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Solara An-Ra narrates her fascinating life story in which, aged four, she makes a contract to be a "Pleiadian Emissary to Gaia." This soul agreement brings great challenges in her early years as she, like so many humans, struggles to remember and fulfil her mission in this incarnation. This frank, unabashed, and at times hilarious account of the highs and lows of Solara's path of spiritual awakening makes for a joyful and compelling read, even more captivating because of many photos accompanying the journey. The fact that there is immense spiritual power woven throughout her chronicle can almost be forgotten in the pleasure of the ride. We are invited to voyage alongside her as she yoyo's between her everyday existence and the captivating world that opens as she becomes a channel for the star people. More than a book, this is a portal into the invisible dimensions that are as much a part of your reality as the world you see around you. Immersing yourself in this "journey between worlds" necessitates that your way of perceiving Earth life expands past the limiting confines of what you have been taught. The story Solara shares here, with her characteristic sense of humour and honesty, is a reminder to all of us that the universe has a few tricks up its sleeve when it comes to waking us up. It will invariably shake us out of our complacency by landing us in the eye of the hurricane - and just when we think all is lost, we find a way into the peace and power which is our birth-right. The Time Is Now!
Introduction by the PleiadiansGreetings, dear friends. It is our distinct pleasure to partake of your reality once again, and to journey with you for a while on the road to adventure and self-discovery. "What journey?" you may rightly ask, for it may seem that you are traveling in circles, and the idea of a great adventure in your life is a far cry and distant dream from the daily dogma and relentless burdens of living you face. Nonetheless, allow us to accompany you for a while, as companions offering to entertain you and enliven your step as we point out the sites and symbols along the way. We are storytellers extraordinaire, or so we've been told, and we too have traveled in seemingly endless circles, so we have much in common. Our destination is the same as yours, for we are you in another version and form of reality, as deeply entrenched and entrapped as you believe yourselves to be. What sort of paradox is this? And who indeed are we, claiming kin to you and yours? And why do we desire to journey with you? Well, these things you must decide for yourselves. We relate great tales and relish a resplendently irreverent good humor, all intended to figure things out, in all due respect, as best we can. We strive to make sense of existence, gathering multidimensional pieces of a puzzle into a form and shape that encompass untold and unrecognized societies. "How can pieces of a puzzle be multidimensional and what is multidimensional anyway?" We can hear your questions now, and we guarantee that you will have many more before the journey is complete. So we ask, may we join you and enter your reality by invitation? For it is through your beckoning and with your permission that we spring forth as a part of your life. Feel into the depths of your being before you respond. Seek inside for an answer, for to invite us into your reality as friends and companions will with certainty confound and change your lives, and perhaps some of you are quite content with where you are. Perhaps you are not really interested in multi-dimensional realities and perceive these ideas as vague notions and tidbits of unfounded fiction, fracturing and fragmenting a logic you paid so dearly to achieve. If that is the case, then you may do well to stop short now, and put our tale aside. Perhaps in another time and place, we will meet again. If, however, we have piqued your curiosity and you feel compelled to continue, so be it. It is best to start with the truth. As a matter of fact-if there is such a thing-it is best to end with the truth as well. "And how about the middle and all along the way?" you may ask. Well, the truth is essential throughout the journey; however, the ongoing paradox invariably involves your point of view. Remember that. Now we are travelers through time, which is the best way to describe us. We call ourselves Pleiadians, though we answer to many names and characters. We are as real as you believe yourselves to be. When we encounter you, we meet ourselves located on a slice of time, poised, as you believe, in a solid physical 3-D world. You fascinate us, and perhaps by the end of our travels and tales, you will be fascinated with yourselves as well. For now the task of telling is at hand, and so the tale begins.
Earth-Mother-Gaia is a Living Teaching of the Pleiadians. You will discover the new horizons of the Planetary Evolution, You will be initiated into the Mysteries of Cosmos and the Living Library, what is Our Beloved Mother-Earth-Gaia! You will restore your inner connection with Her Spirit and will be Ascended together with Her into the 5 th dimension of Holographic Universe. Blessing of Light is on Your Path!
An amazing book that clearly explains the personal and physical characteristics of the generations born since 1971 - The Starseeds, (Generations X, Y & Z). Their plan on Earth, psychic abilities and how they can deal with issues such as drugs, sex, parents, illness and work! Are You a Starseed and don’t know it, or are your children or grandchildren Starseeds? Read this book to find out more about these unusual and special people and how to interact with them in a more positive and harmonious manner. A Beacon of Light Book.
The Pleiadian Workbook is a direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light--Light beings from the Pleiades--who say it's time now for spiritual growth, ascension, and healing. Through Amorah Quan Yin, we are taught to open our "Ka Channels," which pull energy from our multidimensional, holographic selves into our physical bodies. These galactic healing techniques align us with our divine selves, raise our vibratory rates, and rejuvenate and balance our bodies, while accelerating spiritual evolution and stimulating emotional healing.
The Pleiadians, a collective of multidimensional beings from the Pleiades star system, have been speaking through Barbara Marciniak since 1988. This long-awaited book shares new inspiration from over nine years of previously unpublished Pleiadian wisdom, and Marciniak offers innovative ideas for changing beliefs, reclaiming one's power, and creating a world of unlimited possibilities. She also presents critical new material on how to deal with the world's increasing chaos and the accelerated pace of life. Consisting of profound new insights on power, fear, love, desire, health, sexual intimacy, energy, and creativity, this timely text is for those ready and willing to embrace self-empowerment, seek the truth, broaden awareness, and meet the challenges of a world on the brink of major change. Individual chapters include Energy and Frequency — A New Playground of the Mind, Accelerated Energy and Stretching Your Mind in the Nanosecond of Time, and The Intimate Dance of Beliefs and Emotions.
The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light provide this fascinating chronicle of human spiritual evolution from a galactic perspective. This wider history of our solar system restores the long-forgotten connection of humankind with Venus, Mars, Maldek, and Earth. The truth about our ancient past is uncovered, helping us to remember the experiences that have caused us to function dualistically, and guiding us toward karmic wholeness as unified and divine beings.
What if whales and dolphins truly do have a superior intellect, as many believe, and can speak to the human race? What would their message be? In November 2008, gifted clairvoyant Patricia Cori was in Jordan teaching a workshop when a life-changing event occurred. A community of Cetaceans—“a choir of whales and dolphins,” as she describes it—interrupted her talk with a frantic plea for help. Cori was suddenly witness to a devastating scene of suffering, a communal grieving of scores of whales and dolphins “frenzied, lost, and dying.” This was the first of several terrifying calls for help, all of which were immediately followed by mass suicide events as these majestic creatures collectively chose to leave us and our planet. These troubling incidents evolved into the stream of messages for humanity that Cori reveals in this extremely timely work. The whales and dolphins present their deep understanding of our urgent global situation, calling for the human race to restore balance to our ecosystems—especially our dying oceans. For the first time, we read the communications of the Cetaceans and their story of devotion and celebration of life on the Great Planet Earth. We are also given a glimpse of their role in the unfolding of galactic events throughout our solar system, and the message is clear: We must wake up and realize that our continued abuse of the environment is altering the course of Gaia’s progression to the next dimension. Without the whale and dolphin song—without these musicians who hold the oceans in balance—we risk our advancement through the ascension process for which our entire solar system is destined. Before We Leave You is a roadmap to that higher future and a pathway to global transformation. ***NOTE: ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THIS TITLE DOES NOT INCLUDE THE CETACEAN MEDITATIONS CARDS INCLUDED IN THE REGULAR PRINTED VERSION.
A manual for channeling extraterrestrial guidance for personal and spiritual growth during these difficult times on Earth (includes meditations). The Pleiadians call this time the New Dawning, a time for us to renounce our fear-based, three-dimensional illusions and consciously align with the new fourth- and fifth-dimensional energies that are anchoring on our planet. Are you ready? How can we live by Pleiadian principles and use them to assist us in our enlightenment process? This second major title channeled by Christine Day is a spiritual but practical roadmap that will show you how to navigate through these challenging, changing times, to understand the roles presaged by our conscious choice. With the clarity offered by Pleiadian Principles for Living, you will learn: To understand the current changes facing Earth and what is to come To activate pre-agreements made to support us in our mission How to use tools and sacred sounds that provide opportunities to work with the energetic matrix of crop circles, providing knowledge and activations How to use step-by-step tools for harnessing the energy of the Earth’s natural forces through telepathic communion and communication with the Spiritual realms and all energetic alliances within the Universe Pleiadian Principles for Living offers unique access to a wide variety of online audio files, featuring unlimited journeys of light initiations to support all readers in their individual awakening and evolution to their Spiritual home.
Beginning with the classic book The Prism of Lyra in 1989, Lyssa Royal-Holt’s channeling has focused on presenting profound galactic wisdom in a grounded way to assist our lives on Earth. In this book, the most detailed and powerful channeled teachings that have come through in recent years are presented in depth. These new teachings are sourced from ancient Vega mysticism — the awakening teachings brought to Earth in ancient days from both Sirius and the Pleiades called the School of the Nine Serpents. After millennia of absence, our Sirian and Pleiadian ancestors have now resumed their teachings to match the next phase of human evolution. This book contains two threads: The first thread is the awakening teachings of the Pleiades that were part of the ancient school called the Golden Lake Teachings. These work with the heart and have the gentle and distinct flavor of our Pleiadian ancestors. The second thread is the Sirian teachings that make up the structural foundation of the School of the Nine Serpents. You don’t need to believe in the reality of extraterrestrials to gain immense benefit from the wisdom in this book. These teachings are consciousness-centered and based on the necessary integration of body, mind, spirit, and emotion, as well as light and shadow. Together, the Pleiadian and Sirian teachings provide an invaluable road map for the next phase of human evolution — the integration of polarity and the awakening of human consciousness beyond duality.