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Liberation and political theologies have emerged powerfully in recent years, interrupting the way in which First World Christians both experience and understand their faith. Through an analysis of the cultural and ecclesial contexts of these theological movements, as well as a critical examination of four of their principal exponents--Gustavo Gutierrez, Johann Baptist Metz, Jose Miguez Bonino, and Jurgen Moltmann--the author demonstrates that political and liberation theologies represent a new model of theology, one that proffers a vision of Christian witness as a praxis of solidarity with suffering persons.
Freedom is a fundamental Christian theological category, as much a challenge to construct a new way of seeing oneself and others as it is an announcement of what Christ has already done for us in his death and resurrection. Liberation theology is, most simply, the effort to spell out what such freedom means for Christians in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This book has as its principle premise the conviction that if we are to construct a North American liberation theology we must begin listening to and understanding Latin American theology not so much as a model to be slavishly followed but as a challenge to our own cultural, political, and even religious assumptions. The focus thus is not so much on the theoretical meaning of Christian freedom but on its practice, and more exactly its praxis, that is to say the dialectic between theory and practice. After focusing on the creation and development of liberating theological methods and sources and, above all, the revitalization and renewal of structures that will contribute to the development of a liberated and liberating church, Fr. Hennelly ends with an analysis of the most recent and the most important vatican document on liberation theology, The Instruction of Christian Freedom and Liberation, which he sees as an acknowledgement by the universal church that the theme of liberation is central to the meaning of Christian theology.
In this book Clodovis Boff rigorously and passionately erects the methodological scaffolding that is necessary to construct a true theology of the political, a true theology of liberation. Much of the book is devoted to clarifying and articulating the boundaries of the relationships among theology, the political, the social sciences, hermeneutics, and praxis. As an element of that constructive work, Boff carefully points out the past and present theoretical shortcomings of political theology and the theology of liberation. Thus the book fills a methodological void that has hampered the full development of a theology of the political, and it blazes a path beyond what the author calls the "first phase" of liberation theology.
In the past twenty-five years, liberation theology has emerged as one of the most influential, challenging, and controversial movements in modern theology. Whether in its Asian, African, Latin American, or African-American forms, liberation theology has undertaken to reexamine the dimensions of Christian faith from the perspective of the marginalized and oppressed. Here, at last, is a collection of readings from a cross-section of the world's leading exponents of liberation theology, designed to offer an overview of liberation theology and its central themes. Topics included are methodology, christology, ecclesiology, and spirituality. Each chapter includes a helpful introduction and questions for discussion, making this an ideal introductory text for students, as well as scholars and other general readers. Contributors: Maria Pilar Aquino Tissa Balasuriya Dominique Barbe Clodovis Boff Leonardo Boff Ernesto Cardenal Chung Hyun Kyung James H. Cone Jean-Marc Ela Ivone Gebara Gustavo Gutierrez Mary Hunt Sallie McFague Mary John Mananzan Carlos Mesters Anne Nasimiyu-Wasike Sun Ai Park Jon Sobrino Charles Villa-Vicencio Yong Ting Jin
This book provides a detailed examination of the central philosophical and theological themes of liberation theology. It covers the role of history and praxis, the dialectics of salvation and liberation, the concept of social and personal sin, Marxism, and the anthropology of concrete totality as the basis of theology.
How the lives of the companions of Jesus become the canvas upon which God paints a picture of liberation. Goizueta unites this book around the disjuncture between the Christian claim that Christ's life, death, and resurrection are the key to universal human meaning and our increased consciousness of the diverse, pluralistic world in which we live. How can a Christian proclaim his message when the rationales for so much of the violence we see around us are gounded in religious principles. The credibility of Christ's claims rests on the evidence presented by those persons who have lived out those claims.
In this revised, expanded edition of a widely praised theological text, the major North American theologian Schubert Ogden presents a clear introduction to, and critique of, liberation theology. 'Faith and Freedom' lays out the basic requirements for any authentically Christian liberation theology. This revised edition eliminates gender-specific language for God and offers an important new chapter on Christology.