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Plants are endowed with innate immune system, which acts as a surveillance system against possible attack by pathogens. Plant innate immune systems have high potential to fight against viral, bacterial, oomycete and fungal pathogens and protect the crop plants against wide range of diseases. However, the innate immune system is a sleeping system in unstressed healthy plants. Fast and strong activation of the plant immune responses aids the host plants to win the war against the pathogens. Plant hormone signaling systems including salicylate (SA), jasmonate (JA), ethylene (ET), abscisic acid (ABA), auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins and brassinosteroids signaling systems play a key role in activation of the sleeping immune systems. Suppression or induction of specific hormone signaling systems may result in disease development or disease resistance. Specific signaling pathway has to be activated to confer resistance against specific pathogen in a particular host. Two forms of induced resistance, systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and induced systemic resistance (ISR), have been recognized based on the induction of specific hormone signaling systems. Specific hormone signaling system determines the outcome of plant-pathogen interactions, culminating in disease development or disease resistance. Susceptibility or resistance against a particular pathogen is determined by the action of the signaling network. The disease outcome is often determined by complex network of interactions among multiple hormone signaling pathways. Manipulation of the complex hormone signaling systems and fine tuning the hormone signaling events would help in management of various crop diseases. The purpose of the book is to critically examine the potential methods to manipulate the multiple plant hormone signaling systems to aid the host plants to win the battle against pathogens.
Studies of the perception and transduction of hormonal signals in higher plants are relatively recent. Despite the rather small number of researchers involved in comparison, say, to those studying signalling in animals, plant scientists are becoming attracted to this important field because of the fascinating mechanisms being revealed and the recognition that any hope of understanding the ways in which the growth and development of the whole plant are controlled can only be based on an exploration of the physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of these mechanisms. The Moscow symposium that gave rise to the present book drew many of the most active workers in the area, and many new developments were revealed. Audience: Important reading for all those interested in plant growth and development.
The volume III of the book presents the ways and means to manipulate the signals and signaling system to enhance the expression of plant innate immunity for crop disease management. It also describes bioengineering approaches to develop transgenic plants expressing enhanced disease resistance using plant immunity signaling genes. It also discusses recent commercial development of biotechnological products to manipulate plant innate immunity for crop disease management. Engineering durable nonspecific resistance to phytopathogens is one of the ultimate goals of plant breeding. However, most of the attempts to reach this goal fail as a result of rapid changes in pathogen populations and the sheer diversity of pathogen infection mechanisms. Recently several bioengineering and molecular manipulation technologies have been developed to activate the ‘sleeping’ plant innate immune system, which has potential to detect and suppress the development of a wide range of plant pathogens in economically important crop plants. Enhancing disease resistance through altered regulation of plant immunity signaling systems would be durable and publicly acceptable. Strategies for activation and improvement of plant immunity aim at enhancing host’s capability of recognizing invading pathogens, boosting the executive arsenal of plant immunity, and interfering with virulence strategies employed by microbial pathogens. Major advances in our understanding of the molecular basis of plant immunity and of microbial infection strategies have opened new ways for engineering durable resistance in crop plants.
This book presents the ways and means to switch on plant immune signaling systems using PAMP-PIMP-PRR signaling complex for crop disease management. It also describes bioengineering approaches to develop transgenic plants expressing enhanced disease resistance using genes encoding PAMPs, PRRs and transcription factors and genes involved in generation of PIMPs/HAMPs. It also discusses recent commercial development of PAMP products to switch on plant innate immunity for crop disease management. These unique approaches have been described with more than 100 figures and illustrations and these would make this book attractive for researchers and students to buy this book.
Plant growth is regulated by developmental programmes that can be modified by environmental cues acting through endogenous signaling molecules including plant hormones. This volume provides an overview of the biosynthesis, catabolism, perception and signal transduction of the individual hormone classes, followed by chapters on hormone distribution and transport, and the roles of hormone signaling in specific developmental processes. Particular attention is paid to the regulation of hormone signaling by environmental and developmental cues, sites of hormone metabolism and action, and interactions between hormone signaling pathways. The book is directed at researchers and professionals in plant biochemistry and molecular biology.
Plant hormones play a crucial role in controlling the way in which plants grow and develop. While metabolism provides the power and building blocks for plant life, it is the hormones that regulate the speed of growth of the individual parts and integrate them to produce the form that we recognize as a plant. This book is a description of these natural chemicals: how they are synthesized and metabolized, how they act at both the organismal and molecular levels, how we measure them, a description of some of the roles they play in regulating plant growth and development, and the prospects for the genetic engineering of hormone levels or responses in crop plants. This is an updated revision of the third edition of the highly acclaimed text. Thirty-three chapters, including two totally new chapters plus four chapter updates, written by a group of fifty-five international experts, provide the latest information on Plant Hormones, particularly with reference to such new topics as signal transduction, brassinosteroids, responses to disease, and expansins. The book is not a conference proceedings but a selected collection of carefully integrated and illustrated reviews describing our knowledge of plant hormones and the experimental work that is the foundation of this information. The Revised 3rd Edition adds important information that has emerged since the original publication of the 3rd edition. This includes information on the receptors for auxin, gibberellin, abscisic acid and jasmonates, in addition to new chapters on strigolactones, the branching hormones, and florigen, the flowering hormone.
Plant innate immunity is a collective term to describe a complex of interconnected mechanisms that plants use to withstand potential pathogens and herbivores. The last decade has seen a rapid advance in our understanding of the induction, signal transduction and expression of resistance responses to oomycetes, fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes and insects. This volume aims at providing an overview of these processes and mechanisms.Edited by Jean-Claude Kader and Michel Delseny and supported by an international Editorial Board, Advances in Botanical Research publishes in-depth and up-to-date reviews on a wide range of topics in plant sciences. Multidisciplinary reviews written from a broad range of scientific perspectives For over 40 years, series has enjoyed a reputation for excellence Contributors internationally recognized authorities in their respective fields
Plant innate immunity is a potential surveillance system of plants and is the first line of defense against invading pathogens. The immune system is a sleeping system in unstressed healthy plants and is activated on perception of the pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP; the pathogen’s signature) of invading pathogens. The PAMP alarm/danger signals are perceived by plant pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs). The plant immune system uses several second messengers to encode information generated by the PAMPs and deliver the information downstream of PRRs to proteins which decode/interpret signals and initiate defense gene expression. This book describes the most fascinating PAMP-PRR signaling complex and signal transduction systems. It also discusses the highly complex networks of signaling pathways involved in transmission of the signals to induce distinctly different defense-related genes to mount offence against pathogens.
Plant Hormones: Biosynthesis and Mechanisms of Action is based on research funded by the Chinese government’s National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). This book brings a fresh understanding of hormone biology, particularly molecular mechanisms driving plant hormone actions. With growing understanding of hormone biology comes new outlooks on how mankind values and utilizes the built-in potential of plants for improvement of crops in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner. This book is a comprehensive description of all major plant hormones: how they are synthesized and catabolized; how they are perceived by plant cells; how they trigger signal transduction; how they regulate gene expression; how they regulate plant growth, development and defense responses; and how we measure plant hormones. This is an exciting time for researchers interested in plant hormones. Plants rely on a diverse set of small molecule hormones to regulate every aspect of their biological processes including development, growth, and adaptation. Since the discovery of the first plant hormone auxin, hormones have always been the frontiers of plant biology. Although the physiological functions of most plant hormones have been studied for decades, the last 15 to 20 years have seen a dramatic progress in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of hormone actions. The publication of the whole genome sequences of the model systems of Arabidopsis and rice, together with the advent of multidisciplinary approaches has opened the door to successful experimentation on plant hormone actions. Offers a comprehensive description of all major plant hormones including the recently discovered strigolactones and several peptide hormones Contains a chapter describing how plant hormones regulate stem cells Offers a fresh understanding of hormone biology, particularly molecular mechanisms driving plant hormone actions Discusses the built-in potential of plants for improvement of crops in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner
Bei vielen physiologischen und Entwicklungsprozessen sowie bei Stressreaktionen spielen Hormonsignale, die Pflanzen aussenden, eine große Rolle. Mit Aufkommen der neuen post-genomischen Molekulartechnologien sind auch unsere Möglichkeiten, die Wirkung von Hormonsignalen auf die Genexpression und adaptive Prozesse zu verstehen, heute einzigartig. Wenn wir die molekularen Grundlagen dieser Prozesse entschlüsseln, ergeben sich für die Entwicklung neuer Pflanzenbiotechnologien und verbesserter Varianten von Kulturpflanzen große Chancen. Die Themen dieses Buches legen den Schwerpunkt auf die Genomik und funktionale Aspekte der Genomik. Damit lassen sich globale Veränderungen und Veränderungen auf Ebene des gesamten Genoms unter spezifischen Stressbedingungen verstehen. Mit funktionalen Werkzeugen der Genomik kann der Mechanismus von Phytohormonsignalen in Verbindung mit den zugehörigen Zielgenen systematischer definiert werden. Die integrierte Analyse von Phytohormonsignalen bei einzelnen oder mehreren Stressbedingungen ist unter Umständen für die Entwicklung stresstoleranter Kulturpflanzen eine außergewöhnliche Möglichkeit. Mechanism of Plant Hormone Signaling Under Stress beschreibt die jüngsten Fortschritte und zeigt, wie heutige Erkenntnisse in der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung von Pflanzen und Kulturpflanzen Anwendung finden. Dieses Buch ist für Pflanzenbiologen, Biologen, die sich mit Stressfaktoren beschäftigen, Forscher im Bereich Pflanzenbiotechnologie, Studenten und Dozenten überaus nützlich.