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Poems of Adversity from poets: Adelaide Anne Procter, Percy Shelley, Charles, Kingsley, James W. Watson, William Shakespeare, Lord Byron, Amelia Anne Blandford Edwards, John Fletcher, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Chediock Tichborne, Lord Houghton, Walter Savage Landor, Henry Neele, John Keats, Ralph Hoyt, Will Carleton, Mary Louise Ritter, John Milton, George Crabbe, Thomas Noel, Thomas Hood, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Thomas Moss, Letitia Elizabeth Landon, Ya Perezhil Svoi Zhelanya, Pierre-Jean De Beranger, Frances Quarles, Frances Bacon, and a final chapter by American Poet Laureate, Jean Elizabeth Ward, Ed. including Naani, Tanka, Kimo, Choka, and Shape Poems. The Wail of Prometheus Bound with picture. Poems mentioning Houston, Texas, Texas, New Quay, Wales, and the Titanic.
The Uses of Adversity - titled after the line from As You Like It, "Sweet are the uses of adversity" - is a collection of one hundred sonnets cobining the craftiness of traditional form with the effortlessness of free verse. The language is often richly textured and musical, often plain spoken and conversational, but always witty and accessible. The subject matter ranges widely from Rootie Kazootie and Froggy the Gremlin, Howdy Doody and Elvis Presley, to Christopher Columbus, Khrushchev, Kennedy, and Kevorkian; from Donald Duck, Mandrake the Magician, Li'l Abner and the Creature from the Black Lagoon, to Shakespeare, H.P. Lovecraft, Transtromer, Rilke, Wittgenstein, and Nietzsche; from the tradtional themes of lyrics - love (both sacred and profane), death, the changing of the seasons, marriage, birth, divorce, childhood, sex, religion,art, the natural world, illness - to the most unexpected and quirky contemporary narratives.The title sequence, which explores a father's illness and death, is both elegiac and celebratory, evoking the conflictual bonds in any father-son relationship. In these sonnets, by turns hilarious and heartbreaking, Wallace once again proves himself to be one of our most versatile and affirmative poets.
Uniting poets worldwide, and published in two volumes, ADVERSITY is probably one of the largest international collections of poetry on the theme of adversity ever published. ADVERSITY, Vol. 1 - contains 138 contributions from 75 poets in 32 countries worldwide: Albania, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, England, Ethiopia, India, Kosovo, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Republic Of North Macedonia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Uganda, Wales and Zimbabwe, and 19 States across the USA: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Vermont, and Washington. ADVERSITY, Vol. 2 - contains 134 contributions from 83 poets in 29 countries worldwide: Australia, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, England, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kurdistan, Kyrgyzstan, Malta, Montenegro, Nepal, Philippines, Republic Of Ireland, Republic Of North Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Singapore, South Korea, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Wales and Zimbabwe, and 12 States across the USA: California, Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin. Recognised for its in-depth interviews, and for producing some of the largest international anthologies of poetry on particular themes and topics ever published, THE POET is devoted to showcasing poets and publishing amazing poetry from around the world. "We do not criticize or critique, we are simply a place where poets can both inspire others, and be inspired by others, and a platform where poets are given an opportunity to have their work published, and their words read." Robin Barratt - Editor and Founder. No matter what your background and experience; whether an established, multi-published poet laureate, with many titles to your credit, or an emerging poet exploring the creative use of words, structure, ideas and expression for the first time, our philosophy here at THE POET is to embrace and welcome all poets, everywhere.
Poems of Inspiration, Dear Child, and Poems of Variety were written to acclaim lifetime experiences and Godly interventions in the life of the author, Molly, and her family. As a Mom, losing her only child in an auto accident perhaps prompted her earlier writings. Molly wrote Dear Child I and II. Narrow escapes from death and Godly provisions for those seeking God ́s love and guidance have taught Molly the importance of faith, prayer, and Godly purpose in our lives. Choir membership, teaching Sunday school, and caring for the homebound from her local church, Hunter Street Baptist, have been a huge influence in the writings from the heart in this series of poems. Molly is an active oncology nurse and an award-winning poet. She resides in McCalla, Alabama.
God has a way of turning grief and adversity into a blessing for you and me. If God did it for me, God will do it for you. So just stop and listen to what God has to say, and perhaps, God will help you publish a book or maybe a book of poems for all the world to see as He did for me.
Anatomy of an Ordeal In October of 2015 I had an accident and fell, shattering my right ankle with a triple compound fracture. The local hospital operated, placing metal plates and screws in the damaged area. Unfortunately, during post-op I slipped into a coma which lasted four weeks in which I was completely unresponsive. It was a last ditch procedure that was performed using a strobe light, which roused me from my "sleep;" when I awoke, I had amnesia recognized no one except my wife. I seemed to be making good progress, and by January of 2016 I was up on a walker and using an exercise bicycle at home. Yet, in April the screws started coming out of the ankle, which was massively infected and pushing out the hardware. The local hospital wanted to operate immediately, citing the strong likelihood of amputation. We chose instead to go to Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, where multiple doctors from Orthopedic ONE preformed four surgeries in twelve days; they shredded the infected leg, removed dead ankle bone, and placed a tunnel port in my chest in which massively strong antibiotics were placed order to try to save the leg. Overall, the prognosis was not good. Three weeks after being released from rehab, I had an additional surgery, where they rebuilt my ankle with a bone graft from my shin (with non narcotic painkillers, mind you). Coming home, we had no idea if the bone graft would take, or if I would ever walk again. It took another five months for the leg to heal, and during this time I wrote two manuscripts; In January of 2017 the first X-rays came back. Alleluia! The bone graft had taken and been a success and there was no sign of infection at all. Within a few months I was up walking with little difficulty. We rejoiced wholeheartedly. Miracles do happen, yet there was now a new complication. Due to the strong antibiotics used to save the leg, my renal function was further compromised. By summer of 2017, I was in stage five kidney failure. I then went to The Ohio State University Wexner Center in Columbus, Ohio to be evaluated for a kidney transplant. I hoped and prayed for a living kidney donor, and a second chance at life. In November of 2017 I began to have small wound issues again with the ankle. This continued into 2018, where in June, an MRI was done which showed that infection had come back into the ankle. In July an exploratory surgery was done, and the cultures showed that the infection had indeed returned and was now in the bone. Since there is no way for a kidney transplant with any infection, there was nothing left to be done the leg had to finally come off. During this past year I began working on this collection of poetry: "Boom! & Adversity. " It is a literary expression of a blessed, thankful man, who has found that struggling through a continued painful, fiery, roller coaster ordeal has only heightened his wellbeing and sense of purpose. Life for all us is truly a work in progress. The succulent struggle of pain, confusion, and moments of deep darkness has only deepened my faith and given me true appreciation for even the smallest blessing of this life. The piercing sweetness of my Lord has prevailed, and His faithfulness continues to be revealed daily. Where I go from here is anybody's guess. I continue to wait, pray, and live with grateful joy and a thankful heart that I can continue to write and spirit the goodness of the Maker in spite of undergoing abject difficulty and suffering. I hope this small collection of ditties find the reader moved, entertained, and touched in a good and meaningful way. Blessings, J.D. Emens August 2018 Marion, Ohio
Wings of Courage, a collection of poems, shows how a young person used their faith, grit, and courage to fly on the wings of one's dream into freedom even after the scars of abuse. Readers journey through the transformation of a broken child who learns to speak her truth during adolescence, finds strength to rise as a young adult, and is now encouraged to share her story of resiliency. Wings of Courage is sure to inspire and bring hope to readers young and old - anyone with obstacles to endure.
Dont give up and never give in. You gave many battles to face. But only the strong man will win. So fight on because you can make this world a better place. Trials of Life "The Real" This book is a collection of motivational poems to help others cope with the struggles of life. Life may have its ebbs and flows but finding your way is most important. Stay strong and stay true to you. A dedication to my grandma, Mrs. Una Hilda Nurse. Love you!!!