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Exploring the principles of Conscious Creation—a methodology for reenergizing and reempowering one’s daily experiences—this overview provides all the necessary tools for creating the life one desires. It demonstrates how to employ this powerful form of inspired thought in all actions, decisions, and routines. Filled with specific and imaginative practices, it teaches how to use the Law of Attraction with Conscious Visualization in order to proactively choose one’s future, rather than merely passively waiting for something to happen. Including 70 articles that offer guidance for adapting Conscious Creation wisdom and applying it on a daily basis, this resource shows how to achieve a greater sense of empowerment and a more satisfying lifestyle.
This book contains my personal experience of using my imagination lovingly to deliberately create my reality. You will find manifestation stories on health and wealth, among others, as well as techniques that can guide you to focus your inner astral senses enabling you to deliberately create your reality.
Utilize the keys to creation to consciously manifest all you desire in life! The keys to conscious creation are: 1) Understand how the Universe works and who you are as a multi-dimensional being. 2) Know the importance of your energetic vibration and raise it to be more in alignment with your higher self. 3) Tap into what already exists as electromagnetic potentials within the quantum field of "All That Is", and allow what you desire into the experience of your physical reality. This book combines scientific information, along with ancient knowledge, and practical tools for implementation. If you utilize this information, you will create everything in life you desire! This is just how the Universe works, and you will see for yourself. It is time for you to know your true power in creating your life experience!
Harness the power of the universe and get what you want
Perhaps you've heard: "Your thoughts create your reality" or "If you change your thinking, you can change your life." Maybe you've practiced the Law of Attraction as a tool for getting more-more stuff, more respect, more love, or more control over your outer circumstances. And, perhaps it's left you feeling unsatisfied. Whether you call it the Law of Attraction, affirmations, or even positive thinking, this insight can leave unanswered questions, like what happens if your outer circumstances do not seem to respond to changes in your thoughts-can you still be grounded in love and connection? What if you have succeeded in creating the life of your dreams externally but still feel an inner need for something more, something deeper? What if, having been on a conscious path for a while, you have concluded that "this is all there is?" Can you create a life that is still more meaningful and purposeful? The short answer is yes. You have the power within you. And, even amid the direst circumstances, such as life-threatening illness, addiction, divorce, or loss, you can consciously create the life of your dreams. Even if you've been searching for years, or even decades, you can still uncover more of what seems to be blocking you and more fully embody your deepest vision. This is the powerful and life-changing process that is uncovered in Conscious Creation. Maybe it is time for you to overcome the barriers that have kept you feeling stuck and break the agreements you have made with mediocrity. Perhaps you are ready to consciously create the life of your dreams, and awaken to a life of infinite possibilities. Conscious Creation can help! "Over the many years I have known TJ Woodward, I have witnessed with joy-filled awe his powerful journey of personal transcendence and transformation, his coming into his own as a visionary spiritual leader and teacher and as an emanation and emissary of the Infinite Intelligence and the Infinite Presence that is never an absence. TJ embodies what it means to consciously live and work with spiritual principles and universal laws in a mighty and practical way, and Conscious Creation is the next iteration of his continued sacred outpouring and learned wisdom, gained through spiritual insight, discovery, and revelation." - Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith
After his books “The Law of the Universe” Alex Pasmans takes it to the next level. The Kybalion or the law of attraction tells you what is true, the “Conscious Creation” tells you how to apply it in daily practice. We live in a world created by our thoughts, and this allows us to change the situations that aren't serving us anymore, by changing our thinking about them, individually as well as collective.
It is your subconscious mind that is the storehouse of your deep-seated beliefs and program. To change your circumstances and attract to yourself that which you choose, you must learn to program and re-program your subconscious mind. The most effective and practical way to do so, is to learn the simple process of magical gratitude and creative visualization. It is the technique underlying reality creation, making use of thought power to consciously imagine, create and attract that which you intend. Your imagination is the engine of your thoughts. It converts your thought power into mental images, which are in turn manifested in the physical realm. The information in this book contains Divine Source energy. Just by reading this book, things will unfold and begin to manifest for you. The Supreme Council has asked me to distribute this material. I am only a Vessel for the purpose of Divine wisdom to flow. This means that the energy contained within this book will activate, accelerate and/or align you to the connection of your soul and The Source's wisdom. This knowledge also lies within our DNA. As a disclaimer, these frequencies have the potential to greatly accelerate your awakening process and the activation of your divine blueprint...your birthright.
In Lynda Dahl's first book, Beyond the Winning Streak: Using Conscious Creation to Consistently Win at Life, she told of how she used conscious creation to become wealthy and free to live life on her terms. In Ten Thousand Whispers: A Guide to Conscious Creation, she further explores the structure behind conscious creation, offers many techniques for making desires of choice happen, and tells startling stories that bring further revealing insights into the metaphysical framework behind creation, conscious or otherwise. This book tells us how we literally create our lives based on our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs, and explores the concepts of simultaneous time, probabilities and consciousness.
Conscious Creation … manifesting reality … the Law of Attraction … the Moment of Now. What are these principles, how do they work, and how do they translate to everyday life? How do we limit ourselves from having a fuller and more rewarding life?We are continually creating and experiencing our own realities, and yet we are largely unaware of the mechanics, and of our own role in the process. Understanding Conscious Creation, in an everyday sense, expands our awareness of how Life “happens”. It also allows us to make choices in ways that intentionally shape Life into a more fulfilling experience.The recently popularized Law of Attraction is only the middle step of the entire Conscious Creation process. We first create, then we attract, and finally we receive an experience. Myke Wolf spells out the entire Conscious Creation process in very practical terms that are easy to understand and work with. He provides ways to become more aware of our choices, thoughts, judgments, beliefs and intentions which all factor into the creative process.In this blend of real-life examples and beautiful channeled messages, Myke Wolf brings the esoteric principles of creation, manifestation, and the Law of Attraction down to a practical, everyday level. Readers will gain a deeper understanding of how their choices shape life experiences, how to interact with the Conscious Creation process, and ultimately enjoy a more fulfilling life.