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There is a long tradition of research on politics, power and exclusion in areas such as sociology, social policy, politics, women’s studies and philosophy. While power has received considerable attention in mainstream management research and teaching, it is rarely considered in terms of politics and exclusion, particularly where the work of women writers is concerned. This second book in the Routledge Series on Women Writers in Organization Studies analyses the ways in which women have theorised and embodied relations of power. Women like Edith Garrud who, trained in the Japanese art of jujutsu, confronted the power of the state to champion feminist politics. Others, such as Beatrice Webb and Alva Myrdal, are shown to have been at the heart of welfare reforms and social justice movements that responded to the worst excesses of industrialisation based on considerations of class and gender. The writing of bell hooks provides a necessarily uncomfortable account of the ways in which imperialism, white supremacy and patriarchy inflict unspoken harm, while Hannah Arendt’s work considers the ways in which different modes of organizing restrict the ability of people to live freely. Taken together, such writings dispel the myth that work or business can be separated from the rest of life, a point driven home by Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s observations on the ways in which power and inequality differentially structure life chances. These writers challenge us to think again about power, politics and exclusion in organizational contexts. They provide provocative thinking, which opens up new avenues for organization theory, practice and social activism. Each woman writer is introduced and analysed by experts in organization studies. Further reading and accessible resources are also identified for those interested in knowing (thinking!) more. This book will be relevant to students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in business and management, organizational studies, critical management studies, gender studies and sociology. Like all the books in this series, it will also be interest to anyone who wants to see, think and act differently.
This book considers the ways in which women have challenged the power, politics and exclusion wrought by others. It will be relevant to students and researchers across business and management, organizational studies, critical management studies, gender studies and sociology.
Organization politics can be seen as a game in which players compete for different kinds of territory such as status, power, and influence. In Power, Politics and Organizational Change, David Buchanan and Richard Badham ask: What’s the relevance of politics to change and innovation? What kind of game is this? What, if any, are the rules? How is the game played? What ethical issues arise? Should one play this game to win, and if so, how? How can you develop political expertise? The third edition has been thoroughly updated and revised. This includes discussion of current trends heightening the importance of developing political will and skill in a post-truth era, the rise of ‘new power’, the role of ‘BS busting’, the power of storytelling, and the politics of speaking up.
This is a collection of articles exploring the issue of power in relation to organizations. It asserts that any attempt to understand the large literature on power must extend beyond the confines of organization and management theory. The argument underlying the volume is that broad exploration is essential because management studies of power have been for the most part, severely constrained, tending to view power from a functionalist perspective. In so doing issues of how power becomes embedded in existing organizational structures, cultures, practices, rules and regulations have been ignored.
An in-depth look at the role of power and influence in organizations. Pfeffer identifies the sources of power, shows how power is used, describes the conditions under which power and influence are important, and reveals how to manage the political dynamics at work in every organization.
Affect in Organization and Management asks how affect theory understands everyday working lives through embodied, social and political practice. Discussing a range of dimensions and perspectives on affect, the book considers how subjects are formed through their connections with others, both human and non- or more-than-human. The six women writers on affect presented in this series (Sara Ahmed, Kathleen Stewart, Donna Haraway, Jane Bennett, Karen Barad and Rosalyn Diprose) all speak to important themes in organization studies, including power, politics and ethics. Each chapter explores how these thinkers have already influenced organization scholars, as well as how their work can extend our understanding of pressing organizational issues around gender, race, the environment, leadership and ethics. Feminism is a core feature of this collection, highlighting feminist writing with affective, connected and intersubjective possibilities. Each woman writer is introduced by experts on affect and organization studies. The chapters also suggest further reading and accessible resources. The book is suitable for students, academics and practitioners in business and management, organization studies and critical management studies who want to think differently about organizations.
Understanding the role of power in decision making; Assessing power in organizations; Conditions for the use of power; Sources of power in organizations; Political strategies and tactics; Political language and symbols: mobilizing suppert and quieting opposition; Power in use; Perpetuating power; Power, politics and management.
There is a no shortage of people with MBA?s or other business degrees in the U.S., yet effective business leaders and managers are in short supply.Business students study a large amount of management theory but the theory is given to students in a form that is not readily useful in the real world.Politics is the dominant force driving most organizations, yet business schools barely scratch the surface of organizational politics.Most businesses are not being managed sensibly. Corrupt and ineffective CEOs are plundering and destroying companies, undermining domestic productivity. This increases the economic pressure on companies to export quality jobs.U.S. companies must be managed more sensibly to improve domestic productivity and help stem the loss of jobs.Change is NeededOne needs Power in a company to make change happen. This book mentors you to maximize your power in a company, and advance to positions of power.Once you are in a position of power, it will show you how to put management tools to work to get real improvement in productivity and profitability.A must for anyone preparing for a management position or planning to run their own business.
On influence in organizations
Spanning the 20th and 21st centuries, the writers considered in this first book of the Routledge Focus on Women Writers in Organization Studies series make an important contribution to how we think about rationality in managing, leading and working. It provides a space in which to think differently about rationality, challenging dominant masculine logics while positioning relations between people centre stage. A critical and intellectually provocative text, the book provides a nuanced and practical account of rationality in organizational contexts, making it clear that women have and continue to write groundbreaking work on the subject: women like Lillian Moller Gilbreth, who was at the forefront of developments in scientific management, and Frances Perkins, who was the first female US cabinet secretary. Both are important not only for what they achieved but also as illustrations of the ways in which women have been written out of the accounts of managing and management thought. This matters not only because credit is denied to those who deserve it, but also because it impoverishes our understanding of complex organisational phenomenon. Where so much extant writing on managing and organizing is preoccupied with abstract notions of structure, strategy, metaphor and machines, the writers considered here explain why effective working and managing is primarily about seeing and working with people. Writers such as Arlie Hochschild, Mary Parker Follett and Heather Höpfl remind us that rationality cannot be decoupled from emotion or, where a system is to be rationalised, then it should start with and enhance the lives of people – be designed with people at the centre. In this sense, the book is not arguing for a wholesale rejection of rationality. Rather, authors call on readers to move beyond a preoccupation with rationality for its own sake, seeing it instead as a useful and highly contestable aspect of organizational life. Each woman writer is introduced and analysed by an expert in their field. Further reading and accessible resources are also identified for those interested in knowing more. This book will be relevant to students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in business and management, organizational studies, critical management studies, gender studies and sociology. Like all the books in this series, it will also be of interest to anyone who wants to see, think and act differently.