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The book is about the global stability and bifurcation of equilibriums in polynomial functional systems. Appearing and switching bifurcations of simple and higher-order equilibriums in the polynomial functional systems are discussed, and such bifurcations of equilibriums are not only for simple equilibriums but for higher-order equilibriums. The third-order sink and source bifurcations for simple equilibriums are presented in the polynomial functional systems. The third-order sink and source switching bifurcations for saddle and nodes are also presented, and the fourth-order upper-saddle and lower-saddle switching and appearing bifurcations are presented for two second-order upper-saddles and two second-order lower-saddles, respectively. In general, the (2
The book is about the global stability and bifurcation of equilibriums in polynomial functional systems. Appearing and switching bifurcations of simple and higher-order equilibriums in the polynomial functional systems are discussed, and such bifurcations of equilibriums are not only for simple equilibriums but for higher-order equilibriums. The third-order sink and source bifurcations for simple equilibriums are presented in the polynomial functional systems. The third-order sink and source switching bifurcations for saddle and nodes are also presented, and the fourth-order upper-saddle and lower-saddle switching and appearing bifurcations are presented for two second-order upper-saddles and two second-order lower-saddles, respectively. In general, the (2 + 1)th-order sink and source switching bifurcations for (2)th-order saddles and (2 +1)-order nodes are also presented, and the (2)th-order upper-saddle and lower-saddle switching and appearing bifurcations are presented for (2)th-order upper-saddles and (2)th-order lower-saddles (, = 1,2,...). The vector fields in nonlinear dynamical systems are polynomial functional. Complex dynamical systems can be constructed with polynomial algebraic structures, and the corresponding singularity and motion complexity can be easily determined.
This book reviews new results in the application of polynomial and rational matrices to continuous- and discrete-time systems. It provides the reader with rigorous and in-depth mathematical analysis of the uses of polynomial and rational matrices in the study of dynamical systems. It also throws new light on the problems of positive realization, minimum-energy control, reachability, and asymptotic and robust stability.
In 2008, November 23-28, the workshop of ”Classical Problems on Planar Polynomial Vector Fields ” was held in the Banff International Research Station, Canada. Called "classical problems", it was concerned with the following: (1) Problems on integrability of planar polynomial vector fields. (2) The problem of the center stated by Poincaré for real polynomial differential systems, which asks us to recognize when a planar vector field defined by polynomials of degree at most n possesses a singularity which is a center. (3) Global geometry of specific classes of planar polynomial vector fields. (4) Hilbert’s 16th problem. These problems had been posed more than 110 years ago.Therefore, they are called "classical problems" in the studies of the theory of dynamical systems. The qualitative theory and stability theory of differential equations, created by Poincaré and Lyapunov at the end of the 19th century, had major developments as two branches of the theory of dynamical systems during the 20th century. As a part of the basic theory of nonlinear science, it is one of the very active areas in the new millennium. This book presents in an elementary way the recent significant developments in the qualitative theory of planar dynamical systems. The subjects are covered as follows: the studies of center and isochronous center problems, multiple Hopf bifurcations and local and global bifurcations of the equivariant planar vector fields which concern with Hilbert’s 16th problem. The book is intended for graduate students, post-doctors and researchers in dynamical systems. For all engineers who are interested in the theory of dynamical systems, it is also a reasonable reference. It requires a minimum background of a one-year course on nonlinear differential equations.
Problems involving synthesis of mathematical models of various physical systems, making use of these models in practice and verifying them qualitatively has - come an especially important area of research since more and more physical - periments are being replaced by computer simulations. Such simulations should make it possible to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the various properties of the system being modelled. Most importantly its dynamic properties can be - dressed in a situation where this would be difficult or even impossible to achieve through a direct physical experiment. To carry out a simulation of a real, phy- cally existing system it is necessary to have its mathematical description; the s- tem being described mathematically by equations, which include certain variables, their derivatives and integrals. If a single independent variable is sufficient in - der to describe the system, then derivatives and integrals with respect to only that variable will appear in the equations. Differentiation of the equation allows the integrals to be eliminated and produces an equation which includes derivatives with respect to only one independent variable i. e. an ordinary differential equation. In practice, most physical systems can be described with sufficient accuracy by linear differential equations with time invariant coefficients. Chapter 2 is devoted to the description of models by such equations, with time as the independent va- able.
This book provides a systematic and unified approach to the analysis, identification and optimal control of continuous-time dynamical systems via orthogonal polynomials such as Legendre, Laguerre, Hermite, Tchebycheff, Jacobi, Gegenbauer, and via orthogonal functions such as sine-cosine, block-pulse, and Walsh. This is the first book devoted to the application of orthogonal polynomials in systems and control, establishing the superiority of orthogonal polynomials to other orthogonal functions.
New mathematical research in arithmetic dynamics In The Arithmetic of Polynomial Dynamical Pairs, Charles Favre and Thomas Gauthier present new mathematical research in the field of arithmetic dynamics. Specifically, the authors study one-dimensional algebraic families of pairs given by a polynomial with a marked point. Combining tools from arithmetic geometry and holomorphic dynamics, they prove an “unlikely intersection” statement for such pairs, thereby demonstrating strong rigidity features for them. They further describe one-dimensional families in the moduli space of polynomials containing infinitely many postcritically finite parameters, proving the dynamical André-Oort conjecture for curves in this context, originally stated by Baker and DeMarco. This is a reader-friendly invitation to a new and exciting research area that brings together sophisticated tools from many branches of mathematics.
Unifying the most important methodology in this field, Multi-Resolution Methods for Modeling and Control of Dynamical Systems explores existing approximation methods as well as develops new ones for the approximate solution of large-scale dynamical system problems. It brings together a wide set of material from classical orthogonal function
Optimal control deals with the problem of finding a control law for a given system such that a certain optimality criterion is achieved. An optimal control is a set of differential equations describing the paths of the control variables that minimize the cost functional. This book, Continuous Time Dynamical Systems: State Estimation and Optimal Control with Orthogonal Functions, considers different classes of systems with quadratic performance criteria. It then attempts to find the optimal control law for each class of systems using orthogonal functions that can optimize the given performance criteria. Illustrated throughout with detailed examples, the book covers topics including: Block-pulse functions and shifted Legendre polynomials State estimation of linear time-invariant systems Linear optimal control systems incorporating observers Optimal control of systems described by integro-differential equations Linear-quadratic-Gaussian control Optimal control of singular systems Optimal control of time-delay systems with and without reverse time terms Optimal control of second-order nonlinear systems Hierarchical control of linear time-invariant and time-varying systems