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**Please note this is an unedited paperback reprint of the hardback, originally published in 2003** The British system of universal development control celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1997. Remarkably, the system has survived more or less intact but the experience of the 1980s has left large questions unanswered about the relevance and effectiveness of the system. This book traces the history of the development control system in Britain from early modern times to the present day.
What rights does the state have over privately owned land? Why should some landowners be favoured over others? How can the practice of land-use planning be improved? This book addresses these essential questions and shows that the interests people have in property rights over land and buildings are not just emotional but often financial too. It follows that the law, which affects who has property rights, what those rights are and how they may be used, can have great financial consequences for people and great economic consequences for society in general. For those reasons, looking at land-use planning as it affects and is affected by property rights illuminates some core aspects of land-use planning, including the law, economics, ethics and ideology. In this book, Needham examines those aspects from the clear perspective of property rights.
In England, it has been possible since 2013 to convert an office building into residential use without needing planning permission (as has been required since 1948). This book explores the consequences of this central government driven deregulation on local communities. The policy decision was primarily about boosting the supply of housing, but reflects a broader neoliberal ideology which seeks to reform public planning in many countries to reduce perceived interference in free markets. Drawing on original research in the English local authorities of Camden, Croydon, Leeds, Leicester and Reading, the book provides a case study of the implementation of planning deregulation which demonstrates the lowering of standards in housing quality, the reduced ability of the local state to proactively steer development and plan for their places, and the transfer of wealth from the public to private spheres that has resulted. Comparative case studies from Glasgow and Rotterdam call into question the very need for the deregulation in the first place.
Planning Law and Practice is a clear, comprehensive and up-to-date guide to Town and Country Planning Law providing an overview of the planning system and the latest policy and legislative changes including the impact of the National Planning Policy Framework. The book summarises the core legal principles applicable to each stage of the planning process and is divided into six chapters covering the following main topics: - Planning in England and Wales: an overview of the planning system, its organisation and purpose - Is planning permission required? identifying permitted development, understanding operational development and material change of use, applying for Certificates of Lawfulness for Proposed Use and for Existing Use - Applications for planning permission: understanding Applications for planning permission: understanding the Local Development Plan, development in specially protected areas, the pre-application process, the form and content of applications, retrospective applications - How planning applications are determined: the Local Planning Authority's process from delegated decision-making to Committee decisions, Environmental Impact, Development Plan policies, supplementary planning guidance and material considerations, Planning Obligations (Community Infrastructure Levy and Unilateral Undertakings), Personal circumstances and private interests - The grant of planning permission: duration and effect of planning permissions, conditions and how they operate, how public rights of way affect grants of planning permission, the need for listed building consent, planning permission and interference with private rights (nuisance) - When planning permission is refused: When and how to appeal to the Secretary of State, the written representation procedure, Hearings, preparation for and appearance at Public Inquiries, the role of community groups, hearing and inquiry costs and how to avoid them, subsequent appeals to the High Court Planning Law and Practice will provide the non-specialist practitioner with a reliable and comprehensive map for navigating the planning system. It seeks to highlight the main issues and potential pitfalls, giving up- to- date case commentary where useful. This book will be invaluable for solicitors, barristers, legal executives, local government legal officers and planning officers.
Countries which take spatial planning seriously should take planning law and property rights also seriously. There is an unavoidable logical relationship between planning, law, and property rights. However, planning by law and property rights is so familiar and taken for granted that we do not think about the theory behind it. As a result, we do not think abstractly about its strengths and weaknesses, about what can be achieved with it and what not, how it can be improved, how it could be complemented. Such reflections are essential to cope with current and future challenges to spatial planning. This book makes the (often implicit) theory behind planning by law and property rights explicit and relates it to those challenges. It starts by setting out what is understood by planning by law and property rights, and investigates - theoretically and by game simulation - the relationships between planning law and property rights. It then places planning law and property rights within their institutional setting at three different scales: when a country undergoes enormous social and political change, when there is fundamental political debate about the power of the state within a country, and when a country changes its legislation in response to European policy. Not only changing institutions, but also global environmental change, pose huge challenges for spatial planning. The book discusses how planning by law and property rights can respond to those challenges: by adaptive planning), by adaptable property rights, and by public policies at the appropriate geographical level. Planning by law and property rights can fix a local regime of property rights which turns out to be inappropriate but difficult to change. It questions whether such regimes can be changed and whether planning agencies can make such undesirable lock-ins less likely by reducing market uncertainty and, if so, by what means.
The UK Planning Regulations are a minefield for anyone looking to build a new home - and for those who are worried about the impact of a new planning application near their home. Avoid being one of the thousands whose application is turned down - and whose dreams are crushed - by using this book to familiaries yourself with the system and beat it. With a step-by-step guide to every part of the application process and ehaustive coverage of the do's and don'ts this is an essential guide to securing that first step on the path to building your dream home. And if you're worried about a nearby development there are easily implimented strategies for preventing planning permission from being granted. From one of the UK's leading planning consultancies with the very latest on all the new and recent changes to planning law this is the most comprehensive guide avaliable to manipulating the intricacies of this difficult and controversial area.
How do you obtain permission? How can you satisfactorily tackle objections? How can you convince planning officers of the value of your work? Drawing on substantial experience from both applicant and local planning authority perspectives, this book provides tactics and practical steps to help architects secure early validation of applications and successful outcomes. It’s a practical guide to understanding the planning system and maximizing the potential for successful outcomes. Readers will develop a greater understanding of the principles that are vital in the preparation and negotiation of applications against the very complex detail of regulatory arrangements.
The main aim of this book is to provide a text for students, practitioners and members of the public who are engaged in the study and/or practice in the planning system of England and Wales.
This comprehensive yet concise textbook is the first to provide a focused, subject specific guide to planning practice and law. Giving students essential background and contextual information to planning’s statutory basis, the information is supported by practical and applied discussion to help students understand planning in the real world. The book is written in an accessible style, enabling students with little or no planning law knowledge to engage in the subject and develop the necessary level of understanding required for both professionally accredited and non-accredited courses in built environment subjects. The book will be of value to students on a range of built environment courses, particularly urban planning, architecture, environmental management and property-related programmes, as well as law and practice-orientated modules.