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This Practical manual is designed to address the need of the undergraduate medical students to help them to face the practical examination with ease. This prepares the students adequately in practical aspects. Salient features: Contains both practical and viva sections Practical section contains exercises as well as Objective Structured Practical Examination questions Each practical is supported by specific objectives, inference and opinions Each practical is followed by practice exercise Helps the students to learn practicals by themselves Each practical contains a video link which students can download and get a classroom experience while preparing Viva section contains most frequently asked must know and nice to know questions during practical examinations Contains both practical and viva sections Practical section contains exercises as well as Objective Structured Practical Examination questions Each practical is supported by specific objectives, inference and opinions Each practical is followed by practice exercise Helps the students to learn practicals by themselves Each practical contains a video link which students can download and get a classroom experience while preparing
This Practical manual is designed to address the need of the undergraduate medical students to help them to face the practical examination with ease. This prepares the students adequately in practical aspects. Salient features: Contains both practical and viva sections Practical section contains exercises as well as Objective Structured Practical Examination questions Each practical is supported by specific objectives, inference and opinions Each practical is followed by practice exercise Helps the students to learn practicals by themselves Each practical contains a video link which students can download and get a classroom experience while preparing Viva section contains most frequently asked must know and nice to know questions during practical examinations Contains both practical and viva sections Practical section contains exercises as well as Objective Structured Practical Examination questions Each practical is supported by specific objectives, inference and opinions Each practical is followed by practice exercise Helps the students to learn practicals by themselves Each practical contains a video link which students can download and get a classroom experience while preparing
Der Goldstandard unter den Referenzwerken der Rechtsmedizin In der zweiten Auflage des Handbook of Forensic Medicine vermittelt der Herausgeber Burkhard Madea der Leserschaft einen umfassenden, internationalen Ansatz in der Rechtsmedizin mithilfe eines Teams von Experten aus aller Welt. Das Buch enthält neue Inhalte zu den Themen Tatortuntersuchung, Analyse von Blutfleckenmustern, Terroranschläge, Brandkatastrophen, neue psychoaktive Substanzen und Molekularpathologie sowie einen umfassenden Überblick über sämtliche Aspekte der Rechtsmedizin. In den einzelnen Kapiteln werden alle Faktoren der Qualitätskontrolle und Best Practices behandelt. Anhand von Fallstudien werden die dort erläuterten Konzepte veranschaulicht und die Verbindungen zwischen verschiedenen Teildisziplinen hervorgehoben. Für Spezialisten, die täglich im Einsatz sind, werden in jedem Kapitel die Elemente der Routineanalyse behandelt. In der zweiten Auflage des Handbook of Forensic Medicine werden die neuesten Entwicklungen in der forensischen Molekularbiologie, der forensischen Toxikologie, der Molekularpathologie und der Immunhistochemie besprochen. Darüber hinaus bietet das Werk: * Eine gründliche Einführung in die Aufgaben der Rechtsmedizin in der modernen Gesellschaft mit einer Darstellung der internationalen Richtlinien und Akkreditierungen in der Rechtsmedizin * Umfassende Betrachtungen der medizinischen Aspekte des Todes, insbesondere des Wesens und der Definition von Tod, Autopsie und der Identifizierung der Opfer von Massenkatastrophen * Praktische Erörterungen zur Traumatologie und zum gewaltsamen Tod, insbesondere durch Ersticken, Stromschlag und Blitzschlag, Kindstötung und ärztliche Kunstfehler * Tiefgreifende Untersuchungen zum plötzlichen und unerwarteten Tod aus natürlichen Gründen, auch zur Biochemie nach dem Tod Dieses Buch ist unverzichtbar für jeden Experten in der Rechtsmedizin, Toxikologie und Hämogenetik sowie für alle, die Gutachten für Gerichtsverfahren erstellen sollen. Auch für Rechtsanwälte und Jurastudenten ist es ein ideales Nachschlagewerk.
The book is intended for the undergraduate & postgraduate students of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
The book provides guidance for handling all medicolegal cases, including examination of victim/accused, and writing medicolegal reports/medical certificates/ preliminary / final opinion on routing medicolegal cases, performing medicolegal autopsies, collecting/preserving and dispatch of viscera-and other materials of medicolegal significance-to FSL for necessary examination/analysis/or for biochemical / histopathology examination(s) in concerned department.
The book, based on the author’s long experience, is unique as it covers the entire theoretical and practical aspects of FMT, including clinical highlights. Well illustrated, all the photographs are self-explanatory and a number of tables, diagrams and mnemonics have been added for easy understanding and recollection. The material given in the book is time-tested and class-tested and, therefore, is expected to be of immense value to the students.