypothesizing, and the assumptions necessary to negotiate between these levels. It goes on to specifically focus on statistical and inferential hypotheses including chapters on how to dramatically improve statistical and inferential practices and how to address the replication crisis. Advances to be featured include the author's own inventions, the a priori procedure and gain-probability diagrams, and a chapter about mediation analyses, which explains why such analyses are much weaker than typically assumed. The book also provides an introductory chapter on classical measurement theory and expands to new concepts in subsequent chapters. The final measurement chapter addresses the ubiquitous problem of small effect sizes in psychology and provides recommendations that directly contradict typical thinking and teaching in psychology, but with the consequence that researchers can enjoy dramatically improved effect sizes. Methodological Issues in Psychology is an invaluable asset for students and researchers of psychology. It will also be of vital interest to social science researchers and students in areas such as management, marketing, sociology, and experimental philosophy.
This book provides a collection of advanced information systems research, cases and applications in the context of Vietnam, presented by experienced researchers in the field. It provides a comprehensive overview of the field and offers access to practical information systems applications, serving as a guide to comparing the context. Readers can also compare the context of information systems applications in Vietnam as a developing country against the context in developed countries. The book contributes to the body of knowledge in several ways. It provides comprehensive references for information systems research, promotes the recent progress in its applications in Vietnam and offers a shared understanding to serve as a blueprint for future research. From a practical point of view, the book helps organisations/companies in Vietnam to keep up with information systems cases, studies and applications.
The book explores a new general approach to selecting—and designing—data processing techniques. Symmetry and invariance ideas behind this algebraic approach have been successful in physics, where many new theories are formulated in symmetry terms. The book explains this approach and expands it to new application areas ranging from engineering, medicine, education to social sciences. In many cases, this approach leads to optimal techniques and optimal solutions. That the same data processing techniques help us better analyze wooden structures, lung dysfunctions, and deep learning algorithms is a good indication that these techniques can be used in many other applications as well. The book is recommended to researchers and practitioners who need to select a data processing technique—or who want to design a new technique when the existing techniques do not work. It is also recommended to students who want to learn the state-of-the-art data processing.