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A 16 year old girl dies while out with friends. Follow a father's journey through his grief and the justice he seeks for those responsible.
Let Me Die combines crime, romance and health and recounts the nightmare Elsie went through as she remembered the painful struggles her parents, mother especially, had to endure in the hands of caregivers and still died. Her hard work to the top paid off. However, two of her three strayed children turned their lives around towards her, while the oldest lived his life in crime against her. His payment was jail time and little inheritance from Elsie's will. Rubby Nwonye combined his skills in fiction writing with knowledge and experience from healthcare industry to create a masterpiece of a story revolving around present day issues. He's been a columnist for as Detroit finance examiner. His articles have been published in Nigerian newspapers. Let Me Die is his debut novel. Sex Slavers is on its way soon.
I lie in bed fearing the sound of footsteps on the stairs. Footsteps now in the hall. The door opens. The door closes quietly. Then the sound I fear the most, the click of the lock as the signal my nightmare is about to begin again… Adult survivors of abuse and molestation and those with mental illness are often told to remain silent, to discuss their lives in dark corners and in hushed tones. Shatter the Silence seeks to break that cycle as LD Smith candidly and eloquently tells the story of her own journey—and it is not pretty. It is not a fairy tale, and unfortunately it is reality for so many. She invites you to join her and learn what being strong really entails. Know that it is possible to stand proud and speak loudly the story of survival.
Alaska’s Kenai court system is corrupt. I read that the hardest walk is the walk alone, but it also makes you the strongest. Be careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15–16) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10) The fear of the Lord prolongs days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened. (Proverbs 10:27) I’ve never feared death. I understand death. Death has no hold on me, and death is not the end. My blade is for the King. My heart belongs to Monica and my children. These are my friends. These are my family. These are all I have. These are all I need. Show me your circle of friends, and I will tell you who you really are. There is a person who lied about me. You know who you are, and you lied about the number of years you spent in prison. The public can access your record. You are a fake! Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent. (Proverbs 17:28) Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. (Ephesians 4:25) Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. (Romans 8:33) This world is under demonic power, a massive psychosis that’s overpowering the minds of the enslaved. Think you are free? Think again. People are dependent on government and religion. They will also use climate change to endorse the one world order, and this is Satan’s (Morning Star) world. Humans are being gathered into flocks and slowly led to the slaughter. Wolf in sheep’s clothing? Have you ever thought that maybe you need the wolf to protect the sheep against the false shepherds who are leading them to slaughter to take the heads of those who do not bow and worship the one who gives power to the beast? The beheaded will reign with the King… Which of your churches belong to the 501(c)(3), and do you know what that means? It’s written that the number of the beast is the number of a man, 666, in the book of Revelation. And do you really understand what that is? Many of us already took it without knowing, and I’m not talking about the vaccine that they are trying to enforce on us through new laws and regulations. Now you can be forcefully removed from your home—man, woman or child—and quarantined against your own will if they even suspect you have a virus like COVID-19, and they’re allowed to use experimental drug testing on you. I believe that virus was fabricated in a lab to be used as some type of biological weapon to add to depopulating the world. By abuse of authority and power, our freedoms are slowly being taken away, and the Holocaust will repeat itself. Make America Great Again! (President Donald Trump) (Kid Rock, “We The People”) I believe the United States will soon no longer be united with these invaders coming into our country. It was strategically planned to destroy our country from within; and civil war will happen, most likely followed by martial law or vice versa, if we haven’t gone into a full-blown World War III by then. So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand). (Mathew 24:15)
Lucy awakes after an automobile accident to find that she can't walk. After a series of painful surgeries she finds that her problems don't end when she leaves the hospital in a wheelchair.
After a serious traffic accident, Lucy faces a series of painful surgeries and must adjust to life in a wheelchair.
When his estranged brother, Pastor Paul, makes the two hour trip into Riverton to ask for Detective Lieutenant Matt Warners help after finding a dead dog on his property, Matt agrees to at least look at the animal. Matt is intrigued by the strange circumstances he finds and takes the carcass to a local vet for a necropsy. The trail leads into a web of a questionable suicide, stories of devil worship, witches, curses, human sacrifice; and a Catholic priest who will only tell Matt that he must come to terms with what he believes in order to face a most formidable foe. The deeper Matt digs into the cult next door to his brother, the more dangerous it becomes and several attacks take place first on Matts house, then on Matt alone, and finally on Matt and his girlfriend Cassie while together. Undaunted, Matt and Paul set out to gather evidence, only to be captured, and the old priests warning becomes a reality Matt must come to terms with what he believes as he faces a formidable foe and the truth about his own past.