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Do you want to know the details that should be taken into consideration in order to have accurate conventional and real-time PCR results? If so, this book is for you. Polymerase Chain Reaction for Biomedical Applications is a collection of chapters for both novice and experienced scientists and technologists aiming to address obtaining an optimized real-time PCR result, simultaneous processing of a large number of samples and assays, performing PCR and RT-PCR on cell lysate without extraction of DNA or RNA, detecting false-positive PCR results, detecting organisms in viral and microbial diseases and hospital environment, following safety assessments of food products, and using PCR for introduction of mutations. This is a must-have book for any PCR laboratory.
Do you want to know the details that should be taken into consideration in order to have accurate conventional and real-time PCR results? If so, this book is for you. Polymerase Chain Reaction for Biomedical Applications is a collection of chapters for both novice and experienced scientists and technologists aiming to address obtaining an optimized real-time PCR result, simultaneous processing of a large number of samples and assays, performing PCR and RT-PCR on cell lysate without extraction of DNA or RNA, detecting false-positive PCR results, detecting organisms in viral and microbial diseases and hospital environment, following safety assessments of food products, and using PCR for introduction of mutations. This is a must-have book for any PCR laboratory.
Basic Science Methods for Clinical Researchers addresses the specific challenges faced by clinicians without a conventional science background. The aim of the book is to introduce the reader to core experimental methods commonly used to answer questions in basic science research and to outline their relative strengths and limitations in generating conclusive data. This book will be a vital companion for clinicians undertaking laboratory-based science. It will support clinicians in the pursuit of their academic interests and in making an original contribution to their chosen field. In doing so, it will facilitate the development of tomorrow’s clinician scientists and future leaders in discovery science. Serves as a helpful guide for clinical researchers who lack a conventional science background Organized around research themes pertaining to key biological molecules, from genes, to proteins, cells, and model organisms Features protocols, techniques for troubleshooting common problems, and an explanation of the advantages and limitations of a technique in generating conclusive data Appendices provide resources for practical research methodology, including legal frameworks for using stem cells and animals in the laboratory, ethical considerations, and good laboratory practice (GLP)
Kary Mullis was awarded a Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR technique more than a decade ago in 1993. Since its "discovery", multiple adaptations and variations of the standard PCR technique have been described. This publication aims to provide the reader with a guide to the standard PCR technique and its many available variants, with particular emphasis being placed on the role of these PCR techniques in the clinical diagnostic laboratory (the central theme of this book).
The first comprehensive treatise on Rapid Cycle Real-Time PCR. With amplification times of 15-30 minutes of on-line detection and analysis, nucleic acid quantification of mutation analysis finally becomes a routine, powerful and rapid method. Focusing primarily on the LightCycler, an instrument that combines Rapid Cycle PCR with fluorescent monitoring, this technology provides convenient analysis by melting temperatures. PCR products can be identified by product Tm, and single base mismatches can easily be genotyped by probe Tm. Methods chapters detail the theory behind quantification of mutation analysis; the design of synthesis of fluorescent hybridization probes of the preparation of template DNA. Application chapters apply nucleid acid quantification to infectious organisms of intracellular messengers and mutation detection to somatic of acquired mutations.
James D. Watson When, in late March of 1953, Francis Crick and I came to write the first Nature paper describing the double helical structure of the DNA molecule, Francis had wanted to include a lengthy discussion of the genetic implications of a molecule whose struc ture we had divined from a minimum of experimental data and on theoretical argu ments based on physical principles. But I felt that this might be tempting fate, given that we had not yet seen the detailed evidence from King's College. Nevertheless, we reached a compromise and decided to include a sentence that pointed to the biological significance of the molecule's key feature-the complementary pairing of the bases. "It has not escaped our notice," Francis wrote, "that the specific pairing that we have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material." By May, when we were writing the second Nature paper, I was more confident that the proposed structure was at the very least substantially correct, so that this second paper contains a discussion of molecular self-duplication using templates or molds. We pointed out that, as a consequence of base pairing, a DNA molecule has two chains that are complementary to each other. Each chain could then act ". . . as a template for the formation on itself of a new companion chain, so that eventually we shall have two pairs of chains, where we only had one before" and, moreover, " ...
This indispensable manual is a compilation of review articles written by experts in the field of PCR technology. It is a recommended purchase for all microbiology and molecular biology laboratories and university libraries.
Principles and Applications of Molecular Diagnostics serves as a comprehensive guide for clinical laboratory professionals applying molecular technology to clinical diagnosis. The first half of the book covers principles and analytical concepts in molecular diagnostics such as genomes and variants, nucleic acids isolation and amplification methods, and measurement techniques, circulating tumor cells, and plasma DNA; the second half presents clinical applications of molecular diagnostics in genetic disease, infectious disease, hematopoietic malignancies, solid tumors, prenatal diagnosis, pharmacogenetics, and identity testing. A thorough yet succinct guide to using molecular testing technology, Principles and Applications of Molecular Diagnostics is an essential resource for laboratory professionals, biologists, chemists, pharmaceutical and biotech researchers, and manufacturers of molecular diagnostics kits and instruments. Explains the principles and tools of molecular biology Describes standard and state-of-the-art molecular techniques for obtaining qualitative and quantitative results Provides a detailed description of current molecular applications used to solve diagnostics tasks
This PCR handbook establishes an easy approach for the students going through their studies in Molecular Diagnostics. It introduces timely topics such as Clinical Applications of PCR, Real time PCR, PCR Optimization, Application of PCR, PCR Array System Performance, Designing the primers, PCR in diagnosis of diseases and different PCR Techniques and their procedures.
PREFACE The Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture is involved in agricultural research and development and assists Member States of FAO and IAEA in improving strategies to ensure food security through the use of nuclear techniques and related biotechnologies, where such techniques have a valuable and often unique role. In particular, molecular diagnostic methods have rapidly evolved in the past twenty years, since the advent of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). They are used in a wide range of agricultural areas such as, improving soil and water management; producing better crop varieties; diagnosing plant and animal diseases; controlling insect pests and improving food quality and safety. The uses of nucleic acid-directed methods have increased significantly in the past five years and have made important contributions to disease control country programmes for improving national and international trade. These developments include the more routine use of PCR as a diagnostic tool in veterinary diagnostic laboratories. However, there are many problems associated with the transfer and particularly, the application of this technology. These include lack of consideration of: the establishment of quality-assured procedures, the required set-up of the laboratory and the proper training of staff. This can lead to a situation where results are not assured. This book gives a comprehensive account of the practical aspects of PCR and strong consideration is given to ensure its optimal use in a laboratory environment. This includes the setting-up of a PCR laboratory; Good Laboratory Practice and standardised of PCR protocols.