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We have performed in situ measurements in two low frequency CFAs to study several basic physics issues which may lead to CFA noise reduction. Our measurements include the local radio-frequency (RF) fields, electron density profiles, electron energy distributions and noise spectrums in both the linear CFA and the reentrant CFA. Comprehensive electron density measurements of the interaction region as well as parametric comparisons such as gain versus sole voltage, beam current and frequency have been used to benchmark two computer simulation codes, MASK and NESSP.
The technique of ion implantation has become a very useful and stable technique in the field of semiconductor device fabrication. This use of ion implantation is being adopted by industry. Another important application is the fundamental study of the physical properties of materials. The First Conference on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors was held at Thousand Oaks, California in 1970. The second conference in this series was held at Garmish-Partenkirchen, Germany, in 1971. At the third conference, which convened at Yorktown Heights, New York in 1973, the emphasis was broadened to include metals and insulators as well as semiconductors. This scope of the conference was still accepted at the fourth conference which was held at Osaka, Japan, in 1974. A huge number of papers had been submitted to this conference. All papers which were presented at the Fourth International Conference on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors and Other Materials are included in this proceedings. The success of this conference was due to technical presentations and discussions of 224 participants from 14 countries as well as to financial support from many companies in Japan. On behalf of the committee, I wish to thank the authors for their excellent papers and the sponsors for their financial support. The International Committee responsible for advising this conference consisted of B.L. Crowder, J.A. Davies, G. Dearna1ey, F.H. Eisen, Ph. G1otin, T. Itoh, A.U. MacRae, J.W. Mayer, S. Namba, I. Ruge, and F.L. Vook.
Ion implantation offers one of the best examples of a topic that starting from the basic research level has reached the high technology level within the framework of microelectronics. As the major or the unique procedure to selectively dope semiconductor materials for device fabrication, ion implantation takes advantage of the tremendous development of microelectronics and it evolves in a multidisciplinary frame. Physicists, chemists, materials sci entists, processing, device production, device design and ion beam engineers are all involved in this subject. The present monography deals with several aspects of ion implantation. The first chapter covers basic information on the physics of devices together with a brief description of the main trends in the field. The second chapter is devoted to ion im planters, including also high energy apparatus and a description of wafer charging and contaminants. Yield is a quite relevant is sue in the industrial surrounding and must be also discussed in the academic ambient. The slowing down of ions is treated in the third chapter both analytically and by numerical simulation meth ods. Channeling implants are described in some details in view of their relevance at the zero degree implants and of the available industrial parallel beam systems. Damage and its annealing are the key processes in ion implantation. Chapter four and five are dedicated to this extremely important subject.
During the years since the first conference in this series was held at Thousand Oaks, California, in 1970, ion implantation has been an expanding and exciting research area. The advances in this field were so rapid that a second conference convened at Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, in 1971. At the present time, our under standing of the ion implantation process in semiconductors such as Si and Ge has reached a stage of maturity and ion implantation techniques are firmly established in semiconductor device technology. The advances in compound semiconductors have not been as rapid. There has also been a shift in emphasis in ion implanta tion research from semiconductors to other materials such as metals and insulators. It was appropriate to increase the scope of the conference and the IIIrd International Conference on Ion Implanta tion in Semiconductors and Other Materials was held at Yorktown Heights, New York, December 11 to 14, 1972. A significant number of the papers presented at this conference dealt with ion implanta tion in metals, insulators, and compound semiconductors. The International Committee responsible for organizing this conference consisted of B. L. Crowder, J. A. Davies, F. H. Eisen, Ph. Glotin, T. Itoh, A. U. MacRae, J. W. Mayer, G. Dearnaley, and I. Ruge. The Conference attracted 180 participants from twelve countries. The success of the Conference was due in large measure to the financial support of our sponsors, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories and the Office of Naval Research.
Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation (PIII) is a burgeoning technology in the field of surface modification as well as in semiconductor electronics. Modelling of this technique is an important aspect especially in VLSI/ULSI technology. In this work, more generalized and better realistic dynamic sheath analytical models for collisionless and collisional PIII process, incorporating sheath dynamics and its transient evaluation for multiple species plasma, have been suggested that can help in monitoring the doping and in studying the behaviour of a PIII system. The basics about PIII process technique, its applications and analytical models developed by various researchers have first been reviewed and then the analytical models suggested by the author have been discussed. To demonstrate the validity of these models, calculations for pure He, pure Ar and mixed plasma of He and Ar ions, have also been discussed in this work. This book is useful both as a graduate text as well as a research monograph for upcoming scientists, especially those who are interested in exploring the theoretical aspect of PIII technique at an analytical level.
Ion implantation offers one of the best examples of a topic that starting from the basic research level has reached the high technology level within the framework of microelectronics. As the major or the unique procedure to selectively dope semiconductor materials for device fabrication, ion implantation takes advantage of the tremendous development of microelectronics and it evolves in a multidisciplinary frame. Physicists, chemists, materials sci entists, processing, device production, device design and ion beam engineers are all involved in this subject. The present monography deals with several aspects of ion implantation. The first chapter covers basic information on the physics of devices together with a brief description of the main trends in the field. The second chapter is devoted to ion im planters, including also high energy apparatus and a description of wafer charging and contaminants. Yield is a quite relevant is sue in the industrial surrounding and must be also discussed in the academic ambient. The slowing down of ions is treated in the third chapter both analytically and by numerical simulation meth ods. Channeling implants are described in some details in view of their relevance at the zero degree implants and of the available industrial parallel beam systems. Damage and its annealing are the key processes in ion implantation. Chapter four and five are dedicated to this extremely important subject.
An up-to-date description of plasma etching and deposition in semiconductor fabrication.