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Renowned for its depth of feeling and musicality, the poetry of Rubén Darío (1867–1916) has been revered by writers including Federico García Lorca, Pablo Neruda, and Octavio Paz. A leading figure in the movement known as modernismo, Darío created the modern Spanish lyric and permanently altered the course of Spanish poetry. Yet while his output has inspired a great deal of critical analysis and a scattering of translations, there has been, until now, no complete English translation of any of his books of poetry. This bilingual edition of Darío’s 1905 masterpiece, Cantos de vida y esperanza, fills a crucial gap in Hispanic and world literature studies. Will Derusha and Alberto Acereda have provided not only an elegant English translation of Darío’s work but also an authoritative version of the original Spanish text. Written over the course of seven years and in many locales in Latin America and Europe, the poems in Cantos de vida y esperanza reflect both Darío’s anguished sense of modern life and his ecstatic visions of transcendence, freedom, and the transformative power of art. They reveal Darío’s familiarity with Spanish, French, and English literature and the wide range of his concerns—existential, religious, erotic, and socio-political. Derusha and Acereda’s translation renders Darío’s themes with meticulous clarity and captures the structural and acoustic dimensions of the poet’s language in all its rhythmic sonority. Their introduction places this singular poet—arguably the greatest to emerge from Latin America in modern literature—and his best and most widely known work in historical and literary context. An extensive glossary offers additional information, explaining terms related to modernismo, Hispanic history, mythological allusions, and artists and writers prominent at the turn of the last century.
In 1978, Isabel Fraire's third book of poetry, Poemas en el regazo de la muerte, was awarded the Villaurrutia Prize.
The book reveals an intense story in the form of poetry with the most remarkable and memorable characteristics of love. This is a collection of memories that survived a love of illusions and giving. A book in both languages, English and Spanish, which creates a bridge uniting cultures of two different languages and a same feeling. A tool to people who want to learn or improve the use of both languages. El libro traza una intensa historia relatada en poesa con las caractersticas ms remarcables y memorables del amor. Es una recopilacin de recuerdos que sobrevivieron a un amor de ilusiones y entrega. Un libro en ambos idiomas, ingles y espaol, un puente para unir culturas de dos lenguas diferentes y un mismo sentimiento. Una herramienta para gente que quisiera aprender o perfeccionar el uso de ambos idiomas. I enjoyed the taste of your book, your poems, the way you feel, and your way to see life. A book full of poems that invites you to meditate, feel, and live with intensity the moments. With its ups and downs. It helped me value life and love. To respect the death and to remember the lack of love. CONGRATULATIONS MY FRIEND! EXELENT JOB!!!! Degust tu libro, tus poemas, tu sentir, tu forma de ver la vida. Un libro lleno de poemas que invitan a meditar, a sentir, a vivir intensamente los momentos. Con sus altas y su bajas. Me ayud a valorar la vida y el amor. A respetar la muerte y a recordar el desamor. FELICIDADES AMIGO! EXCELENTE TRABAJO!!!! Dr. Csar Lozano Martes 8 de Junio del 2010
This is a study in English of the poetry of Manuel Mantero, a member of the Spanish Generation of 1950, and winner of major prizes for his poetry while living in Spain, in self-exile in the United States since 1969. In order to make Mantero's poetry accessible to the English-speaker, all foreign quotes, including Mantero's poetry when cited, have been translated. The volume includes a discussion of his novels and critical works in addition to his poetry.
Nichts ist gewiss. "Sieben und sieben: Die Liebe in Zeiten des Covid" sind sieben und sieben Gedichte. Was mit einer Ode an die Liebe beginnt, endet mit Versen voller Schmerz. Gefangen im Traum von der ewigen Liebe, halten wir an einer Illusion fest, die das Ende einer Liebesbeziehung völlig ausblendet. Doch Liebe und Leid bilden eine Einheit, so wie das Leben und der Tod. Der Weggang des geliebten Menschen verletzt und hinterlässt Narben, die uns zeichnen. Aber sie zeigen uns, dass wir leben, und die Trauer lässt Worte erblühen, die tief berühren. Oscar David Matallana Uribe, El Matallana, erzählt von der Launenhaftigkeit des Lebens, mit seiner Wahrheit, seiner Schönheit und seinen Enttäuschungen. Er hält Augenblicke der Liebe fest, ergreifend und poetisch. Die Gedichte sind in Spanisch, Englisch und Deutsch abgefasst. Nothing is certain. "Seven and Seven: Love in the time of Covid" are seven and seven poems. Something that started as an ode to love finishes with verses full of pain. Trapped in dreams of eternal love, we keep an illusion that shields us from seeing the end of our romantic relationships. However, love and pain form a unity, like life and death. We are hurt by the people we love, and we bear their scars, scars which shape us. But those scars show us that we live, and the grief allows words to bloom that deeply touch us. Oscar David Matallana Uribe, El Matallana, tells us about the capriciousness of life, with all its truth, beauty and disappointments. He shows us a perspective of love that is both moving and poetic. The poems are written in Spanish, English and German. Nada es cierto. "Siete y Siete: El amor en los tiempos del Covid" son siete y siete poemas. Algo que comenzó como una oda al amor termina con versos llenos de dolor. Atrapados en un sueño del amor eterno, mantenemos una ilusión que no nos deja ver el final de nuestras relaciones amorosas. Sin embargo, el amor y el dolor forman una unidad, como la vida y la muerte. El paso de las personas que amamos nos hiere y deja cicatrices que nos dan forma. Pero esas cicatrices nos muestran que vivimos y el duelo deja florecer palabras que nos mueven profundamente. Oscar David Matallana Uribe, El Matallana, nos cuenta sobre una vida caprichosa, con toda su verdad, belleza y decepciones. Nos muestra una perspectiva del amor que es conmovedora y poética. Los poemas están escritos en español, inglés y alemán.
Containing roughly 850 entries about Spanish-language literature throughout the world, this expansive work provides coverage of the varied countries, ethnicities, time periods, literary movements, and genres of these writings. Providing a thorough introduction to Spanish-language literature worldwide and across time is a tall order. However, World Literature in Spanish: An Encyclopedia contains roughly 850 entries on both major and minor authors, themes, genres, and topics of Spanish literature from the Middle Ages to the present day, affording an amazingly comprehensive reference collection in a single work. This encyclopedia describes the growing diversity within national borders, the increasing interdependence among nations, and the myriad impacts of Spanish literature across the globe. All countries that produce literature in Spanish in Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Asia are represented, covering both canonical authors and emerging contemporary writers and trends. Underrepresented writings—such as texts by women writers, queer and Afro-Hispanic texts, children's literature, and works on relevant but less studied topics such as sports and nationalism—also appear. While writings throughout the centuries are covered, those of the 20th and 21st centuries receive special consideration.
This bilingial authority in Spanish and English presents essential poems from every period of Ruben Dario, together with a comprehensive introduction, chronology, bibliography, selected studies, and an extensive glossary of terms and allusions. As such it is unique. This representative translation is based on rigorously authenticated texts and rendered to suggest the intellectual and musical tone of the original.