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Measurements of the reaction on a 4 He target have been carried out using both unpolarised and polarised photons. This work is the latest in a series of experiments conducted by the Edinburgh University Nuclear Physics group in collaboration with the Universities of Glasgow and Tubingen. The experiment was carried out using the 855 MeV MAMIB electron accelerator at the Institut fur Kernphysik, Mainz, between March and August of 1996. The 855 MeV electrons from the accelerator were directed either, on to a 4 micron Nickel foil to produce unpolarised photons or on to a 0.1 mm Diamond to produce polarised photons. These photons were then tagged with a resolution of 2 MeV using a spectrometer. The photons then impinged on a 4 He cryotarget. Two sets of detectors were used to detect the reaction products. PiP, a plastic scintillator hodoscope, was used to detect the positive pions; and TOF a time of flight array, was used to detect the neutrons. Data was analysed for unpolarised photon energy regions centred at E =260,300,340 and 380 MeV and two polarised regions centred at E =258 and 338 MeV. The unpolarised data is presented as double and triple differential cross sec tions while the polarised data is presented as photon asymmetries of the corres ponding double differential cross section. A comparison is made with Plane Wave Impulse Approximation (PWIA) calculations by Louis Wright, both with and without final state interaction corrections. It is concluded that for the unpolar ised data a more sophisticated treatment of the final state interactions is required while for the polarised data reasonable agreement is found between experiment and theory.
Delta resonance -- Parity Violation -- G0 experiment -- low energy constant -- pion photoproduction -- nucleon structure.
We present a relativistic dynamical model of pion photoproduction on the nucleon in the resonance region. It offers several advances over the existing approaches. The model is obtained by extending our [pi] N-scattering description to the electromagnetic channels. The resulting photopion amplitude is thus unitary in the [pi]N, [gamma]N channel space, Watson's theorem is exactly satisfied. At this stage we have included the pion, nucleon, [Delta](1232)-resonance degrees of freedom. The [rho] and [omega] meson exchanges are also included, but play a minor role in the considered energy domain (up to √s = 1.5 GeV). In this energy range the model provides a good description of all the important multipoles. We have allowed for only two free parameters--the photocouplings of the [Delta]-resonance. These couplings are adjusted to reproduce the strength of corresponding resonant-multipoles M{sub 1+} and E{sub 1+} at the resonance position. We then obtain R{sub EM} = 3.8 ± 1.6% for the E2/M1 ratio, in a qualitative agreement with other dynamical models.
Photoproduction of pions from complex nuclei has become an investigative tool for (1) the detailed form of the elementary photopion amplitude, (2) the pion-nucleus optical potential, (3) nuclear structure, and (4) off-shell and medium effects on the elementary amplitude in nuclear processes. In this book, all these aspects are considered in detail. With improved experimental accuracy and beam tech- nology the study of nuclear pion photoproduction will break new ground and become an even more powerful investigative tool. This monograph is intended as an introductory guide as well as a reference manual for grad- uate students and researchers working in this important area of physics.
Understanding the structure of baryons in terms of the fundamental interaction of the constituent quarks and gluons is one of the primary challenges in strong interaction physics. This interaction is governed by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), which is a theory for understanding the dynamics of strong. QCD displays the asymptotic freedom of hadrons at very short distances and also the confinement of quarks and gluons inside hadrons. However, solutions of this QCD theory in the non-perturbative domain of the interaction are extremely difficult to achieve, mainly because confinement happens on the hadronic scale on which the coupling constant is large and prevents any perturbative approach. Thus leaving us with strategies such as lattice QCD or formulating QCD sum rules to get around this problem. In exclusive hadron production the yN interaction is recognized for being a powerful method for investigating hadrons and the mysteries that still exist within the strong interaction. From reactions with the nucleon, the strong interaction can be investigated through the transition amplitudes to the N and Delta resonances. More specifically, if an electromagnetic interaction is well known then the intermediate resonance states may be evaluated through meson photoproduction. To gain more detailed insight into this interaction, we look to probe the baryon structure of the nucleon and the photo-excited resonance decays through photon scattering off a deuteron producing two pions in the final state. This photoproduction process off the deuteron will be used to investigate known baryon resonances in the two pion channel. The two pion final state will be investigated for unraveling new information into the photo-coupling strengths. We want to explore final state interactions, search for properties of known resonances, and to explore the possibility of seeing missing states that are predicted by quark models but have not yet been found experimentally. Using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS), the hadronic products are detected in coincidence with the incident scattered photon on a deuterium target. This makes it possible to measure the single differential cross sections and the decay angular distributions for the production of two pion final states. The measured cross sections will contribute significantly to a better understanding of the coupling strengths that govern the baryonic and mesonic resonances which will push the knowledge of the strong interaction to a next level. We use CLAS to study the two pion channel from the eg3 data set, for resonance production, specifically investigating the exclusive reaction of yd --> p pi^+pi^?n, and comparing the relevant cross sections to already existing data sets. The eg3 data set provided an excellent data set for investigating photo-induced baryonic and mesonic resonances. It contains a large photon tagging range from 1.1 to 5.5 GeV in the study of photo-coupling strengths, as well as an available two pion reaction channel for resonant decay study. These measurements provide unique and coherent results from tagged photons over a broad range of energy, and represent the only two pion production data above 5 GeV at this present time. We found that the data produced good comparable single-differentials cross sections to other existing CLAS (gll dataset) two pion differential cross sections, and an excellent comparable total cross section to published (ELSA and ABBHHM) two pion total cross sections.