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Demography relates observable facts about individuals to the dynamics of populations. If the dynamics are linear and do not change over time, the classical theory of Lotka (1907) and Leslie (1945) is the central tool of demography. This book addresses the situation when the assumption of constancy is dropped. In many practical situations, a population will display unpredictable variation over time in its vital rates, which must then be described in statistical terms. Most of this book is concerned with the theory of populations which are subject to random temporal changes in their vital rates, although other kinds of variation (e. g. , cyclical) are also dealt with. The central questions are: how does temporal variation work its way into a population's future, and how does it affect our interpretation of a population's past. The results here are directed at demographers of humans and at popula tion biologists. The uneven mathematical level is dictated by the material, but the book should be accessible to readers interested in population the ory. (Readers looking for background or prerequisites will find much of it in Hal Caswell's Matrix population models: construction, analysis, and in terpretation (Sinauer 1989) ). This book is in essence a progress report and is deliberately brief; I hope that it is not mystifying. I have not attempted to be complete about either the history or the subject, although most sig nificant results and methods are presented.
A population is a summation of all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding. The main mathematical problem for a given population is to carefully examine the evolution (time dependent dynamics) of the population. The mathematical methods used in the study of this problem are based on probability theory, stochastic processes, dynamical systems, nonlinear differential and difference equations, and (non-)associative algebras.A state of a population is a distribution of probabilities of the different types of organisms in every generation. Type partition is called differentiation (for example, sex differentiation which defines a bisexual population). This book systematically describes the recently developed theory of (bisexual) population, and mainly contains results obtained since 2010.The book presents algebraic and probabilistic approaches in the theory of population dynamics. It also includes several dynamical systems of biological models such as dynamics generated by Markov processes of cubic stochastic matrices; dynamics of sex-linked population; dynamical systems generated by a gonosomal evolution operator; dynamical system and an evolution algebra of mosquito population; and ocean ecosystems.The main aim of this book is to facilitate the reader's in-depth understanding by giving a systematic review of the theory of population dynamics which has wide applications in biology, mathematics, medicine, and physics.
A knowledge of animal population dynamics is essential for the proper management of natural resources and the environment. This book, now available in paperback, develops basic concepts and a rigorous methodology for the analysis of animal population dynamics to identify the underlying mechanisms.
Why do organisms become extremely abundant one year and then seem to disappear a few years later? Why do population outbreaks in particular species happen more or less regularly in certain locations, but only irregularly (or never at all) in other locations? Complex population dynamics have fascinated biologists for decades. By bringing together mathematical models, statistical analyses, and field experiments, this book offers a comprehensive new synthesis of the theory of population oscillations. Peter Turchin first reviews the conceptual tools that ecologists use to investigate population oscillations, introducing population modeling and the statistical analysis of time series data. He then provides an in-depth discussion of several case studies--including the larch budmoth, southern pine beetle, red grouse, voles and lemmings, snowshoe hare, and ungulates--to develop a new analysis of the mechanisms that drive population oscillations in nature. Through such work, the author argues, ecologists can develop general laws of population dynamics that will help turn ecology into a truly quantitative and predictive science. Complex Population Dynamics integrates theoretical and empirical studies into a major new synthesis of current knowledge about population dynamics. It is also a pioneering work that sets the course for ecology's future as a predictive science.
As profound threats to ecosystems increase worldwide, ecologists must move beyond studying single communities at a single point in time. All of the dynamic, interconnected spatial and temporal processes that determine the distribution and abundance of species must be understood in order to develop new conservation and management strategies. This volume is the first to integrate mathematical and biological approaches to these crucial topics. The editors include not only a wide variety of theoretical approaches, but also a broad range of experimental and field studies, with chapters written by renowned experts in community ecology, ecological modeling, population genetics, and conservation biology. In addition to providing new insights into well-known topics such as migration, the authors also introduce some less familiar subjects, including bacterial population genetics and ecotoxicology. For anyone interested in the study, management, and conservation of populations, this book will prove to be a valuable resource.
This book provides an introduction to population dynamics, exploring rules that govern change in any dynamic system and applying these general principles to populations of living organisms. Principles of Population Dynamics and their Application is aimed at applied ecologists, resource managers. and pest managers. It is also aimed at undergraduate students taking courses in forestry, fisheries, widlife and pest management.
This book is an introduction to mathematical biology for students with no experience in biology, but who have some mathematical background. The work is focused on population dynamics and ecology, following a tradition that goes back to Lotka and Volterra, and includes a part devoted to the spread of infectious diseases, a field where mathematical modeling is extremely popular. These themes are used as the area where to understand different types of mathematical modeling and the possible meaning of qualitative agreement of modeling with data. The book also includes a collections of problems designed to approach more advanced questions. This material has been used in the courses at the University of Trento, directed at students in their fourth year of studies in Mathematics. It can also be used as a reference as it provides up-to-date developments in several areas.
Every form of behaviour is shaped by trial and error. Such stepwise adaptation can occur through individual learning or through natural selection, the basis of evolution. Since the work of Maynard Smith and others, it has been realised how game theory can model this process. Evolutionary game theory replaces the static solutions of classical game theory by a dynamical approach centred not on the concept of rational players but on the population dynamics of behavioural programmes. In this book the authors investigate the nonlinear dynamics of the self-regulation of social and economic behaviour, and of the closely related interactions between species in ecological communities. Replicator equations describe how successful strategies spread and thereby create new conditions which can alter the basis of their success, i.e. to enable us to understand the strategic and genetic foundations of the endless chronicle of invasions and extinctions which punctuate evolution. In short, evolutionary game theory describes when to escalate a conflict, how to elicit cooperation, why to expect a balance of the sexes, and how to understand natural selection in mathematical terms.
Since the beginning of this century there has been a growing interest in the study of the epidemiology and population dynamics of infectious disease agents. Mathematical and statistical methods have played an important role in the development of this field and a large, and sophisticated, literature exists which is concerned with the theory of epidemiological processes in popu lations and the dynamics of epidemie and endemie disease phenomena. Much ofthis literature is, however, rather formal and abstract in character, and the field has tended to become rather detached from its empirical base. Relatively little of the literature, for example, deals with the practical issues which are of major concern to public health workers. Encouragingly, in recent years there are signs of an increased awareness amongst theoreticians of the need to confront predictions with observed epidemiological trends, and to pay elose attention to the biological details of the interaction between host and disease agent. This trend has in part been stimulated by the early work of Ross and Macdonald, on the transmission dynamics of tropical parasitic infections, but a further impetus has been the recent advances made by ecologists in blending theory and observation in the study of plant and animal populations.
Although the human population growth rate of the world has been declining since peaking in the early 1960s, the populations of individual countries are changing at different rates. Population dynamics at national level are partly determined by levels of fertility and mortality, but the impact of international migration is playing an increasingly important role. Moreover, internal migration plays a major part in population change at the sub-national level. This fourth volume in the series “Understanding Population Trends and Processes” is a celebration of the work of Professor Philip Rees. It contains chapters by contributors who have collaborated with Phil Rees on research or consultancy projects or as postgraduate students. Several chapters demonstrate the technical nature of population projection modelling and simulation methods while others illustrate issues relating to data availability and estimation. This book demonstrates the application of theoretical and modelling methods and addresses key issues relating to contemporary demographic patterns and trends.