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Actualmente la Red es uno de los temas de investigación más importantes. Sus posibilidades, su desarrollo, su estatuto jurídico o sus implicaciones sociales juegan un papel fundamental para comprender la dinámica social. Sin embargo, existe un vacío en lo que respecta al análisis de la Red en sí, de sus tendencias y procesos y la manera en que las relaciones de poder les afectan. La contribución del presente libro en este sentido se centra en intentar crear puentes epistemológicos que permitan analizar relaciones de poder que producen resultados en los diferentes campos concretos objeto de miles de estudios. Para ello ha sido necesario diseñar unas herramientas conceptuales que nos permitan conocer todo este entramado. Estos útiles propuestos por los autores tienen como finalidad intentar facilitar el acercamiento a esa realidad profunda conformada por diferentes arenas que conviven en el espacio perpetuamente mutable de Internet.
Nuestro derecho y su filosof a fueron concebidos para un mundo econ mico material signado por el reparto de la escasez y por la divisi n en territorios. El enfoque positivo del derecho no se puede concebir sin el criterio territorial. Por ejemplo, siendo el criterio territorial su piedra angular, basta quitarle el concepto de territorio para que se derrumbe la Teor a pura del derecho de KELSEN. As es f cil entender que el mundo virtualde Internet marcado por la abundancia en vez de las limitaciones, sin territorios y sin materialidad, no se pueda regular eficazmente con nuestros principios jur dicos y filos ficos usuales. En Internet, a n el concepto de la justicia de Arist teles, que distribuye a cada persona lo suyo y que reparte los bienes materiales, no sirve de nada. Sin embargo, s lo esta concepci n de la justicia-reparto prevalece en nuestro mundo moderno. Incluso John RAWLS ha basado su Teor a de la justicia sobre este fundamento. A pesar de que en el mbito jur dico, s lo tenemos este concepto de justicia y sus variantes, el mismo no se puede aplicar eficazmente al mundo virtual. Este libro propone una filosof a de la justicia y principios de acci n jur dica adecuados para acompa ar eficazmente el desarrollo de Internet y del mundo de la informaci n.
Two thirds of global internet users are non-English speakers. Despite this, most scholarly literature on the internet and computer-mediated-communication (CMC) focuses exclusively on English. This is the first book devoted to analyzing internet related CMC in languages other than English. The volume collects 18 new articles on facets of language and internet use, all of which revolve around several central topics: writing systems, the structure and features of local languages and how they affect internet use, code switching between multiple languages, gender issues, public policy issues, and so on.
A identificação dos Estados Unidos como império é comum na imprensa e no meio acadêmico. Porém, já no século 19, intérpretes adventistas tinham percebido esse potencial e relacionado a nação emergente às profecias apocalípticas. O objetivo deste livro é mostrar como o processo de fundação desse país provê importantes dados para iluminar a interpretação adventista de Apocalipse 13. Além disso, esclarece o atual panorama sociopolítico da nação e as perspectivas futuras. Esta leitura ajudará você a entender melhor a lógica das profecias bíblicas como revelações por parte do Deus verdadeiro que conhece e comanda a história.
In recent years ever-increasing concerns about ethical dimensions of fieldwork practice have forced anthropologists and other social scientists to radically reconsider the nature, process, and outcomes of fieldwork: what should we be doing, how, for whom, and to what end? In this volume, practitioners from across anthropological disciplines—social and biological anthropology and primatology—come together to question and compare the ethical regulation of fieldwork, what is common to their practices, and what is distinctive to each discipline. Contributors probe a rich variety of contemporary questions: the new, unique problems raised by conducting fieldwork online and via email; the potential dangers of primatological fieldwork for locals, primates, the environment, and the fieldworkers themselves; the problems of studying the military; and the role of ethical clearance for anthropologists involved in international health programs. The distinctive aim of this book is to develop of a transdisciplinary anthropology at the methodological, not theoretical, level.
This book offers in-depth legal and political analysis concerning the compatibility of the Westphalian state model with globalization and the digital revolution. It explores the concept of democracy in a globalized world, discusses the legitimacy of economic integration in the global market, and presents three case studies (from Brazil, Taiwan and Spain) on the impact of social media on elections. It further entails novel perspectives on the impact of digitalization on national borders, and the role of citizens and experts in the shaping of globalization. A final chapter addresses the extent to which insights gained from the analysis of the abovementioned aspects will need to be considered in efforts to recover from the current global health and economic crisis.
The new means and methods of warfare challenge the law of armed conflict. For this reason, a deep legal and operational study was required to detect the existing gaps and deregulation.
Published for more than 24 years, there is no substitute for the Worldwide Government Directory, which allows users to identify and reach 32,000 elected and appointed officials in 201 countries, plus the European Union. Extensive coverage that includes over 1,800 pages of executive, legislative and political branches; heads of state, ministers, deputies, secretaries and spokespersons as well as state agencies, diplomats and senior level defense officials. It also covers the leadership of more than 100 international organizations. World Government contact information that includes phone numbers and email. Listings include: Name, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email and web addresses Titles Hierarchical arrangements defining state structures
The book describes the evolution of economic theory, considering historical, political and scientific perspectives. It discusses economic concepts and the formation of economics as a discipline since the feudal system, passing through the formation of the State, until the present. The main economic concepts are presented, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, privatization, taxes, tariffs, the concept of currencies, stock markets, international transactions, and economic policies. The book contains a complete glossary of economic terms to help the reader.