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This book examines issues relating to postsecondary transition from high school to college or competitive vocational settings for Autistic adolescents and young adults. It details the intervention and consultation services essential to prepare students for postsecondary life. The volume addresses the academic, social, self-regulation, and self-sufficiency skills that adolescents and young adults must develop to ensure a successful transition from high school to college and workplace. It focuses on the role of school psychologists in supporting Autistic students as they enter adulthood but is also relevant across numerous disciplines. Key topics addressed include: Using cognitive and neuropsychological assessment results to inform consultation about college entrance and vocational activities. Evaluating and strengthening academic skills for older Autistic adolescents who plan to enter college or workforce. Helping Autistic students increase their use of social, coping, and behavioral skills. Strengthening Autistic students’ use of self-management and self-sufficiency skills needed to independently perform required tasks in college and the workplace. Selecting an appropriate college and accessing available supports that match student needs. Assisting Autistic students and their families in accessing available services and developing skills that improve employment outcomes. Postsecondary Transition for College- or Career-Bound Autistic Students is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians and other professionals in clinical child and school psychology, special education, social work, developmental psychology, behavioral therapy/rehabilitation, child and adolescent psychiatry, and all interrelated disciplines.
"As mandated by federal law, schools must assist students with disabilities in developing appropriate goals and transition plans for life after high school. Written for teachers and student assistance professionals, this comprehensive and practical book focuses on how the planning process can prepare students for the greater independence of postsecondary settings. Recognizing that students with disabilities have a wide range of needs, this resource discusses the transition requirements of various postsecondary options, including colleges, universities, career and technical training programs, and employment. Developed by highly regarded experts, this authoritative guide includes: the most up-to-date information on key legislation that affects transition services and the rights and responsibilities of students and professionals; advice for helping students document disabilities, develop self-advocacy skills, and seek accommodations; information about postsecondary resources on campus and in the community; students' personal stories and a look at the role of family involvement. An overview of transition considerations for middle school youth."--Publisher's website.
Students with an educational classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) make up 1.1% of the total enrollment in public schools and 8.3% of the total number of students receiving special education services and is the fastest growing disability classification (U.S. Department of Education, 2016). As more students with these unique needs begin to age out of the educational system, the demand for quality transition planning services that address the spectrum of ability in this population increases. While IDEA (2018) provides some basic guidelines, there is significant room for interpretation and individualization within these mandates. As such, practitioners are often left searching the available literature to determine the best way to provide students, families, and school personnel with some guidance in interpreting and implementing federal law. Furthermore, the best practices literature is limited and often does not address some of the unique needs of students with ASD, given the core features of the classification (Wehman, 2013). The current study evaluates school program variables that predict postsecondary outcomes in education/training and employment for students with ASD and considers the individual student and family variables that vary with this relationship. Consistent with the literature (Kohler & Fields, 2003), results suggest that student focused-planning, student development, and interagency collaboration correlate with postsecondary education/training and employment outcomes. In addition, consistent with what we know about the broader population of students receiving special education services (Landmark, et al., 2010) and the theoretical work (Wehman, et al., 2014), the current study demonstrates that inclusion in the general education setting in an academically rigorous content area is also related to postsecondary success in education/training and employment. These findings not only highlight the importance of including students with ASD in the general education classroom as part of their transition programming, but it also speaks to the need for additional research about inclusion practices as part of the child's transition plan for students with ASD.
This qualitative study focuses on the experiences of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) transitioning from high school to postsecondary education as told from the perspective of their parents. As a group, parents of college-aged youth and young adults with ASD are more deeply involved with the educational process of their children's education compared to other parents. Structured interviews were conducted with parents of a purposively selected sample of students with ASD attending Downtown University, a four-year urban comprehensive university in the southeast. Parents were asked to describe their experiences with the transition process and, if possible, highlight any information that was not provided to them that would have allowed them to make the transition period a smoother one for their children. Data collected through these interviews were used to delineate the most common experiences shared by these parents as their children with ASD moved from the K-12 setting to the postsecondary setting. Four particular themes emerged as shared experiences that came to the forefront: being an advocate for the child begins at an early age and continues well into the college years; maintaining a strong line of communication with the child as he or she transitions to college is critical; developing a strong support team along the way provides professional advice and serves as an outlet for expressing closely-held emotions and beliefs; and once the transition period is complete, returning to a relatively "normal" life is critical for the health and well-being of the parent. Knowing the importance of these experiences shared by the parents will allow high schools and college disability services offices to make recommendations for training, assistance, and information to parents so the transition process takes place in a much smoother manner.
A Practical Guide for Finding Interventions that Work for Autistic People: Diversity Affirming Evidence-Based Practice, second edition, provides a socially valid, culturally sensitive, and person-centered resource to aid practitioners in guiding the selection of effective interventions. By providing multiple illustrative examples, practitioners will learn to use their professional judgment to integrate the best available evidence with client values and context. The second edition includes new chapters on diversity affirmation and cultural adaptations of interventions, quality of life, self-determination, guided decision-making, and ethics as foundational skills for identifying effective, socially valid interventions that are delivered with compassion and assent/consent. Presents a detailed description of the diversity-affirming evidence-based practice decision-making model Offers a framework that helps practitioners integrate the best available evidence with client values and context Demonstrates how to culturally adapt interventions and center decision-making on the client Guides practitioners through the process of assessing intervention outcomes that fit with client values and contextual variables Provides numerous concrete examples involving Autistic people holding many intersecting identities
Navigating the Transition from High School to College for Students with Disabilities provides effective strategies for navigating the transition process from high school into college for students with a wide range of disabilities. As students with disabilities attend two and four-year colleges in increasing numbers and through expanding access opportunities, challenges remain in helping these students and their families prepare for and successfully transition into higher education. Professionals and families supporting transition activities are often unaware of today’s new and rapidly developing options for postsecondary education. This practical guide offers user-friendly resources, including vignettes, research summaries, and hands-on activities that can be easily implemented in the classroom and in the community and that facilitate strong collaboration between schools and families. Preparation issues such as financial aid, applying for college, and other long-term planning areas are addressed in detail. An accompanying student resource section offers materials for high school students with disabilities that secondary educators, counselors, and transition personnel can use to facilitate exploration and planning discussions. Framing higher education as a possible transition goal for all students with disabilities, Navigating the Transition from High School to College for Students with Disabilities supports the postsecondary interests of more than four million public school students with disabilities.
With the increase in students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) entering postsecondary institutions, it is imperative to have a foundational system in place to promote student efficacy. Many of these programs are in their infancy and have minimal data to support their effectiveness. Further development into the postsecondary environment is crucial in establishing and maintaining transition programs to facilitate expansion and sustainability. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of students with ASD and their parents concerning the effectiveness of college transition programs. The qualitative study used a four-point Likert scale survey and open-ended questions, which was administered to eight students with ASD and eight parents of students with ASD. Of those participants, two parents and two students engaged in an interview to garner a deeper understanding of their experiences. Various instruments were used to elicit parent and student insights about the effectiveness of college transition programs for students with ASD. From the results of the study, there was evidence to suggest students believed their programs were efficacious in offering supplemental supports, reasonable accommodations, and opportunities to learn communication skills, while parents found value in academic independence, transition efficiency, and development of social skills. In contrast, students communicated apprehensions concerning teacher knowledge of disability, course structure and pacing, and acceptance into the college culture, while parents conveyed trepidations involving (a) academic rigor, (b) financial assistance, (c) peer mentorships, (d) goal setting, and (e) inclusionary practices.
College life is particularly stressful for students with Asperger Syndrome. This much needed guide provides information to help these students prepare successfully for study, interact with staff and fellow students, cope with expectations and pressures, and understand their academic and domestic responsibilities.
Due to a concern about the increasing number of students in the district diagnosed with autism, this action research study focused attention on the transition needs of students with significant disabilities. Prior to the inception of this study, this district had no transition program for students with significant disabilities. Individualized transition plans were lacking in evidence of student postsecondary career interests and other specific details needed in order to foster successful postsecondary transition. During the early stages of this research, the district hired a transition teacher, created a transition curriculum, implemented a transition course, established community-based instruction opportunities, and collaborated with local employers for site-based job opportunities. All of these efforts were designed to meet the specific needs of students with significant disabilities. This research used assessments, inventories, progress reports, student observations, surveys, and focus groups. Following the implementation of the aforementioned activities and instructional supports, improvements were noted in student attendance at IEP meetings, student participation in IEP meetings, details included in IEP transition plans, job skill knowledge, and employer understanding of students with significant disabilities. The major findings of this research underscore the importance of transition instruction for all members of this learning community. The transition curriculum offered these students instructional opportunities that resulted in the identification of practical career goals and the development of the skills necessary to meet these goals. When provided with the appropriate assessment tools, staff members developed more detailed and specific transition plans. Finally, when afforded support and Community-Based Instruction from the school personnel, employers expressed increased expectations for student employees with significant disabilities. Additional data gleaned from this action research points to the need to expand the current transition program to include more job and community opportunities for students with significant disabilities, consider the transition needs of students with other disabilities, revise the content area curriculum to meet the instructional needs of students with significant disabilities, and raise awareness regarding student transition needs. Future research is required to obtain longitudinal data regarding the effectiveness of transition instruction and IEP transition plans.
Helping both college faculty and student affairs staff enlarge their understanding of the experiences of students on the autism spectrum, this book provides guidance on putting supports in place to increase college success. Uniquely, the authors bring the perspective of neurodiversity to this work. Many individuals on the autism spectrum have been stigmatized by the diagnosis and experience autism as a negative label that brings with it marginalization and barriers through an emphasis on deficits. Autistic self-advocates within the neurodiversity movement are leading the charge to rethinking autism as neurodiversity, and to celebrating autism as central to identity. Neurodiversity is not a theory or a way of being, it is a fact, and neurological diversity should be valued and respected along with any other human variation such as race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality.The book provides the practical guidance needed to help neurodivergent students succeed, with chapters that address a variety of key issues from the transition to college to career readiness after graduation. The authors address support services, faculty and staff roles, and enhancing academic success. They also cover navigating the social demands of college life, working with families, and mental health. The final chapter brings it all together, describing the elements of a comprehensive program to help this student population succeed.Difficulties with social interaction and communication are one of the defining characteristics of autism and often persist into adulthood. It can be assumed that difficulties with social interaction and communication may also impact college success, both socially and academically. But the answer for these students is not necessarily to try to "fix" these issues, since the fact that these students have been admitted to a degree-granting program shows that they can be successful students. Instead, there should be an emphasis on helping faculty, staff, and students understand the diversity of human behavior while helping autistic students achieve college success through a support system and by providing accommodations and services when needed.