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A practical guide for pastors on how to bring Bible characters to life for a modern audience through biographical preaching.
For many years the resolution plot has dominated homiletical theory, made most famous by the ‘Lowry Loop’ – a staple of preaching theory for today’s ministry student. Whilst the approach is important, some have accused ‘resolution plot’ of leaving little room for ambiguity, and failing to reflect the messy reality of life. Offering a ground-breaking approach as a counter to well-worn preaching strategies, this book explores the ‘revelatory plot’, focused more on the gradual revelation of relevant truths within the biblical text through character and embodied insight, and through imaginative and sensory detail rather than through answering the questions ‘how and ‘why’. It will prove an invaluable resource for students, homileticians and preachers alike.
In Preaching and Preachers, the author states unapologetically his attitudes about his role in the church and explains his methodology, all the while addressing various problems and questions that have been put to him.
In this NSBT volume, Dr. J. Gary Millar provides a careful and perceptive analysis of Deuteronomy's ethical teaching set in the context of the book's theology. After discussing how Deuteronomy has been understood by other scholars, he sets out his own interpretation, dealing with its ethics in the light of key themes in the book: covenant, journey, law and the nations.
The characters in Scripture are often portrayed as one-dimensional--as caricatures instead of human beings with real needs, authentic pain, and compelling fears. When their problems are viewed as one-dimensional, so is their faith. Approaching biblical characters in this way can inhibit listeners' ability to hear the biblical witness as relevant to their own lives and can minimize the impact of Scripture on their faith journey. Real People, Real Faith provides practical tools to portray biblical characters as multidimensional human beings who encountered and journeyed with God. Placing high value on historical, cultural, and scriptural contexts, Cindy Halvorson demonstrates techniques for generating holistic characters, particularly by exploring archetypical human reactions and spiritual longings. She shows how the preacher can use this method to reimagine the biblical characters, present figures with whom listeners relate and empathize, and draw portraits of real people whose relationship with God is in many ways like listeners' own--people with whom they may sojourn and grow. When listeners are touched by a biblical character's story and shown how their relationship with God was transformed, they too may experience the Divine's love and care for them.
This ethics of preaching text identifies vices of irresponsible preaching practices. Preachers who fail to develop deep respect for their listeners or drift into a lack faithfulness to the Gospel can end up becoming: · The Pretender (The Problem of In-authenticity) · The Egoist (The Problem of Self-absorption) · The Manipulator (The Problem of Greediness) · The Panderer (The Problem of Trendiness) · The Crusader (The Problem of Exploitation) · The Demagogue (The Problem of Self-righteousness) Just as the church historically derived its Seven Holy Virtues (chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, & humility) by naming Seven Deadly Sins (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, & pride), Reid and Hogan call preachers to turn away from pulpit vices and strive to realize the homiletic virtues of becoming: · Authentic (The Call to Be Genuine) · Altruistic (The Call to Be Selfless) · Careful (The Call to Exercise Self-Control) · Passionate (The Call to Be Honest to God) · Courteous (The Call to Woo a Reasoned Reception) · A ‘Namer’ of God (The Call to Reveal an Ineffable God) The Six Deadly Sins of Preaching explores the difference between the irresponsible practices, unfortunate missteps, and mere unthinking mistakes in preaching. A chapter is devoted to Preaching Missteps (problems that do not rise to the level of being irresponsible) that includes: · Short Changing the Process · Waving a Red Flag · Thou Shall Not Bore the Congregation · Through the Looking Glass Darkly · The Mumbler · TMI—Too Much Information · Your Cup Do Runneth Over · Where’s This Sermon Going, Anyway?
Preaching from Inside the Story is a book that seeks to carve out an understanding of narrative preaching in an age where there is little agreement about its nature and practice. Capitalizing on the works of Craddock and Lowry, it seeks to find an expanded palette upon which the preacher may engage the larger canvas of narrative preaching. This book will engage the mind by introducing neuroscientific understandings of creativity; build upon the foundations of the philosophy of stories by engaging Aristotle's foundational understanding of narrative; and renew the Lowry Loop by expanding this seminal work and how it should be understood in our current culture. Preaching from Inside the Story breaks new ground by encouraging preachers to move inside stories and tell them from the inside out providing a positive effect, thereby affording non-narrative preachers to connect with storytelling principles. Ultimately, it is filled with examples of how to do narrative in a very practical way. However, in showing these practical examples, the reader is involved in a deep analysis of those narrative sermons and how they fit into an overall narrative understanding of preaching. In the final analysis, it invites the reader to take a fresh journey into narrative preaching.
As a preacher, you are the response of Heaven to the cry of your city!Clarify your calling, strengthen your character, and develop your craft as a preacher.In this book, Samuel Deuth, the author of the best selling book, Following Jesus, shares from his 20+ years of preaching and ministry leadership experience.Whether you're just beginning in ministry or you've been following the call for years, this book will stir and encourage you in three specific areas that are the building blocks of your ministry role.This book from Samuel Deuth, is packed with powerful and practical training to help you clarify your calling, develop a character that will carry your calling, and give your step by step in writing messages and fine tuning your craft as a preacher and communicator! More resources at:
The Steps from Text to Narrative SermonPresenting biblically centered sermons in a new,creative genrePastors and teachers are always on the lookout for newways to expand the effectiveness of their preaching.Sermons delivered in the first-person point of view canweave the power of story and drama into the biblicalteaching, making familiar—and not-so-familiar—characters and situations come to life. This book helpsstudents and pastors understand how first-personsermons can be preached with biblical integrity. Itextends Haddon Robinson’s “big idea” philosophy ofpreaching to this new genre.J. Kent Edwards takes a practical approach as he walksreaders through the steps needed for creating sermonsthat are faithful to the text and engaging to the listener.Examples and worksheets enable readers to apply thisunique approach to one of their own sermons. The bookincludes a CD-ROM with a video sample of first-personnarrative preaching.