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Strong bond activation mediated by pincer ligated transiton-metal complexes has been the subject of intense study in recent years, due to its potential involvement in catalytic transformations. This dissertation has focused on the net heterolytic cleavage of B-H and B-B bonds across the N-Pd bond in a cationic (PNP)Pd fragment, the C-H oxidative addition to a (PNP)Ir center and the recent results on the C-H and C-O oxidative addition in reactions of aryl carboxylates with the (PNP)Rh fragment. Transition metal carbene and carbyne complexes are of great interest because of their role in a wide variety of catalytic reactions. Our work has resulted in the isolation of a rhodium(I) difluorocarbene. Reaction of the rhodium difluorocarbene complex with a silylium salt led to the C-F bond cleavage and the formation of a terminal fluorocarbyne complex. Reductive elimination is a critical step of cross coupling reactions. In order to examine the effect of the pincer ligand on the reductive elimination reactions from Rh(III), the first pi-accepting PNP ligand bearing pyrrolyl substituents was prepared and installed onto the rhodium center. Arylhalide (halide = Br, I) oxidative addition was achieved in the presence of donor ligands such as acetonitrile to form stable six-coordinate Rh(III) compounds. The C-O reductive elimination reactions in this system were also explored.
Pincer complexes are formed by the binding of a chemical structure to a metal atom with at least one carbon-metal bond. Usually the metal atom has three bonds to a chemical backbone, enclosing the atom like a pincer. The resulting structure protects the metal atom and gives it unique properties.The last decade has witnessed the continuous growth in the development of pincer complexes. These species have passed from being curiosity compounds to chemical chameleons able to perform a wide variety of applications. Their unique metal bound structures provide some of the most active catalysts yet known for organic transformations involving the activation of bonds. The Chemistry of Pincer Compounds details use of pincer compounds including homogeneous catalysis, enantioselective organic transformations, the activation of strong bonds, the biological importance of pincer compounds as potential therapeutic or pharmaceutical agents, dendrimeric and supported materials. * Describes the chemistry and applications of this important class of organometallic and coordination compounds* Covers the areas in which pincer complexes have had an impact* Includes information on more recent and interesting pincer compounds not just those that are well-known
Pincer Compounds: Chemistry and Applications offers valuable state-of-the-art coverage highlighting highly active areas of research—from mechanistic work to synthesis and characterization. The book focuses on small molecule activation chemistry (particularly H2 and hydrogenation), earth abundant metals (such as Fe), actinides, carbene-pincers, chiral catalysis, and alternative solvent usage. The book covers the current state of the field, featuring chapters from renowned contributors, covering four continents and ranging from still-active pioneers to new names emerging as creative strong contributors to this fascinating and promising area. Over a decade since the publication of Morales-Morales and Jensen’s The Chemistry of Pincer Compounds (Elsevier 2007), research in this unique area has flourished, finding a plethora of applications in almost every single branch of chemistry—from their traditional application as very robust and active catalysts all the way to potential biological and pharmaceutical applications. Describes the chemistry and applications of this important class of organometallic and coordination compounds Includes contributions from global leaders in the field, featuring pioneers in the area as well as emerging experts conducting exciting research on pincer complexes Highlights areas of promising and active research, including small molecule activation, earth abundant metals, and actinide chemistry
In this dissertation 1) an investigation of the possibility of forming cobalt- and nickel-nitrido complexes by studying the activation of the corresponding metal-azido complexes, and 2) an investigation into a novel, bimetallic approach to selectively promote the sigma,pi-activation mode in dual-gold Au(I) catalysis are presented. A diarylamine phosphine (PNP) pincer ligand described in the introductory chapter is selected to form corresponding (PNP)M-parent complexes because of its capability to accommodate high-valent metal centers, its rigidity and its stability at elevated temperatures and under photolytic conditions. The described research shows two new examples of transient Co- and Ni-nitrido complexes, which are proposed based on experimental results and DFT calculations. This has (further) established the accessibility of such species. The research can therefore serve as a foundation for future investigations into Co and Ni complexes with multiple bonded ligands (N, O or S). Spectroscopic characterization of the proposed species remains elusive and still requires attention in future studies. Furthermore, the research described herein establishes that Au(I) catalysis by sigma,pi-activation can be used to obtain different product selectivity as compared to mononuclear gold chemistry. A new concept to enforce this activation mode through ligand preorganization of two Au(I) centers is successfully introduced. Selective two-electron oxidation of one gold center is shown to lead to a mixed-valent Au(I)Au(III)(PNP) complex. Its reaction with a Au(I)-salt leads to oxidative C-C bond formation in the ligand and two-electron reduction of the Au(III)-center. Research on the overall reaction sequence leads to the proposal of a mechanism of the conversion.
Late transition-metal pincer complexes of primarily palladium(II) and platinum(II) have been investigated for their application as catalysts in partial oxidation reactions. The epoxidation of higher olefins using molecular oxygen as the oxidant has been targeted, and the individual reaction steps needed to accomplish this overall transformation are described herein, including: (1) hydrogenolysis of a metal hydroxide (M-OH) species to yield a metal hydride (M-H), (2) insertion of O2 into the M-H bond to form a metal hydroperoxide (M-OOH), and (3) O-atom transfer from the M-OOH to epoxides, yielding a M-OH and completing the catalytic cycle. Previous results from our group on these individual transformations using (tBuPCP)Pd and (tBuPCO)Pd fragments are also reviewed. The requirements for O2 insertion into PdII and PtII hydrides are discussed. An array of cationic, neutral, and anionic Pd-H and Pt-H complexes supported by a tBuPNP backbone were synthesized and evaluated for O2 insertion (tBuPNP = 2,6-bis-(di-tbutylphosphinomethyl)pyridine). Metal-ligand cooperation was observed in the activation of H2 to form neutral hydride complexes. The effect of ligand protonation/deprotonation on the trans influence experienced by the hydride ligand was investigated. No reaction with O2 was observed with the cationic hydrides, while the neutral and anionic forms reacted with O2 at the tBuPNP backbone. The synthesis and characterization of mono- and dinuclear Pd-OH complexes supported by a PCNR pincer ligand (PCNR = (1-(3-((di-tert-butylphosphino)methyl)phenyl)-1H-5-R-pyrazole), R = H, Me) is presented. When R = H, ligand pyrazole "rollover" C-H activation was observed, forming a mixed ligand (PCNH)Pd(μ-OH)Pd(PCC) dinuclear structure. This "rollover" was investigated using DFT computations. The mono- and dinuclear hydroxide species were evaluated for hydrogenolysis. The dinuclear compounds {[(PCNR)Pd]2(μ-OH)}[OTf] reacted under an H2 atmosphere to yield the corresponding dinuclear hydrides {[(PCNR)Pd]2(μ-H)}[OTf]. A mechanistic study on the hydrogenolysis of the μ-bridged hydroxide {[(PCNMe)Pd]2(μ-OH)}[OTf] revealed first order kinetics in both [Pd] and [H2]. Terminal hydrides were not detected, and reduction of the mononuclear hydroxide complexes (PCNR)Pd-OH to Pd0 was observed under H2. The reduction was proposed to proceed through displacement of the pyrazole arm, and was examined by DFT computations. Lastly, a new strategy to promote O-atom transfer from M-OOH to epoxides, the final step in the targeted catalytic cycle, is proposed. Preliminary studies on NNNPyz, NNNEt, and NNMe ligated PdII and PtII are discussed (NNNPyz = 2,6-bis(5-tbutyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)pyridine; NNNEt = 2-(5-tbutyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)-6-(diethylaminomethyl)pyridine; NNMe = 2-(5-tBu-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)-6-methylpyridine). The NNNPyz ligand, containing two acidic sites in proximity to the fourth site in the square plane, was found to protonate M-O2 complexes, chelate to the metal center and oxidize phosphine substrates. Similar reactivity was observed with NNNEt and NNMe, however hemilability of these ligands resulted in undesired coordination modes.
In this dissertation, catalytic C-F bond activation mediated by alumenium and silylium species, improved methods for the synthesis of highly chlorinated carboranes and dodecaborates, new type of P2Si= pincer silylene Pt complexes and PBP pincer Rh complexes are presented. In Chapter II, the design and synthesis of P2Si= and PBP ligand precursors is described. BrC6H4PR2 is shown to be a useful building block for PXP type of ligands with o-arylene backbone. RLi reagents displayed high chemoselectivity towards electrophiles, such as Si(OEt)4 and BX3 (X = Hal). In Chapter III, new chlorination methods to synthesize [HCB11Cl11]- and [B12Cl12]2- are presented. [HCB11Cl11]- was obtained via reactions of Cs[HCB11H11] with SbCl5 or via reactions of Cs[HCB11H11] with Cl2 in acetic acid and triflic acid. Heating Cs2[B12H12] in mixtures of SO2Cl2 and MeCN led to the isolation of Cs2[B12Cl12] in high yield. In Chapter IV, Et2Al[HCB11H5Br6] or Ph3C[HCB11H5Br6] were shown to be robust catalysts for sp3 C-F bond activation with trialkylaluminum as the stoichiometric reagent. Trialkylaluminum compounds were also shown to be able to be used as 0́clean-up0́+ reagent for the C-F bond activation reactions, which led to ultra high TON for the catalytic reactions. In Chapter V, a series of (TPB)M complexes (M = Ni, Pd, Pt) were synthesized and characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The resulting metal complexes displayed strong dative M-->B interaction and unusual tetrahedral geometry for four-coordinate 16 species, due to the cage structure of the ligand. In Chapter VI, (PSiHP)PtCl was synthesized via the reaction of the ligand precursor and Pt(COD)Cl2, which was used to obtain a series of (PSiHP)PtX complexes(X= I, OTf, Me, Ph, Mes). After hydride abstraction by Ph3C[HCB11Cl11], the X ligand (X= I, OTf, Me, Ph) migrated from the Pt center to silicon center to give a cationic pincer silyl species. The migration was not observed when mesityl was used as the X ligand, which resulted in the first known pincer complex with central silylene donor. Our approaches towards PNP pincer boryl Rh complexes were summarized in Chapter VII. (PBPhP)Rh pivalate complex underwent C-Ph bond activation to yield the pivalate-bridging Rh borane complex.
Tridentate "pincer" ligands provide a unique balance of stability and reactivity in organometallic chemistry. The development of diarylamido-based PNP pincer ligands has led to many applications in catalysis, including the potential to facilitate unique chemical transformations at transition metal centers. The main objective of this thesis was to explore transition metal chemistry supported by the PNP pincer framework for both early and late transition metals. In Chapter I, the history behind the design and synthesis of pincer complexes is described. The advantages and disadvantages of various pincer ligands are reviewed to show the reasoning behind the synthesis of the PNP pincer framework. Chapter II discusses the synthesis of novel Hf and Ta complexes involving the PNP ligand. Reactions of (PNP)HfCl3 with large alkyl Grignards led to double alkylation and triple alkylation was achieved with methyl Grignard. (PNP)HfMe3 and (PNP)Hf(CH2SiMe3)2Cl displayed remarkably irregular coordination environments about hafnium, in contrast to the approximately octahedral structure of (PNP)HfCl3. (PNP)HfMe3 was found to be thermally stable at 75 °C, whereas thermolysis of (PNP)Hf(CH2SiMe3)2Cl under similar conditions led to a mixture of products. The major decomposition product is believed to be a Hf alkylidene complex on the basis of in situ NMR spectroscopic observations (e.g., [delta] 248.2 ppm in the 13C{1H} NMR spectrum).27 The reaction of (PNP)TaF4 with an excess of ethyl Grignard led primarily to the double alkylation product, (PNP)Ta(CH2CH3)2F2. Repeating this reaction in the presence of excess ethyl Grignard and dioxane resulted in the formation of an ethylene complex, (PNP)Ta(=CHCH3)(C2H4). In Chapter III, a C-C reductive elimination study is described comparing two pincer ligand scaffolds: Me(PNP) ligand and TH(PNP) ligand. The tied ligand has previously been found to be more sterically demanding than the untied ligand, which has allowed for faster N-C cleavage, faster oxidative addition and a more selective alkyne dimerization catalyst. This study reveals that the tied ligand complex, TH(PNP)Rh(C6H4CF3)(Ph), undergoes slower reductive elimination of p-Ph-C6H4CF3 (
Gerard van Koten: The Mono-anionic ECE-Pincer Ligand - a Versatile Privileged Ligand Platform: General Considerations.- Elena Poverenov, David Milstein: Non-Innocent Behavior of PCP and PCN Pincer Ligands of Late Metal Complexes.- Dean M. Roddick: Tuning of PCP Pincer Ligand Electronic and Steric Properties.- Gemma R. Freeman, J. A. Gareth Williams: Metal Complexes of Pincer Ligands: Excited States, Photochemistry, and Luminescence.- Davit Zargarian, Annie Castonguay, Denis M. Spasyuk: ECE-Type Pincer Complexes of Nickel.- Roman Jambor and Libor Dostál: The Chemistry of Pincer Complexes of 13 - 15 Main Group Elements.- Kálmán J. Szabo: Pincer Complexes as Catalysts in Organic Chemistry.- Jun-ichi Ito and Hisao Nishiyama: Optically Active Bis(oxazolinyl)phenyl Metal Complexes as Multi-potent Catalysts.- Anthony St. John, Karen I. Goldberg, and D. Michael Heinekey: Pincer Complexes as Catalysts for Amine Borane Dehydrogenation.- Dmitri Gelman and Ronit Romm: PC(sp3)P Transition Metal Pincer Complexes: Properties and Catalytic Applications.- Jennifer Hawk and Steve Craig: Physical Applications of Pincer Complexes.