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המשחק הוצג כצורת ההתערבות הטובה ביותר כמעט לכל בעיה שילדים חווים כגון בעיות רגשיות או הפרעות ריכוז. בספר זה מציעים החוקרים את תוצאות המחקר של השפעת המשחק ותוכניות משחק על אספקטים שונים בהתפתחות הילד. בחלק הראשון נבדק מדוע תרפיה באמצעות משחק ומהו בדיוק תפקיד המשחק בגישת תרפית משחק קלאסית. החלק השני מוקדש לתוכניות משחק ניסוייות לילדים שונים עם צרכים מיוחדים. בחלק האחרון דנים בהשפעות של גישות המשחק המודרניות בבתי ספר יסודיים ובהשפעת התערבויות משחק אלה על הכישורים הסוצילים והקוגניטיביים של הילדים.
A resource of fun games for parents or teachers to help young children learn social and motor skills Barbara Sher, an expert occupational therapist and teacher, has written a handy resource filled with games to play with young children who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other sensory processing disorders (SPD). The games are designed to help children feel comfortable in social situations and teach other basic lessons including beginning and end, spatial relationships, hand-eye coordination, and more. Games can also be used in regular classrooms to encourage inclusion. A collection of fun, simple games that can improve the lives of children with ASD or other SPDs. Games can be played by parents or teachers and with individual children or groups. Games are designed to make children more comfortable in social situations and to develop motor and language skills Also included are a variety of interactive games to play in water, whether in a backyard kiddie pool, community swimming pool, or lake All the games are easy-to-do, utilizing common, inexpensive materials, and include several variations and modifications
Play is a ubiquitous and universal aspect of early childhood. Although it may take different forms throughout development and across cultures, decades of research have found play to be related to important, positive outcomes. Play provides children with valuable cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal learning opportunities. It can act as a mode of communication for young children and allows them to practice ways of managing complex interpersonal interactions. Specific aspects of play, such as children’s creativity in pretend play, have been associated with resilience and coping. The significance of play in childhood has led to its frequent use in the assessment of child development and in the implementation of child and parent-child psychological and educational interventions. Historically, however, the validity and efficacy of these interventions have not been rigorously evaluated. Further, few assessment and intervention models have included parents, teachers, and other key caregivers, but have focused only on the child. This Research Topic will bring together the most current literature on the use of play in child assessment and intervention.
While paediatric healthcare professionals view play as the treatment tool of choice for children under school age, the theory and practice underpinning play-based therapeutic approaches often remain less clear to individual practitioners. Paediatric intervention approaches are increasingly being questioned, and individual practitioners constantly asked to provide evidence-based practice. In response, a more coherent understanding and fresh discussion on children's play and utilisation of play for therapeutic purposes is needed, especially as societal expectations and lifestyles change. Play as Therapy provides background theory and practical applications of original research on play assessment and interventions used in therapy. The book offers a solid foundation for identifying and assessing play dysfunction, understanding play in different cultural contexts and considerations when intervening with play. The practical approach is underpinned by theory, research and case vignettes to explain how to utilise play as therapy with challenging children.
This book presents the Preschool Peer Social Intervention (PPSI), a manualized comprehensive social curriculum to enhance peer-interaction for pre-schoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in three key domains: play, interaction, and conversation. The book outlines the PPSI’s transactional approach in each of the three intervention domains and incorporates developmental features and age-appropriate play, interaction, and conversation skills while accounting for individual differences in social communication abilities. The intervention is designed to be implemented within the child’s natural social environment, such as preschool, and it includes the child’s social agents, namely, their peers, teachers, and parents. PPSI intervention curricula addressed in this book are based on typical play, interaction, and conversation development, taking into account the social and communication challenges found to characterize young children with ASD in these domains. Building up the ability to play, interact and converse more efficiently with peers may render a substantial impact on preschoolers with ASD, with vast potential for improving not only these children’s immediate social experience with peers, but also their future social competence that relies on these early building blocks.
Play Therapy: Treatment Planning and Interventions: The Ecosystemic Model and Workbook, 2e, provides key information on one of the most rapidly developing and growing areas of therapy. Ecosystemic play therapy is a dynamic integrated therapeutic model for addressing the mental health needs of children and their families. The book is designed to help play therapists develop specific treatment goals and focused treatment plans as now required by many regulating agencies and third-party payers. Treatment planning is based on a comprehensive case conceptualization that is developmentally organized, strength-based, and grounded in an ecosystemic context of multiple interacting systems. The text presents guidelines for interviewing clients and families as well as pretreatment assessments and data gathering for ecosystemic case conceptualization. The therapist's theoretical model, expertise, and context are considered. The book includes descriptions of actual play therapy activities organized by social-emotional developmental levels of the children. Any preparation the therapist may need to complete before the session is identified, as is the outcome the therapist may expect. Each activity description ends with a suggestion about how the therapist might follow up on the content and experience in future sessions. The activity descriptions are practical and geared to the child. Case examples and completed sections of the workbook are provided. It provides the therapist with an easy-to-use format for recording critical case information, specific treatment goals, and the overall treatment plan. Workbook templates can be downloaded and adapted for the therapist's professional practice. Presents a comprehensive theory of play therapy Clearly relates the theoretical model to interventions Provides examples of the application of both the theory and the intervention model to specific cases Describes actual play therapy activities Workbook format provides a means of obtaining comprehensive intake and assessment data Case examples provided throughout
This book helps practitioners choose from the broad range of play therapy approaches to create a comprehensive treatment plan that meets the individual needs of each child. From leaders in the field, the volume provides a flexible roadmap for assessment, case formulation, and intervention for frequently encountered psychological disorders and adversities. The focus is creating a unique therapy "prescription" that is tailored to the child's presenting problems as well as his or her strengths, challenges, and developmental level. Contributors present up-to-date knowledge on each clinical problem, describe practices that have been shown to be effective, and share vivid illustrations of work with 3- to 16-year-olds and their parents.
The second edition of Play Therapy Techniques includes seven new chapters in addition to the original twenty-four. These lively chapters expand the comprehensive scope of the book by describing issues involved in beginning and ending therapy, using metaphors, playing music and ball, and applying the renowned "Color Your Life" technique. The extensive selection of play techniques described in this book will add to the clinical repertoire of students and practitioners of child therapy and counseling. When used in combination with formal education and clinical supervision, Play Therapy Techniques, Second Edition, can be especially useful for developing treatment plans to address the specific needs of various clinical populations. Students and practitioners of child therapy and counseling, including psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, nurses, and child life specialists will find this second of Play Therapy Techniques informative and clinically useful.
Attachment-Focused Family Play Therapy presents an essential roadmap for therapists working with traumatized youth. Exploring trauma and attachment through a neurobiological focus, the book lays out a flexible framework for practitioners treating young clients within the context of their family relationships. Chapters demonstrate how techniques of play and expressive therapy can be integrated into work with different developmental stages, while providing the tools needed to fully incorporate the family into the healing process. The book also provides clinical examples and guidance on the ethical decision-making needed to effectively implement attachment work and facilitate positive change. Written in an accessible style, Attachment-Focused Family Play Therapy is an important resource for mental health professionals who work with traumatized children, adolescents, and adults.
Play Therapy Treatment Planning and Interventions: The Ecosystemic Model and Workbook contains key information on one of the most rapidly developing and growing areas of therapy. The book is designed to help play therapists develop specific treatment goals and develop focused treatment plans, as now required by many regulating agencies and third party payers. The text includes descriptions of 25 actual play therapy activities. Any preparation the therapist may need to complete before the session is identified as is the outcome the therapist may expect. Each activity description ends with a suggestion as to how the therapists might follow up on the content and experience in future sessions. The activity descriptions are very practical and are geared to the child clients specific developmental level. Play Therapy Treatment Planning and Interventions presents guidelines for interviewing clients and their parents as well as pretreatment assessment. The book provides guidance on data gathering for the intake process and case conceptualization. Case examples and completed sections of the workbook, quotes, and lists increase the text's comprehension. The entire workbook is provided in text format and on disk. It provides the therapist with an easy-to-use format for recording critical case information, specific treatment goals, and the overall treatment plan. Presents a comprehensive theory of play therapy and a comprehensive model of play therapy intervention Clearly relates the theoretical model to the interventions Provides examples of the application of both the theory and the intervention model to specific cases Provides a structure by which the reader can apply the theory and intervention model to his or her own cases Describes actual play therapy activities and identifies how therapists can prepare for the session, implement the activity, and the outcome they may expect Describes play activities clustered according to the developmental level of the children to which they are best suited Workbook format provides the reader with a method for obtaining comprehensive intake and assessment data, organizing that data into a case formulation and treatment goals, and then developing a comprehensive treatment plan Provides a blank copy of the workbook, as well as the workbook on disk, for use in ones own practice