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Este proyecto tiene por objetivo examinar los programas contra la pobreza rural llevados a cabo durante la década de 1990 en distintos países de América latina, para seleccionar aquellos que han arrojado mejores resultados y estudiar la posibilidad de adaptarlos a las condiciones específicas de otros países.
Reviews causes of poverty in rural areas and presents a policy framework for reducing rural poverty, including through land reform, public works programs, access to credit, physical and social infrastructure, subsidies, and transfer of technology. Identifies key elements for drafting a policy to reduce rural poverty.
Se analizan las causas de la pobreza en las zonas rurales y se presenta un marco de políticas para reducir la pobreza rural, entre otras formas mediante la reforma agraria, programas de obras públicas, el acceso al crédito, infraestructura física y social, subsidios y transferencia de tecnología. Identifica los elementos fundamentales para elaborar una política orientada a reducir la pobreza rural.
Da a conocer elementos que permiten conocer de manera glo bal la gran complejidad de los problemas y perspectivas de la soledad colombiana desde el punto de vista rural.
Despite almost four decades and billions of dollars in development activities, we are barely in a position to track the changing dynamics of poverty or to define with conviction the processes that entrap the poor in their misery. Accounting for about 90% of global poverty, rural poverty, through transmigration, is also a main contributor to urban poverty. It is in the rural areas of the world where poverty is most severe in human terms, where the hunger, hopelessness, hardship, and despair commonly associated with entrenched poverty are most pronounced, where basic health services, sanitation, educational opportunities, and other common amenities are most lacking. The alleviation of rural poverty is therefore tantamount to the alleviation of global poverty in its entirety. The State of World Rural Poverty offers the first comprehensive look at the economic conditions and prospects of the world's rural poor.
Rural poverty remains a crucial part of the poverty picture in Argentina. This paper used a rural dataset collected by the World Bank in 2003. Findings show that extreme income poverty in rural areas reached 39 percent of the people or 200,000-250,000 indigent families. These families tend to: be large, and young, and to escape from poverty as they mature and children leave the household (life cycle); live largely in dispersed areas where basic service provision is often weak and delivery is difficult (in particular school attendance beyond 11 years of age falls off very rapidly compared with grouped rural or urban areas); and be more likely to be small landholders than landless laborers. The structure of poverty in rural Argentina shows that larger households are poorer than smaller households, female-headed households are poorer than male-headed households, young households/household heads are poorer than older households/household heads, the poor tend to work more in the informal sector, and a greater share of those engaged in agriculture are poor. However, poverty is by no means strictly an agricultural problem. Furthermore, the deepest poverty is among the poorly educated and young household heads with children. Without interventions to improve their opportunities and assets, their plight is likely to worsen.